Five A-Wings

By GreenDragoon, in X-Wing Battle Reports

1 minute ago, gennataos said:

@RStan - I think the dial, access to boost and ability to double reposition makes the A-Wings more versatile. I’d be interested to hear how an s/f swarm would perform, though.

So far so good, will keep testing.

On the idea of the double reposition being an aspect to the RZ2s "game," how often do you actually double reposition with them? If we're talking about the 5 RZ2s, unless you take the two i5s, I don't see using it that often. It's also a "restricted" double reposition because it has to be barrel roll then boost. At lower initiative values, that wrinkle in their game is less useful I would think.

4 hours ago, RStan said:

So far so good, will keep testing.

On the idea of the double reposition being an aspect to the RZ2s "game," how often do you actually double reposition with them? If we're talking about the 5 RZ2s, unless you take the two i5s, I don't see using it that often. It's also a "restricted" double reposition because it has to be barrel roll then boost. At lower initiative values, that wrinkle in their game is less useful I would think.

Mostly blocking and predictive arc dodging. There are times lower initiative knows where a higher initiative can be and put themselves in a position to not receive a shot.

This is just coming from more of a XAAA and XXAA approach with Zari (now retired). I've not playing the A-Wings swarm, though, so I might just be talking out my ***. ;)

13 hours ago, RStan said:

I maybe going to the dark side...

Testing out a recent revelation (thanks recent Krayt cast) that maybe 5 SFs with no gunner can have similar or maybe better results than 5 RZ2s. I know this is mainly about 5 RZ2s, but I'm interested in others thoughts on the comparison.

SFs - More health, no arc management (just point it backwards), access to 3 turns more often along with having 1 straight and banks, can fit Fanatical.

RZ2s - Access to boost, linked action to boost or arc turn, more room for upgrades like trick shot, crack shot, heroic and adv optics.

Current test list is Backdraft w/ Fanatical & Hull Upgrade & 4 Omega Experts w/ Fanatical. Having Fanatical allows the SFs to start taking evade actions to stay alive longer once they lose shields which I think is a huge feature.

The key difference is the access to boost. Its SOO vital to keeping arcs on target.

SFs have no focus and barrel roll linked action. That is the major downfall to the ship. Makes them easier to kill and easier to predict.

Reposition plus focus is muy importante.

That said, i love the SF and Im not opposed to trying this:

Zeta Squadron Survivor (34)
Advanced Optics (4)

Zeta Squadron Survivor (34)
Advanced Optics (4)

Zeta Squadron Survivor (34)
Advanced Optics (4)

Zeta Squadron Survivor (34)
Advanced Optics (4)

“Backdraft” (41)
Fanatical (2)
Advanced Optics (4)

Total: 199

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0

8 hours ago, RStan said:

On the idea of the double reposition being an aspect to the RZ2s "game," how often do you actually double reposition with them?

I'd guess I did it less than 10 times. In all games for all Awings combined!

Thread of the year right here man.

Unfortunately I only own 3 RZ2s (well technically, 2 and a gift card).

Have you given any thought to Poe + AAA or Poe + Lulo + AA?

Perhaps with a suite of Target Sync / Swarm Tactics / Ion Missiles to fill in the gap?

Poe/Swarm/R4/Target Sync - 79
Lulo - 38
Blue/Swarm/Ion/AO - 43
Blue/Ion/AO - 40
Total: 200

Poe/Swarm/R4/Target Sync - 79
Blue/Swarm/Ion/AO - 43
Blue/Crack/Ion/AO - 41
Blue/Crack/AO - 37
Total: 200

Edited by prauxim
Fixed points

Thanks, in a way @Boom Owl is responsible because he asked why x-wing has no battle reports tradition. The thread grew from there. In the meantime I have realized that it helps me a lot to keep track and corrects false memories or other biases that I wasn't aware of.

2 minutes ago, prauxim said:

Have you given any thought to Poe + AAA or Poe + Lulo + AA? 

