New to Game - A Few Questions

By woodyharperjr, in Mansions of Madness

Hello All!

I am new to MOM 2nd Edition, watched several online tutorials, lots of reading, and played 2 games on my own, and during the playing it brought up a few unanswered questions, and hoping the forum can help me out.

So here it goes:

1. If I click and 'Explore' action and it generates a monster in a room or there is a monster in a room i want to go through, do you have to do the 'Evade' test to get passed the monster every time? or if i can move 3 spaces, can i skip passed the monster?

2. Next, If i have an insanity card that tells me to use 1 less dice, is that every test until i can flip over the insanity card?

3. I also struggle sometimes to keep track of what tests against what. Does anyone have a "cheat sheet" that i could borrow.

Thanks everyone for bearing with me! Learning!


1. Anytime you move into a space containing a monster you have to do an evade check to leave the space. Regardless of when the monster spawns, whether its during Investigative or Mythos. You have to think of everything as taking place at the same time, just that Investigators are doing their thing and then mythos/monsters theirs.

2. I'm assuming you mean a Horror card such as 'Hallucinations' or 'Acalculia'. These cards do affect every test that would use these skills until you have a way to flip or discard this Horror card. The Insanity cards don't affect test results but rather have the potential to change how you can win the game.

3. I haven't seen a cheat sheet, but there are only a few irregular tests that the app is not specifically telling you what test to roll. This includes Agility when attempting to put out fires, Lore when closing rifts(Horrific Journeys expansion), or busting through a barricade(Strength for players, Brawn for monsters which is the red number in the bottom right on the card). If you are getting the icons mixed up you'll find the picture printed next to the name and stat. Is there anything more specific you need from this?

Hope these answers might help and welcome to the game!

Edited by LordPyrex

Without checking the rules as I'm not near them, I think that if you are in a space with an enemy (monster, cultist, whatever), you have to do an evade check for any action that isn't attacking them... so if you want to stay in their space but check out an item of interest, you need to evade them to do it.

Also, with moving, you move one space at a time rather than just jumping to the space you want to be in. This is useful to remember as a standard move action moves you two spaces, but you can do another action in the middle - for example, move 1 space, check out the item on that table that looks interesting, move the second space.


Thanks for the post. It's becoming more clear to me.

There are just a few little details that are not defined, like moving "past" a monster still requires and evade test.

And it was a horror card, the Acalculia, and after I looked closer at it, it was only roll 1 less dice when doing a lore test.

Appreciate the assistance.
