Vassal World Cup Results

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

3 minutes ago, MandalorianMoose said:

Hindsight I definitely should have taken second, but I was wary to do so having submitted the wrong objectives (SP instead of SR). I’m interested as to what he would have picked from SA/CO/SR

Yeah, Salvage Run is a lot of fun with the Dictor. How have you found Station Assault? I’ve only tried it a couple times with the Dictor and didn’t have a lot of success, but I’m rethinking it a bit as Most Wanted has bitten me against Raddus a couple times.

I would have chosen station assault and tried to strafe down the stations from long range.

1 hour ago, CommanderDave said:

Yeah, Salvage Run is a lot of fun with the Dictor. How have you found Station Assault? I’ve only tried it a couple times with the Dictor and didn’t have a lot of success, but I’m rethinking it a bit as Most Wanted has bitten me against Raddus a couple times.

I like it a LOT. You can pull both pretty much almost to the board edge, making it a trek t o get to them. I've had people run their ISD off the board trying to catch them. The fact that they heal second player while not first player is quite good. I've created packets of rocks people have to run over to get to the station, but then block them there with the dictor or quasar sitting ontop of both stations for double heals. Its a fun objective.

And yea, Salvage run is a million times better than SP in my list, and I'm bummed I submitted the wrong one 😕

Is that all of the games for the first round then?

16 minutes ago, clontroper5 said:

Is that all of the games for the first round then?

It is. And if you could defeat @JJs Juggernaut it would be much appreciated. My ships still have ptsd from the beating he gave them.

23 minutes ago, mhd said:

It is. And if you could defeat @JJs Juggernaut it would be much appreciated. My ships still have ptsd from the beating he gave them.

Lol, well if I beat JJ and we end up meeting I Promise to give your Ships another form of PTSD :P

5 hours ago, MandalorianMoose said:

MHD has better patience than me is how it played out :D

Original plan was to wait until 5/6 and then just hope that my alpha kills slightly more points than his alpha, but I got bored hahaha.

Hindsight I definitely should have taken second, but I was wary to do so having submitted the wrong objectives (SP instead of SR). I’m interested as to what he would have picked from SA/CO/SR

Well done @mhd on the win! I really thought list v list you were the underdog going into this one.

@MandalorianMoose I totally know what you mean about not being patient. It's an Achilles heel of mine when playing competitive games that I just can't resist a Leeeeeeeroy Jenkins! moment after a round or two of no shooting!

I'm morally opposed to not Killing things by at least round 3 so all these patient poeple are like Aliens to me haha

7 minutes ago, clontroper5 said:

I'm morally opposed to not Killing things by at least round 3 so all these patient poeple are like Aliens to me haha

I’m OK waiting for a few rounds as long as I can potentially kill them ALL by the end of the game.

Quarterfinals can now begin. Will post the matchups when I get home. Some interesting lists (and 3 Raddi) still in the hunt.



love all the previews

Aresius Vs @Roquax finished 267-207

Roquas have the ini and choose sensor net

The first 2 turn the ships take positions and score some point from the mission. At turn 3 roquax drop his liberty and manage to kill one HH 1 awing and shara, in response i kill Ors and lowering the hp of some yt2400. Turn 4 see the departure of hondo for roquax and leia for me, some yt2400 dies from the crossed flak from my ships and in response the others 2400 kill one VCX. in turn 5 and 6 my ships are too distant from roquax liberty and c90, and nothing die.

Tnx for the game Roquax, you will give me an headhace with this list :D

The Dual of the Champions has ended!

Clontroper5 Vs JJ Juggernaut has concluded with a 8-3 win to Myself (296-88)

JJ was first Player and Selected my Most wanted Objective.

we spread out across from each other in preparation for the Raddus drop, and turn 1 I was able to Knock out his Quantum Storm with the withering fire from MMJ and some supporting turbo-lasers from Demo. the rest of my fleet advanced at full speed making it very clear that we mean business.

Turn 2 started with a raddus drop which lined up on Demo, more shots were being fired as the battle intensified but thanks to some cleaver maneuvering from Master Jerjerrod and a couple nifty Rams, My ships were able to stay out of close range of his big hitters. Demo did take a nasty pounding though, and JJ's 2nd Flottila succumbed to ramming from 3 different ships

Turn 3 started with the Hammerhead (who was now at 1 hull) attempting to flee but alas Demo wasn't having any of that and manage to knock it out at long range with a Con-fire shot out the Rear. Demo then unloaded on the MC-75 doing some moderate damage and dealing some nasty crits before it was destroyed by the return volley. thanks to the early destruction of the Flotillas Avenger sat comfortable out of range of most of the Rebel guns until the MC-75 was forced to move into range, Avenger did its dirty work and made sure that the 75 was never going to bother imperial forces again.

turn 4-5 consisted of the TRC-90 chasing the ISD in a desperate attempt to destroy it but thanks to some Obstructed shots and timely repair commands it was able to Hang on with 2 hull remaining while the TRC-90 was bombed to death by MMJ.

JJ had his Admonition remaining at the end and I ended up only losing demo.

a Great game against an even Better opponent! I have missed Tangoing with the Mighty Juggernaut himself and really enjoyed this opportunity!


The king is dead.

Long live the king!

5 hours ago, BiggsIRL said:

The king is dead.

Long live the king!

I love the SSD cameo in the logfile 😆

Reporting the quarterfinal match between PartyPotato and myself. PP was first player and chose Solar Corona.

Not telling you something new when I say that this was yet another game that hinged on one or two singular events. In this case it was a crit in rd 5 that very very likely decided who‘d win.