I see it everywhere, but it just doesn't interest me so far. I'm also not sure how good it really is. For example, advanced optics gets better the larger the difference between your amount of ships and the opponent's amount of ships. Which means you get better chances by having as many as possible. Personally I stop at 4 and have Lulo as threatening lone wolf flanker because I wasn't good enough to handle 5 generics in a well coordinated fashion.

But that's my reasoning why I'd not take just 2 or 3 AO generics and try to go to 4. And I don't see Poe as better than 2 Awings. I don't know, probably a lot of irrational preference mixed in.

1 hour ago, GreenDragoon said:

For example, advanced optics gets better the larger the difference between your amount of ships and the opponent's amount of ships.

I mean, more dice/more mods is always better. Or are you suggesting AO itself has some sort of non linearly increasing synergistic gain?

1 hour ago, GreenDragoon said:

And I don't see Poe as better than 2 Awings.

I think Poe at 68 is probably better than 2 naked Blues, and he's a lot cheaper than 2x Green/Crack/Heroic

The swap for the Ion list is

2x Green/Heroic/Crack/AO + 2x Heroic + 1x Crack


Poe / R4 / Target Sync / 2x Swarm / 2x Ion Missiles / Downgrade remaining Greens to Blue

A bit less damage in exchange for Ionizing and shooting at i6. The main loss is having to fly in such a way to make swarm to work.

A simpler, more direct swap would be Poe/PTorps for 2x Green/Crack/Heroic/AO. That's probably more damage (depends on bullseye and range ) and a clear PS advantage.

Ultimately, I only have 3 As at the moment, and Poe seems the best compliment, so I'm going to try it at least a few times. If I like how they fly I may try the 5x version.

Edited by prauxim
2 hours ago, prauxim said:

Or are you suggesting AO itself has some sort of non linearly increasing synergistic gain? 

I think so, yes. Or at least the relative cost decreases/benefit increases for each additional AO, especially on A-wings with 2 red and 3 greens! The reasons are:

  • AO requires you to spend focus
    • -> focus action is better for AO (duh)
  • The more agility dice you have on the AO ships the more usage you get out of your focus. Ideal are 4, but 3 are almost as good for defense as an evade.
  • Plus, heroic means you will have a 0.2% chance of double blank-out. Or conversely, a 99.8% chance to survive a 4hit result attack.
    • -> that focus combined with heroic gives you great survivability on Awings, so less opportunity cost on 3agility ships
  • The later you shoot the more knowledge you have whether you can spend the focus
    • -> lower initiative is better for many AOs in your list
  • But shooting later also means you will have spent a focus on defense
    • -> lower initiative is worse for one AO in your list
  • More attacks generally mean that your target has fewer tokens and will regress to the mean (from whichever direction), while your attacks will approach 86% 2hit results
    • -> the more attacks per turn the more damage you push through
  • More attacks than your opponent mean that you have several focus tokens for AOs remaining
    • -> having more ships than your opponent is highly beneficial

So yes, I think Advanced Optics should be massed and on low initiative. But note that I am also not entirely following my own reasoning because I use the i3 instead of i1. Now with the new talent slot there's not much reason to do so. Or so I thought.

The recent tournament reinforced that decision for me for the following reasons: Two types of lists that are really hard matchups are swarms and heavy swarms. Having the same number or even more ships gives opponents a great counter against Optics - partially due to the last bullet point I mentioned. So against those, the gameplan changes from overwhelming firepower to arcdodging. That is much more likely and easier at i3 than at i1.

In that sense, the i3 is a great compromise for differnet matchups.

15 hours ago, GreenDragoon said:

I'd guess I did it less than 10 times. In all games for all Awings combined!

I think the better question is how often do you focus->boost, which is where the SFs are really lacking.

13 minutes ago, jagsba said:

I think the better question is how often do you focus->boost, which is where the SFs are really lacking.

