Heroes - Spoilers

By Kennon, in 8. AGoT Off Topic

So, one episode left in the season and it looks like it'll be a doozy. Reports are that there's one last major character death this season (that will stick). So, any ideas on who it might/ should be?


Hah I wonder if you can find out who is being contracted for Season 4 and work it backwards from there. Interestingly, according to Bryan Fuller, Tracy Strauss isn't dead and would be coming back in the next season.

It should be Sylar. It should have been Sylar since the end of season 1.

What the hell just happened with him this last episode anyway?

icyewolf said:

Hah I wonder if you can find out who is being contracted for Season 4 and work it backwards from there. Interestingly, according to Bryan Fuller, Tracy Strauss isn't dead and would be coming back in the next season.

Yeah, she's definately coming back. If you watch the end of her scene, you can see her ice-face blink and cry a tear. She's a confirmed return.

Sylar won't be the one killed (unless he commits suicide) as Sylar is supposed to be the one doing the killing.

If we look at Angela Petrelli's reaction in the preview, it would indicate either Nathan or Peter.


I personally hope it's Nathan as I think his story arc is really running really dry. If he does die, I can envision it being a "noble sacrifice" type of thingy.

Got this tidbit of information regarding the finale from EW.com.

Question: Please, please, please give us a hint about whom Sylar kills in Monday's Heroes season finale! --Claire
Ausiello: It's a major character, and the death definitely sticks. But there is a twist. (Hint: It's possible no one will be leaving the show.) BTW, the finale is fantastic. It's compelling, suspense-filled and, most importantly, events occur consecutively and in the present day. Heroes is back, people!

To me, that says Nathan.


Haha. Sounds like Sylar might get a "time share" between actors.

WereRogue said:

Got this tidbit of information regarding the finale from EW.com.

Question: Please, please, please give us a hint about whom Sylar kills in Monday's Heroes season finale! --Claire
Ausiello: It's a major character, and the death definitely sticks. But there is a twist. (Hint: It's possible no one will be leaving the show.) BTW, the finale is fantastic. It's compelling, suspense-filled and, most importantly, events occur consecutively and in the present day. Heroes is back, people!

To me, that says Nathan.


Ugh. I disagree with EW. One episode is not going to bring Heroes back from the trainwreck course it has been on.

I really hope it's not Nathan. I greatly enjoyed his character for at least the first season, and I think he could have had some great potential- if the writers had any clue what they were doing with him, but judging by the way his outlook bounces around faster than a ball in a ping pong match, the writers don't.

I'm fairly certain it has to be Nathan. Then Sylar takes over as Nathan and becomes President. Just like in the very first future episode back in season 1.

I just want something worthwhile to happen. And to me right now, getting rid of Sylar is that thing. He's too much of a crutch right now.

Yeah, but if you kill off Sylar you lose probably one of their biggest "stars" as it were. With him being in Star Trek, I doubt he'll get killed off anytime soon. Unless Quinto gets alot more work coming up. Which is always possible I guess. Also, Peter really needs to remember his Irish gf stuck in the future.