Prey upon doubt

By Tomek87, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Hi :)

I have a question with the imperial card "Prey upon doubt". When a rebel figure (hero) declares an attack the rebel figure chooses to either suffer one stress or apply one search cancel to the defense result. If hero have no stress to suffer (use maximum endurance) can he choose to take a stres and change to damage?

thanks for help :)

It’s the heroes decision, and the RRG states they cannot choose to suffer strain when they have strain equal to their endurance. I don’t see any reason why this would be a special case, so I believe they would have to apply the evade.

A hero cannot voluntarily suffer strain more than the endurance, it's the same ruling as let's say Diala is at 5/5 strain/Endurance, she cannot voluntarily take 2 damage and perform "Precise Strike"

A hero can involuntarily take strain all day however, which gets converted to damage, ex. Trandoshan Hunters shoots at 5/5 Diala, she would take 1 damage from "Relentless"

Prey Upon Doubt gives the rebel a choice, so it is voluntarily suffering strain, which cannot happen if a hero has suffered strain equal to his Endurance.

A non-hero (allies and imperial figures) can choose to suffer strain because non-heroes do not have Endurance.