Almost every turn? Seriously though, I'd guess that I end up stressed more often than not. And most times that is due to boost, so overall maybe a third of all turns? Or in other words: constantly!

4 hours ago, prauxim said:


4 hours ago, GreenDragoon said:


Having only 2 A-Wings, all I can say is that if I had 3 A-Wings, I'd probably try one of these two lists:

  • Blue Squadron Recruit (Heroic, Advanced Optics) 37
  • Blue Squadron Recruit (Heroic, Advanced Optics) 37
  • L'ulo Lampar (Heroic, Trick Shot, Advanced Optics) 45
  • Poe Dameron (Heroic, R4 Astromech, Black One, Heavy Laser Cannon) 77
  • Total 196, bid 4


  • Blue Squadron Recruit (Heroic, Advanced Optics) 37
  • Blue Squadron Recruit (Heroic, Advanced Optics) 37
  • Blue Squadron Recruit (Heroic, Advanced Optics) 37
  • Poe Dameron (Heroic, BB-8, Black One, Ferrosphere Paint, Heavy Laser Cannon) 89
  • Total 200, bid 0

Some of this is that, having only 2 A-Wings, stepping up to a 5 A-Wing list is unlikely any time soon.

12 minutes ago, GreenDragoon said:

I think so, yes. Or at least the relative cost decreases/benefit increases for each additional AO, especially on A-wings with 2 red and 3 greens! The reasons are:

  • AO requires you to spend focus
    • -> focus action is better for AO (duh)
  • The more agility dice you have on the AO ships the more usage you get out of your focus. Ideal are 4, but 3 are almost as good for defense as an evade.
  • Plus, heroic means you will have a 0.2% chance of double blank-out. Or conversely, a 99.8% chance to survive a 4hit result attack.
    • -> that focus combined with heroic gives you great survivability on Awings, so less opportunity cost on 3agility ships
  • The later you shoot the more knowledge you have whether you can spend the focus
    • -> lower initiative is better for many AOs in your list
  • But shooting later also means you will have spent a focus on defense
    • -> lower initiative is worse for one AO in your list
  • More attacks generally mean that your target has fewer tokens and will regress to the mean (from whichever direction), while your attacks will approach 86% 2hit results
    • -> the more attacks per turn the more damage you push through
  • More attacks than your opponent mean that you have several focus tokens for AOs remaining
    • -> having more ships than your opponent is highly beneficial

So yes, I think Advanced Optics should be massed and on low initiative. But note that I am also not entirely following my own reasoning because I use the i3 instead of i1. Now with the new talent slot there's not much reason to do so. Or so I thought.

The recent tournament reinforced that decision for me for the following reasons: Two types of lists that are really hard matchups are swarms and heavy swarms. Having the same number or even more ships gives opponents a great counter against Optics - partially due to the last bullet point I mentioned. So against those, the gameplan changes from overwhelming firepower to arcdodging. That is much more likely and easier at i3 than at i1.

In that sense, the i3 is a great compromise for differnet matchups.

I see what you're saying, AO puts you offensives power sweet spot where they have a decent change to spend the token on each attack.

However this effect has decent drop-off after the 3rd shot [0.64/0.82/0.93/0.99/1.03 expected hits vs 2die focus] and of course sometimes they will not even have a token.

Poe AAA would produce typically[3x 2die F/AO + 1x 3d F/TL] and that lands about many hits as [5x 2d F/AO] on a single 2die focus target ( 4.34 vs 4.40 ) and that's before accounting for the 12pt gap that cant be filled with munitions.

I think there's a clearly an efficiency gain, just not sure how well it'll translate to RL due to Poe wanting to fly differently than the A's.

