Should I read Core book before or after running beginner game?

By JskyWalker, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Will the story or pre-gen's conflict with the rules differences? thanks

The EotE beginner game? Not really. It simplifies a few things, but doesn't change much to do it.

I do think if you've got the core, read it and run the full rules from day one, but if you don't it won't be a huge transition.

The pregens start out more powerful than starting, but not by much.

Edited by Ghostofman

The difference between core and full rules is minimal. As Ghostofman hinted, PCs are simplified. But Crits and Stimpacks are also simplified.

If you're entirely new to the system, then I'd suggest reading the core rulebook until after you've run the Beginner Box adventure.

Frankly, the corebook doesn't do as well a job of explaining the rules as it should, while the Beginner Box adventure and rulebook are much more friendly to new GMs in helping them get a handle on the fundamental rules.

As kaosoe said, there are differences between how things like stimpacks and critical injuries are handled between the two, though in truth you can quite easily stick with the Beginner Box versions to keep things simple on your end as the GM. Campaign I'm in that just kicked off last night, the GM (an experienced one) is sticking with the Beginner Box versions of crits and stimpacks for just that reason, as a couple of our players are fairly new to the system.

Thanks for all the replies. Just received the core, it's huge! I'll probably just play true to the book where I can. We're usually a group of armature rules lawyers so it's probably best to get the correct version in their heads early.

On a side note.. Woah Donovan Morningfire? I'm almost a dozen ep's into the 66 and I've heard your name a few times. Cool to see you're still really active.