Hero beorn and card effect

By Miceldars, in Rules questions & answers

I saw somewhere honour guard can work with hero beorn, because its targets the damage token and not the hero directly. Is it the same thing for vigilant guard ?

More generally, which cards can work with the big bear ? (I know Landroval works too)

Ally Dori works Great. Anything that do not target beirn nor ask you to choose an hero, like song of mocking which don't work with the bear.

Side quest keep watch is great with beorn basically making him a 2 def hero.

entangling nets or the new event that decrease enemy attack and def are very good too.

The house of healing has a similar effect of landoroval.

With modern card pool is possible to build around him especially in a lore-tactic deck. Which is refreshing considering that most lore-tactic decks and up to be ent decks.

Yes Vigilant Guard works, great card to put on another hero in the deck and siphon damage away from Beorn. Then heal it off the other character.

Horn's Cry work well. Last Stand is kind of a fun addition if you plan on him dying at some point during the game.

Also, surprisingly, it has been ruled that cards which add resources to a hero's resource pool will also work with Beorn. So Proud Hunters, for example, works.

As mentioned above, traps are great, anything which lowers enemy attack and defense values, so Entangling Nets is a nice card for Beorn. In the Shadows can be good if you pair him with the right heroes.

Ambush is good as well, as this prevents damage. My favorite Beorn deck uses lore Anborn ally to and hero Damrod to recycle Ambush each turn.

Ok, thanks. And can I use vigilant guard to put a point of damage on another hero, and right then cancel this damage with raven-winged helm ?

Beorn rage is similar ti horn cry effect with some difference. Cost less target 1 enemy and reduce both attack and defence by two. Better for early game while horn cry is better for mid late game or when surrounded by many low-middle attack enemies. In valour mode is just crazy with beorn.

Tou can use raven helm to cancel the damage but it works only on sentinel heroes. Better to slot in 2 or 3 honoured guard. Same cost same effect and more flexible.

I had a beorn lore Aragorn deck working fine but now I would pair beorn with thurindir to play a turn 1 keep watch side quest and make beorn an equivalent e def in early game. Damrod would be a nice third hero.

I have been meaning to add that category for quite some time, but this conversation reminded me to do so.

On 1/3/2019 at 7:16 AM, danpoage said:

I have been meaning to add that category for quite some time, but this conversation reminded me to do so.

You should add Song of Mocking 😉

3 hours ago, JanB said:

You should add Song of Mocking 😉

If I am not mistaken that wouldn't work since Song of Mocking ask you to choose an hero from which to redirect the damage to the one with Song of Mocking attached, but Beorn is immune to player's cards effects so it cannot be chosen as the target.

Edited by Alonewolf87

Correct, Song of Mocking doesn't work with Beorn.