12 minutes ago, theBitterFig said:

Having only 2 A-Wings, all I can say is that if I had 3 A-Wings, I'd probably try one of these two lists:

  • Blue Squadron Recruit (Heroic, Advanced Optics) 37
  • Blue Squadron Recruit (Heroic, Advanced Optics) 37
  • L'ulo Lampar (Heroic, Trick Shot, Advanced Optics) 45
  • Poe Dameron (Heroic, R4 Astromech, Black One, Heavy Laser Cannon) 77
  • Total 196, bid 4


  • Blue Squadron Recruit (Heroic, Advanced Optics) 37
  • Blue Squadron Recruit (Heroic, Advanced Optics) 37
  • Blue Squadron Recruit (Heroic, Advanced Optics) 37
  • Poe Dameron (Heroic, BB-8, Black One, Ferrosphere Paint, Heavy Laser Cannon) 89
  • Total 200, bid 0

Some of this is that, having only 2 A-Wings, stepping up to a 5 A-Wing list is unlikely any time soon.

Yeah, probably I should drop the target sync shenanigans and do something like this. I wonder if Ferrosphere is better than upgrading the As to Crack Greens. Though, I do think I actually like them being PS1.

Edited by prauxim
25 minutes ago, prauxim said:

I see what you're saying, AO puts you offensives power sweet spot where they have a decent change to spend the token on each attack.

However this effect has decent drop-off after the 3rd shot [0.64/0.82/0.93/0.99/1.03 expected hits vs 2die focus] and of course sometimes they will not even have a token.

I think that last remark is key! The more ships with AO you have, the fewer will lack a token. That is mainly true against lists with fewer ships and usually coincides with lower initiative, as mentioned earlier.

To be honest, I haven't found the correct way to put the experience into numbers. Five Awings are so versatile that I suspect some other benefits that I'm missing and that I haven't made explicit yet.
For example, the option to split and come from (usually) two angles or more is hard to put into numbers. The rear arc increases the time on target, but also improves the arc dodging even at low initiative. I'm sure there are others that I'm missing right now, but all of them are coming together into a great mix that makes AO really great in large numbers.

I realize I'm not really convincing right now - at least that wouldn't convince myself much if I wasn't already - but I hope I will at some point be able to put it into clearer words.

About the Poe / XAAA/ XXAA lists: (also @theBitterFig )

There were several high-profil players playing around with Poe, Lulo, Tallie and something (Blue or Green). It seems to work, and they usually know much better than me what they are doing. Generally, AO on high initiative pilots requires much more discipline on that focus, so I'd leave it out.

I agree on the AO+Heroic combo for generics. For Lulo, Heroic+Trickshot and for Tallie Predator+crackshot are my own go-to's. I want to make them afraid of that bullseye, and of Lulo's 4-5 dice primary. But I haven't played Poe - as mentioned - and don't know anything there.

Edit: I'd start with something like this

Poe Dameron (68) Trick Shot (2), R4 Astromech (2), Integrated S-Foils (0), Black One (2), Hardpoint: Cannon (0), Heavy Laser Cannon (4)

L’ulo L’ampar (38) Heroic (1), Trick Shot (2)

Tallissan Lintra (35) Crack Shot (1), Predator (2)

Blue Squadron Recruit (32) Heroic (1), Advanced Optics (4)

Total: 194

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0

Edited by GreenDragoon
12 minutes ago, prauxim said:

Yeah, probably I should drop the target sync shenanigans and do something like this. I wonder if Ferrosphere is better than upgrading the As to Crack Greens. Though, I do think I actually like them being PS1.

The premise is to throw everything on Poe to begin with, then get a feel for what I like and don't like using.


And off to the side, I'm obsessing about SF/AdvO builds... (these suckers I have 5x copies of)

4x Zeta + Backdraft (kinda thinking Trick Shot over Fanatical, on BD or any Omegas), 3x Zeta + Kylo, 3x Omega + Blackout, 3x Omega + Tavson.

Heck, even an oddball 3x Zeta + Dormitz with Advanced Sensors, Hux, and Hyperspace Tracking Data (can't think of anything good with the last 4 points). Forward-deploy, an Evade token from HTD, and a pre-move coordinate into a red Focus on everyone. I know it's almost surely bad, but it just makes me laugh.

