Five A-Wings

By GreenDragoon, in X-Wing Battle Reports

13 minutes ago, GreenDragoon said:

You know my opinion. Boba's or Luke's abilities eg never trigger against me - but they don't because I don't shoot them, and I don't shoot them because of the ability. In the BartoszBiophysical game, the ability was definitely important, as in my first game. Would you leave heroic out?

I get that, I'm just suggesting collecting data and trying to figure out the value of things.

4 minutes ago, gennataos said:

I get that, I'm just suggesting collecting data and trying to figure out the value of things.

Same team! I forgot to add one more part: I think collecting data on Ronith's ability is more complex than others.

Another - theoretical - argument is that Ronith's ability is very defensive in nature. Those tend to float to the top. But yes, keeping track should be valuable.

16 minutes ago, Micanthropyre said:

My thoughts:

Thanks! I would never cut Greer myself. Each game more than once, I want other Awings to be Greer, too. The point on Zari is interesting and mirrors my experience. It loops to the point about local metas and metas in general: I hesitate to put an i3 on the table. But you make a good case for Zari.

I have an anti-Tallie bias, anyway. Never liked her that much.

1 minute ago, GreenDragoon said:

I have an anti-Tallie bias, anyway. Never liked her that much.

I5! And, as @kenoslaw said, she's the poster girl for Heroic!

2 minutes ago, GreenDragoon said:

I have an anti-Tallie bias, anyway. Never liked her that much.


I felt like Zaris ability was very useful to me in the hyperspace trial I won woth 5A last year, largely because of how agressive she could be against lower init pilots. I ran Tali/Greer/Zari/Green/Blue, no optics on Tali, crack on Tali/Greer.

I'm probably taking 5A to fort worth, but not sure what flavor. I dont think Ill have a chance to practice with the new pilots, but they seem worth adding anyway.

I think zizi and optics greer are the only pieces that are certain. Beyond that I'm not certain on pushing for more optics, or higher init. You can get Tali/Zizi/Greer/Zari/Ronith if youre willing to drop optics on both I5s. You can get more optics if you swap in some Blues. Its an interesting conundrum, and I dont know that Ill have an answer anytime soon.

3 minutes ago, Dunderwood said:

You can get Tali/Zizi/Greer/Zari/Ronith if youre willing to drop optics on both I5s. You can get more optics if you swap in some Blues. Its an interesting conundrum, and I dont know that Ill have an answer anytime soon.

I think Zizi unquestionably has Optics on her at all times.

5 hours ago, GreenDragoon said:

Zizi Tallie Greer Ronith 1Blue : no optics on Tallie, but has the advantage of 2 i5

So this with Zari or Ronith as 4th named pilot. I think one i1 is a good idea.

I'm reaaaally hesitant to play two i1s. It's pretty irrational on my part, but I just don't like it.

20 minutes ago, GreenDragoon said:

So this with Zari or Ronith as 4th named pilot. I think one i1 is a good idea.

I'm reaaaally hesitant to play two i1s. It's pretty irrational on my part, but I just don't like it.

I agree, I've played the 2 blue version and it felt like both blues just got targeted out and killed before I could equalize things.

This is where I'm wondering if Yaeger is the right choice for the 5th ship, it allows you to have a bit stronger options through the rest of the list while keeping an I5 threat.

Okay, I read Reddit, but I don't post there. This thread is amazing primarily because CLearyMcCarthy is such a condescending tool. Please, read this, CLearyMcCarthy. You're the living embodiment of the "Well, actually" internet jackhole.


haha I wasn't aware yet when I replied. Did you see our little exchange? lol

6 minutes ago, GreenDragoon said:

haha I wasn't aware yet when I replied. Did you see our little exchange? lol

I did! I was really entertained!

I'm always curious when people make these bold internet statements, how much they can back that up with experience. I usually dive into their posting history and sometimes do creeper stalking stuff to find out their real name (wasn't hard in this case, yeesh) to see if I can find tournament results. There are a lot of these guys out there. /shudder

Dang that is hilarious. Yes indeed, Pattern Analyzer is terrible on the RZ-2 (and only marginally better on a gunnerless TIE/sf, which is where I have my actual experience, but close enough). Pattern Analyzer to then link into a red boost or rotate? Sure, just double-stress yourself.


