Can't justify purchasing this...

By Spacemutiny, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

I was excited to see that solo play is available with app support, but I can't justify buying this right now. I feel burned by the paltry support of the Imperial Assault app. I went out and bought the base game and many expansions and most are still not usable despite the app being over a year old now. I feel like Fantasy Flight loves to pump out the physical expansions but launches these digital games and then doesn't properly support them. I'll wait and see.

I would look at MOM 2nd edition, not IA or Descent, as the example to follow.

MOM 2nd is driven by the app, it only works with the app, the other two games are supplemented by the app but exist without it. IA is the worst of all three because it also has skirmish play, so two game modes that don't use the app.

If you look at MoM 2nd edition there is a TONNE of material, including physical with new app content and just pure app content using existing components.

summary: IA is a campaign based, 1 vs many game, with a skirmish player base as well that was supplemented by a co op app.

MoM 2nd edition is an app driven co op game for 1-5 players that has no other mode.

lotr will be an app driven co op game for 1-5 players.

Imperial Assault is not a digital game. The app was only added much, much later as a supplement.