Edited by theBitterFig
6 minutes ago, GreenDragoon said:

I think that last remark is key! The more ships with AO you have, the fewer will lack a token. That is mainly true against lists with fewer ships and usually coincides with lower initiative, as mentioned earlier.

To be honest, I haven't found the correct way to put the experience into numbers. Five Awings are so versatile that I suspect some other benefits that I'm missing and that I haven't made explicit yet.
For example, the option to split and come from (usually) two angles or more is hard to put into numbers. The rear arc increases the time on target, but also improves the arc dodging even at low initiative. I'm sure there are others that I'm missing right now, but all of them are coming together into a great mix that makes AO really great in large numbers.

I realize I'm not really convincing right now - at least that wouldn't convince myself much if I wasn't already - but I hope I will at some point be able to put it into clearer words.   

I mean the defenders token, but still point taken. Overall I see what you're saying. I've tried to explain to people why 4x B wings + AS is good in a way that is not due to raw efficiency (contrary to popular belief, Bs actually have mediocre efficiency in 2.0). I'm sure I also didn't sound very convincing.

Great thread. I’ve been running 5As since I up as well, though I incoporate a couple prockets for some burst damage and just because that’s how I like to play them.

With respect to the Poe 3xAs, I’ve found that getting half points on Poe is easy to get (with 5As) and suddenly changes how aggressive my opponent can be with him, greatly decreasing firepower of that list. Losing one of 5 As, even though comparable in cost, just isn’t as significant a loss.

3 hours ago, AlexW said:

Great thread. I’ve been running 5As since I up as well, though I incoporate a couple prockets for some burst damage and just because that’s how I like to play them.

With respect to the Poe 3xAs, I’ve found that getting half points on Poe is easy to get (with 5As) and suddenly changes how aggressive my opponent can be with him, greatly decreasing firepower of that list. Losing one of 5 As, even though comparable in cost, just isn’t as significant a loss.

I played Poe AAA tonight with the Sync/Swarm/Ion and without. What you say is accurate but i6 Ion Alpha is brutal, its shuts a lot of things down hard. In an ideal case you can TL the BR out or range with Poe, then take a safer approach after someone is Ionized.

Also, Ion is 4pts for 3 charges, that nuts. Even after Poe burned down I was still able to get fully modded (super modded actually, TL/Fo/AO) Ions off relatively easily by taking moves that basically guarantee no one has arc or just pot shots, taking the TL, then engaging next turn. Also with AO there was increased chance of not needing to even spend the TL.

Perhaps 5x Blue/AO/Ion is worth looking into. Start with your turret to the rear, Ionize then blow past and shoot out the rear. Maybe swap in Tali or L'ulo w/ Target Sync but that costs AO on someone.

Edited by prauxim
8 hours ago, prauxim said:

I played Poe AAA tonight with the Sync/Swarm/Ion and without. What you say is accurate but i6 Ion Alpha is brutal, its shuts a lot of things down hard. In an ideal case you can TL the BR out or range with Poe, then take a safer approach after someone is Ionized.

Also, Ion is 4pts for 3 charges, that nuts. Even after Poe burned down I was still able to get fully modded (super modded actually, TL/Fo/AO) Ions off relatively easily by taking moves that basically guarantee no one has arc or just pot shots, taking the TL, then engaging next turn. Also with AO there was increased chance of not needing to even spend the TL.

Perhaps 5x Blue/AO/Ion is worth looking into. Start with your turret to the rear, Ionize then blow past and shoot out the rear. Maybe swap in Tali or L'ulo w/ Target Sync but that costs AO on someone.

I think it would be an interesting strategy for sure, and have like ion missiles in past editions, but in my experience, I almost never like TL, and never early in the game. I could see where you could get some use of it out of Poe.

Finally have the time to write that up, game from 13.2.19. It's an online tournament with plenty prizes on the line.

