Russian localization of MoM 2e

By vlad.hyryk, in Mansions of Madness

Dear FFG Team,
please, give us some information about Russian localization in application and board game.

Are you planning to release MoM in Russian localization, like the Eldritch Horror?

Best regards, Vlad.

Hello Vlad,

FFG rarely, if ever follows up with anything posted to the forums. You would probably need to check their customer service page if you wanted to reach them directly. By searching the FFG site I was able to find their distributor was Hobby World, but not anything regarding localization. You may find more information from contacting customer service or Hobby World.

On 1/23/2019 at 9:38 PM, LordPyrex said:

Hello Vlad,

FFG rarely, if ever follows up with anything posted to the forums. You would probably need to check their customer service page if you wanted to reach them directly. By searching the FFG site I was able to find their distributor was Hobby World, but not anything regarding localization. You may find more i  nformation from contacting customer service or Hobby World.      

Many thanks for the information and help.

Dear FFG Team,
please, give us  some information about upload Russian localization in application.

Hobby World  says he says he gave you a translation for this.

Edited by Tidal