Desert buildings

By TauntaunScout, in Terrain Building

These are at Lowes for under $2 apiece. The house is like $1.67. But there's also these babies that I like to think could be a solar generator and a comms facility.



I painted similar ones for my Hoth bunkers but I thought people might like to know they come molded in Tatooine adobe color.

What did God intend those to be? Before you bought them for terrain making purposes?

I'm not familiar with the shapes.

11 hours ago, Albertese said:

What did God intend those to be? Before you bought them for terrain making purposes?

They're little paint mixing tubs, you find them near the paint and stuff. The weird shaped "solar array" and stuff are meant for use with a small paint roller. I didn't actually buy those ones, I just snapped pics with a nickel for scale for you fine people. I made my snowy bunkers out of the smaller style tub a few years before Legion came out actually, I never did end up making my solar panels and comms array buildings. I don't think they were molded in tan back then... but now they are so they are like ready-made Mos Eisley buildings.

Don't act so surprised, I was not on any scenery finding mission this time. I was getting things for my soon to be FULLY OPERATIONAL NEW HALF-BATH!!!