4+1 v1

I got first player. I apologize in advance for the vassal bug that does not allow me to untoggle the range measurements. Try to ignore that. Overall the dice were extremely average (hah!) for both of us, but I'll mention some specific situations where the specific combination of dice was a rare event.

Opponent's determining action and my target priority: Finch throws bombs and can fire out of two arcs at once, which makes surrounding him a bit harder. The A-wings will try to get the bullseye for the procket, but I should be able to survive one. The points with 52, 50 and 97 are interesting for me because half Finch is more than Lulo, 1,5 of my Awings (incl Lulo) are less than half Finch + half-anything, and trading Awings is always beneficial to me. If Finch can be kept out of the fight I have a good chance.

Deployment : I setup in my SW corner and made the rock triangle in the NW-N field. He let me have that free space in the S field, which is where I wanted to start the fight.

The gameplan for the first turns: Feigned flight and adjust to his speed. Flank with Lulo.

How it went:

Turn 1: 3hards and boost towards the edge, 3hard and straight boost for Lulo. He went 2straight with the Awings, which was way too slow for me! Abort!
Turn 2: This was something new: I did 3sloops instead of 3 banks now. This lets me slow down my approach without giving up position. The 2 straight + 5k fits if I want to slow down even more, or otherwise I can 2hard into the field. I'm quite happy that I found this move! He set up Greer and Lulo to sweep through the rocks. Finch was clearly going to hit a rock after his 1bank, so I didn't believe that he would just smash through. I was a bit afraid for my Lulo on the flank. I did absolutely not want to have a 1v1 against his Lulo.
Turn 3: The generics turned in to greet 2 awings with 8 hits (or so I hoped). My mistake 1 : My Lulo turned away. Turning in would have been amazing! His Finch went towards NW and I was happy to have called the bluff. During combat, he got the 12% chance event that I rolled just 1 evade and removed one generic right away with prockets, but I evaded the other attack. My shots got just 2 shields off the mod-less Greer which is expected (the freak event of 4 hits has a 22% chance though!)
Turn 4: Here I got him good, blocked his sloop on Greer, and my Lulo was off to take on Finch, and got a whopping 3 shields in. Of course Greer died, and nothing else happened that turn. The situation was now a bit unpleasant: His Lulo and Finch had my Lulo cornered. I expected him to do a stop+bomb. Because if he was going to 2hard, I could easily escape by 2hard+boost myself (escape meaning taking a 2vs3+focus+LW shot, which I'm not afraid of).
Turn 5: But he did do the 2hard and I may have outplayed myself with mistake 2 . My plan - which would not have worked, see image - was to 5 straight, roll right, and boost past him. But unfortunately the 5s bumped Finch and allowed his Lulo to get a procket off. Luckily my Lulo survived (he had a 50% chance to survive ). The seismic btw dealt a damage to Finch and his Lulo, and cleared the space for my incoming generics in future turns.
Turn 6: I was quite proud on the net I casted with the generics. My Lulo had to get out as fast as possible, but still took the time to turn the arc. That meant 4 shots on his Lulo, and I had to be heavily damaging here, right? After all, 76% for 2 damage, and 52% to kill him outright. So I thought I had to try. My Lulo had a great start, took the focus off and dealt a damage. But it was not meant to be, and I didn't even deal a second damage. Which means we ended up at another rare event of 7% chance.

From here on I made one more crucial mistake 3 . I should have suicided Lulo into his, take the simultaneous fire as chance and try to get both off the table in one turn. I don't know why I didn't, but it was clear that I wouldn't be able to dodge arcs.
Turn 7 got Finch to 6hp, Turn 8 got him to 4 and I lost my Lulo there. Turn 9 was another mistake as I though I should try to shoot his 1hp stressed Lulo at R2. It is another 54% chance to remove him, but the R1 into Finch would have been the much better choice! Turn 10 saw another 1damage into Finch, down to 3 now. And finally in Turn 11 he ended it by boosting his Lulo into R1 of one of my generics. He has just a 12% chance to kill my ship, and a 92% chance to lose him if I keep my focus, or 60% if I have to spend my focus. The expected result was what happened, and he conceded after losing his Lulo. 200-123

Lessons/Conclusion :

  • Flanking/Baiting is great, but don't overdo it!
  • Don't separate your ships too much. They should be able to reach each other the next turn if wanted
  • Don't overthink it. If in doubt, choose the simpler, safer option
  • Realize when a ship is lost - and make a meaningful sacrifice with it, don't just throw it away!
  • Full Flight + SLOOP!



