A Stereotypical Three Hunters deck

By dalestephenson, in Strategy and deck-building

I have tried many Three hunters decks including the core set version back in the day. I think the "modern" version can go one of two ways. Using Lore Aragorn (as you have posted) gives the deck a better "top end", but can have very inconsistent starts. Using Leadership Aragorn (as Caleb planned btw) is much more consistent off the line but does suffer from lack of healing. (Dunedain Remedy only goes so far.)

I strongly disagree. There is nothing more consistent than having 3 deep knowledge, 3 daeron's rune, some (3 for me) seeing-stone, 3 Unlikely Friendship and even (still for me) 3 we are not idle. That the sort of strategy can lead you to draw all your deck on turn one (the basis of many combo decks I use to play ^^).

I still struggle, with this deck and for solo play, to define what is the good toolbox to use after drawing that many cards and producing many resources (using legacy of numenor). I should be able to play enough powerful cards to often win the game (I still win more than I would with LeaAragorn, but I think I should win way more with the right build) but I probably don't pack the right cards, probably too focused on attachments for my three hunter where I should play many powerful allies. I probably should play a list more alike my Aragorn/Merry/Sam deck with the same sphere and the same strategy.

3 of Deep Knowledge, Daeron's Runes, Seeing-stones, Unlikely Friendships and We are not Idles each only draw 21 cards in total. Adding 6 cards from the start and 1 from the first round equals 28 cards, that is a only bit more than half the deck. How do you draw all your deck on turn one?

16 hours ago, Rouxxor said:

I strongly disagree. There is nothing more consistent than having 3 deep knowledge, 3 daeron's rune, some (3 for me) seeing-stone, 3 Unlikely Friendship and even (still for me) 3 we are not idle. That the sort of strategy can lead you to draw all your deck on turn one (the basis of many combo decks I use to play ^^).

I still struggle, with this deck and for solo play, to define what is the good toolbox to use after drawing that many cards and producing many resources (using legacy of numenor). I should be able to play enough powerful cards to often win the game (I still win more than I would with LeaAragorn, but I think I should win way more with the right build) but I probably don't pack the right cards, probably too focused on attachments for my three hunter where I should play many powerful allies. I probably should play a list more alike my Aragorn/Merry/Sam deck with the same sphere and the same strategy.

Interesting take. Do you have your deck listed? I'd like to take a look. 3X Legacy would also help. If I understand you correctly though, we agree the deck is not tier 1.

19 hours ago, Amicus Draconis said:

3 of Deep Knowledge, Daeron's Runes, Seeing-stones, Unlikely Friendships and We are not Idles each only draw 21 cards in total. Adding 6 cards from the start and 1 from the first round equals 28 cards, that is a only bit more than half the deck. How do you draw all your deck on turn one?

And you haven't spend any resource yet ^^. Here is some option to draw more cards:
- Having multiple lore heroes and play mithrandir's advice;
- Having a hobbit hero and play a good meal + Lórien's Wealth, so as drinking song soon;
- If you can win in the turn (in a combo deck though) justice shall be done can be very helpful
- If you are playing in multiplayer game campfire tales and message from elrond can be very helpful too.

Draw all your deck by turn one is more an exercise than a real thing. You can build combo decks from that point but it won't be really interesting to play those decks since you won't play against a scenario, you just bend the game to your will ^^. But a deck that can be drawed entirely each time it the ultimate consistent thing. And with all those drawing tool with a 0 cost available on turn one we are already half the way. I don't see how this kind of deck could be considered at "inconsistent"

17 hours ago, Bullroarer Took said:

Interesting take. Do you have your deck listed? I'd like to take a look. 3X Legacy would also help. If I understand you correctly though, we agree the deck is not tier 1.

I don't use tier appellation for LOTR because we lack the very first step: knowing who are supposed to be compared. But I understand your point and I agree, to me all the very best decks are tribal, except for vilya or may be Caldara (even it is new shape it is a quite good deck).

Here is some decklists of what I talk in my messages:
- Three hunters: http://ringsdb.com/deck/view/54384
- Another doomed deck: http://ringsdb.com/deck/view/113546
- Duo Combo (who still work and will enjoy drinking song): https://ringsdb.com/fellowship/view/4727
- Solo combo that I used to play until we are not idle errata: http://ringsdb.com/deck/view/50363

Pre-errata Boromir decks could get pretty strong, even without Blood or Fire. Probably still decent.