
By Ravncat, in Battle Reports

A group of rebels landed on a planet near an imperial bunker, attempting to sabotage the moisture vaporators that were essential to the empires underground excavation operations. The rebels deployed during a sandstorm and Leia leading a few groups of troops moved to secure the nearby vaporators and begin sabotage operations while Han and chewie took a walker and some wookies towards the vaporators south of the bunker.

The imperials sent a counterforce along the north edge of the map to pin down leia and slowly wipe out her teams, while Vader exiting the bunker surprising the group of wookies who descended upon the exterior guards. Vader cut them down and destroyed the small walker enraging chewbacca...

As the sandstorm lifted Veers initiated bombardment on the sentry gun the rebels setup while leia coordinated orbital bombardment on the troops pinning them down. The sniper teams battled eachother across the map - in the end, the Imperials were too tied down to effect repairs on the vaporators damaged by the sandstorm, while the rebels managed to detroy the ones they secured...

Rebel Victory, 4-0



Is Mike D your commander and Adam yauch an Operative?

Nice Battle report. like the bunker. 🙂

Edited by LordBubba
On 1/25/2019 at 3:57 AM, buckero0 said:

Is Mike D your commander and Adam yauch an Operative?

You know I planned it.

Edited by Ravncat

Where did you get the u wing?

28 minutes ago, Thalandar said:

Where did you get the u wing?

Looks like the NERF U-wing toy

I own it as well. It's actually pretty much perfectly in scale with Legion (I went back and watched a bunch of clips from Rogue One and Rebels to compare). The wings are a little stubbier on account of it being a toy, but its not bad on the table.

Edited by KommanderKeldoth
5 hours ago, Thalandar said:

Where did you get the u wing?

Correct, its the Hasbro NERF toy , I need to dirty it up , as its still a bit too clean and toylike, but the size is good and it fits well on the table.