Turn 1-2:


Turn 3: he gets prockets off, but we expect to have similar damage on our ships. Just... I have 4 and he has 2!


Turn 4: Blocked his Greer - byebye! But I have a sad Lulo. (note that we added the stresses to his Lulo and Greer later on)


Turn 5: what I wanted to do:


Turn 5: what I did


Turn 6: casting a wide net!


Testing more of the SFs, I definitely miss the blank mitigation of Adv Optics that the RZ2s have. I know I can put Adv Optics on SFs, but to fit 5, I have to drop to Zeta Survivors at i2 which I don't like being at same initiative as Uuups. Mainly dealing with the Uuups needing to commit further up the board to get their locks while I move fast to pass them for rear arcs. I'll be playing both for awhile. Gotta get used to 2 dice shots for when I play Separatists.

Edited by RStan
36 minutes ago, RStan said:

Testing more of the SFs, I definitely miss the blank mitigation of Adv Optics that the RZ2s have. I know I can put Adv Optics on SFs, but to fit 5, I have to drop to Zeta Survivors at i2 which I don't like being at same initiative as Uuups. Mainly dealing with the Uuups needing to commit further up the board to get their locks while I move fast to pass them for rear arcs. I'll be playing both for awhile. Gotta get used to 2 dice shots for when I play Separatists.

Are Upupups such a problem in your region?

And do you miss boost or 3 agility?

10 minutes ago, GreenDragoon said:

Are Upupups such a problem in your region?

And do you miss boost or 3 agility?

I'm just prepping to have an opening to understand how to deal with Uuups. Boost hasn't felt as missed, maybe it will be more noticeable when I try 5 RZ2s again when I have them. 3rd Agility, eh? Sometimes yeah, sometimes it's nice to take the evade action when I have Fanatical up. I have noticed a bit more often than I thought that by the time I have Fanatical available to me, the ship likely dies the next turn or it's just coupled with the fact that opposing players focus down a single ship so it's not like I have a wide spread amount of them that end up getting use from it. Either my ships die, or maybe 1-2 barely escape and can get use out of Fanatical each game.

12 minutes ago, RStan said:

I'm just prepping to have an opening to understand how to deal with Uuups.

Maybe your opponents also suffer from a lack of creativity, huh? :P

12 minutes ago, RStan said:

Boost hasn't felt as missed, maybe it will be more noticeable when I try 5 RZ2s again when I have them.

I find that I often use it to adjust the rear arc. It allows a wider range of maneuvers, that's why I'm curious about that point.

13 minutes ago, RStan said:

 3rd Agility, eh? Sometimes yeah, sometimes it's nice to take the evade action when I have Fanatical up. I have noticed a bit more often than I thought that by the time I have Fanatical available to me, the ship likely dies the next turn or it's just coupled with the fact that opposing players focus down a single ship so it's not like I have a wide spread amount of them that end up getting use from it. Either my ships die, or maybe 1-2 barely escape and can get use out of Fanatical each game.

It sounds like they could really use that third die to survive once shields are down. No clue how to improve that though.

Went 2-1 at a tourney with Poe/AAA. Had a blast, I love these gorram ships. Think I'm done with the Poe/Ion. Ion's are not reliable enough on low PS even with target sync, and Poe is too much value in a single ship.

Grabbing my 4th RZ2 tonight.

What would make a good training wheels list? I could proxy L'ulo, but thinking Bastian AAAA might require less brain power while I practice four finger techniques.