PP deployed his two Vics right in the middle and prepared an obstacle path for Brunson on this vector. His squads deployed at both sides, with the slightly stronger wing protecting the Vic I (at least thats how I interpreted it). I put one CR on each side, and put the HH and Slicer on one side, the CN Gr on the other. Rd 1, both Vics vectored towards poor Raddus, so to the right of PP. My opposite CR sped up to threaten the drop from behind, while the other three ships tried to hug the corner. I did not take care to hide Tycho even more than I already did, not thinking that Howl would set up Saber, who had the acc, then Mauler was also in range and also accuracied. I am too loose with squads, and it happened yet again. He‘s dead, Jim....

Rd 3 I decided to drop the Lib (her name is Lola, she is a showgirl...) behind Warlord, being aware I would shoot into my own corona. I had no confidence in a drop from the other side, and I feared that in rd 4 PPs squads would deny my a good drop, while in rd3 only 2 squads blocked me. I got a mediocre shot, then Warlord was away for a turn. I received 5 double reds from the first 6 red die, not all H9/Warlord modified, and I was very lucky that PPs squads, all in all, probaly slightly underperformed.

In any case, I caught up with Warlord, and PP had to decide to double arc me with Vic I and face a close range Lib shot at Warlord, likely kill her, or activate three Tie fighters and shoot with WL. He did the latter, brought down the Lib to 4 health. Then Lola activated, had a good long range shot at Warlord, and, critically (pun not intended), drew structural. Down to 3 hull I decided to ram her once with Lola, also getting out of the Vic I range. At two hull, Warlord had no way to survive the CR double ram. Slicer was in range of the Vic I and made sure no turn 6 bomber activation happened, which would probably have permanently ended Lolas show.

So all been told, PP lost the flag Victory and two Tie fighters, while I lost Tycho.

Fullest respect to PP, both for the list itself, a clever arrangement around 1st player, and the way he flies it. I am not surprised anymore on how far PP came, and honestly, at a cursory glance at the list, I wouldnt have thought so.

Edited by NebulonB


4 hours ago, LTD said:


sorry, I dont have one.

I have a log file. I’ll post tonight when I get home.

And it's over. Brobafett chose to go second so we played his fighter ambush. He was on the top of the screen and running his ships as a convoy right to left along the far back of the of the deployment area.

The first couple of rounds, not much happened as he kept traversing the top convoy style and the arquittans moved to fall in behind his conga line. His Pryce turn 2 came and went.

Turn 3 involved a slight overlap of a defender which was then moved close enough to be pounced on and destroyed. Mauler & black engaged and splashed some damage while his marek, and the remaining defender moved onto the nearby station for cover for a secondary strike after my squads hits the start of the next turn.

Turn 4, the quasar activated and killed mauler, black and plinked through the station to kill the plain defender. In exchange howlrunner, a generic tie and the interceptor were lost.

Turn 5, Quasar activating first again, saw the death of his Dengar and merek stele as the main ships orbited each other out of range as I slowly pursued him and Broba slowly drove away. Another generic tie died at the hands of jonus.

we called it at the end of 5, Jonus would have died but there was no point in playing it out. 97 - 43.

Thanks for the game Brobafett, he erred seriously in deployment, and I continue to fail my way upwards.

Edited by mhd
7 hours ago, mhd said:

And it's over. Brobafett chose to go second so we played his fighter ambush. He was on the top of the screen and running his ships as a convoy right to left along the far back of the of the deployment area.

The first couple of rounds, not much happened as he kept traversing the top convoy style and the arquittans moved to fall in behind his conga line. His Pryce turn 2 came and went.

Turn 3 involved a slight overlap of a defender which was then moved close enough to be pounced on and destroyed. Mauler & black engaged and splashed some damage while his marek, and the remaining defender moved onto the nearby station for cover for a secondary strike after my squads hits the start of the next turn.

Turn 4, the quasar activated and killed mauler, black and plinked through the station to kill the plain defender. In exchange howlrunner, a generic tie and the interceptor were lost.

Turn 5, Quasar activating first again, saw the death of his Dengar and merek stele as the main ships orbited each other out of range as I slowly pursued him and Broba slowly drove away. Another generic tie died at the hands of jonus.

we called it at the end of 5, Jonus would have died but there was no point in playing it out. 97 - 43.

Thanks for the game Brobafett, he erred seriously in deployment, and I continue to fail my way upwards.

Congrats on the win @mhd ! Another tough match-up. Do you think being able to go first and get early hits with the Quasar each round actually turned it for you? I'm guessing you didn't bother using Pryce either here as you didn't really need to? What was the deployment error? Was it setting up to slide away from you? That's how I deployed in my game v Broba in the Autumn tourney. It worked for me in that game because I had more flak power with my rebel ships and then later had my jamming barrier to hide behind. Curious to hear the game from @BrobaFett 's perspective too!

The deployment error was maybe more of hus game plan in general. It didnt appear that he intended to use the big guns on the ISD.

It was less early hits, than the quasar being able to go last-first with the squadrons after his Pryce turn came and went. After turn 2 it was clear that the ISD wasn't going to be able to turn hard enough to bring its front arc onto my fleet and I was moving to get everything inside its turning radius. I started to look for a squad victim to pick up some easy points and establish a lead which would force Broba to make difficult decisions.

Once the one defender got overlapped and repositioned to the rear, I was able to kill it with a long range squadron attack at the end of the turn. 16 points down, if Broba didn't move to engage with other squadrons during the squadron phase, I could have pulled all of my fighters out of range and retained them as a future counter punch or if he engaged (which he did) launch 6 howlrunner-flight controller boosted squads at the start of the turn, which can be crippling.

I was always prepared to send Cienna in to snarl up a single squad during the squadron phase and then try to gain a positive point trade. Yes, he had Dengar, but moving to free up the the single squad would just be putting a target on Dengar.