1/12 New Hampshire Regionals coming on Fast

By Thrindal, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Just a reminder that New Hampshire Regionals are just around the corner...

Here is a Facebook Event with all the details, please update your status there if you intend on attending. We do expect this event to be well attended.

I will be the TO and ask that you bring 2 copies of your lists that include your Objectives and your name printed on the list. We also ask that you bring playmats if you have them.


I will be using this thread to post updates where possible and as I have time. This includes posting lists, results, pictures, and interesting anecdotes.

I will also be attempting to live stream the top table, assuming I get that setup I will likely post links in a thread on the main forum page for the best visibility. I did just get all the technology working at home (less than 24 hours from the event) so anything can happen and I will also be relying on the stores internet connection so who knows.

Sorry for the confusion, I ended up posting updates and lists (ongoing) in this thread...