Hypothetical Hints of Waiqars Heroes.

By Jukey, in Runewars Miniatures Game

Just speculating about future units, and I think Waiqar heroes show us that theres a lot more coming.

Starting with the obvious one.

New seige. Waiqar needs a new seige unit, not that the lancer is bad, but because lord V has a useless embedded card currently. They wouldn't make it if it served no purpose. The lancer feels like a technical seige unit, so getting a 'brute' seige would be fitting.

Now moving into the more theoretical.

New Cav. FFG is generally pretty good about introducing things that help a failing older unit. Maro still has no good home for his cav upgrade. Deathknights are definitely heavy cav, so give us high hp, low armor trashcav.

New Infantry. Again with boosting an old hero. Ardus is 'ok' in reanimates, but seems highly priced when surges are still so rare with RRW dice. I'd like to see a specialized infantry like scouts that have roll BB or BR that could make Ardus really sling some surges.

It's all guesswork of course. But it seems like the logical path.

I agree with everything you've just said.

Let's see those preview articles, FFG!

I thought exactly the same thing. Perhaps the cavalry could be more like Reanimates- only faster. Regenerate with Lingering Dead, etc. This would give us a chance to use the Maro cavalry upgrade which is useless as I read the card since each unit he summons causes you to lose a Death Knight- pretty pricey.

Also, I would love to see the Lord V siege upgrade. Perhaps an Undead Dragon (similar to Battlelore)?

8 hours ago, Parakitor said:

Let's    see  those  preview articles, FFG!

Didn't get the article we wanted...

9 hours ago, Parakitor said:

Let's see those preview articles, FFG!

I don't care what universe you're from, that's gotta hurt!