Oh my god!

By ERRA, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

New big Lord of the Rings game! 😲
Oh my god! Shut up and take my money now, FFG!

And thank you :-)

I have 4-5 months to hone my argument that having Journeys in Middle-earth counts as a basic need. 😈

1 hour ago, Theldyrn said:

I have 4-5 months to hone my argument that having Journeys in Middle-earth counts as a basic need. 😈

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us..

This is my most anticipated game for 2019. It took me completely by surprise.

Odd thing is a week before the announcement, i was talking to a friend about how LotR:LCG was great but how a LotR Adventure game like MoM 2nd edition would ALSO be great. Someone at FFG thinks like i do 😃

Edited by Shirys

I am super excited for this! Middle-Earth is my favorite fantasy settings, and this concept for a game has me really intrigued, as a much more sprawling version of Imperial Assault. I'm also incredibly intrigued that the game is fully co-op, allowing my whole group to join together! Is there any chance that they will do a play through on one of their livestreams?