Edited by theBitterFig

" This is a serious question and not a condescending one: have you ever flown an A-Wing with PA and/or elusive?"

Serious answer, no...I've not tried that.

I wouldn't take shots at the guy if he just had differing opinions. It's the condescension which I cannot abide.

Edited by gennataos

man could you imagine if RZ1s had access to the tech slot?


Man, half the time my RZ2s are stressed anyway from focus boost in the initial engage. I want to play against him.

26 minutes ago, Micanthropyre said:

I want to play against him.

You sure you want to spend up to 75 minutes with this person?

Please ask him the environment in which he plays. Like, any links to tournament results?

Probably stupid question:

Assuming Ronith is NOT in the list and Zizi still has her focus after her shot and/or the first defensive roll and there are 2+ more potential incoming shots...under what circumstance would you take a second focus instead of an evade?

5 hours ago, gennataos said:

Assuming Ronith is NOT in the list and Zizi still has her focus after her shot and/or the first defensive roll and there are 2+ more potential incoming shots...under what circumstance would you take a second focus instead of an evade?

Good question! Three agility is the break point, right? Where evade and focus are equally good?

Assuming single modded 3 dice attacks at range 2, I would take two focus. You need to hope for average dice on both sides.

It is clearly focus if range 3. And I think focus evade if few(er) shots and/or double modded.

1 minute ago, GreenDragoon said:

And I think focus evade if few(er) shots and/or double modded.

Or if Zizi is rolling only 2 agility for any reason like strain.

11 hours ago, GreenDragoon said:

Good question! Three agility is the break point, right? Where evade and focus are equally good?

Assuming single modded 3 dice attacks at range 2, I would take two focus. You need to hope for average dice on both sides.

It is clearly focus if range 3. And I think focus evade if few(er) shots and/or double modded.

@gennataos @Bucknife

Turns out I'm completely wrong ! Focus+evade is always better. I thought it would not be, but I also had the break point wrong. It's 4 dice, not 3. You're always better off with evade than focus on 3 dice.

e: it was alright

Edited by GreenDragoon
2 minutes ago, GreenDragoon said:

@gennataos @Bucknife

Turns out I'm completely wrong ! Focus+evade is always better. I thought it would not be, but I also had the break point wrong. It's 4 dice, not 3. You're always better off with evade than focus on 3 dice.

I knew if I posed this question to you it's like giving a dog a bone and you'd eventually chew your way to the tasty marrow. ;)

3 minutes ago, gennataos said:

I knew if I posed this question to you it's like giving a dog a bone and you'd eventually chew your way to the tasty marrow. ;)

Another conclusion is that Ronith changes her defense a bit. With him, you'd rather take the focus for potential use after Zizi's attack. Without Ronith, the evade becomes the correct choice. Right?

1 minute ago, GreenDragoon said:

Another conclusion is that Ronith changes her defense a bit. With him, you'd rather take the focus for potential use after Zizi's attack. Without Ronith, the evade becomes the correct choice. Right?

Yeah, assuming she has arc on potential targets or opposing shooters.

Side tangents:

  1. I'm watching you update the sheet in real time. I think that's kind of funny.
  2. Could Zizi be the first true RZ-2 closer against other traditional closers? L'ulo kind of could, but needed luck. Zizi can just tank single shot after single shot.


I had the "all hits" toggled and didn't notice. I'll be right back lol

It's still fine, the conclusion remains roughly the same. The more attacks and more modifications, the more similar the numbers get. Just remember:

TWO TOKENS: Always take focus+evade

ONE TOKEN: Take an evade if you are shot by 1 other ship, independent of mods. Take a focus if shot by 1 or 2 ships.

Technically, you want to take a focus if 2 shots are unmodded, but an evade if the two shots are double modded. But remembering to take an evade for 1 shot is easiest, so that's what I will go with. And for completion, I do not look at special things, more red dice, or more green dice.

Edited by GreenDragoon
22 hours ago, Micanthropyre said:

man could you imagine if RZ1s had access to the tech slot?


Man, half the time my RZ2s are stressed anyway from focus boost in the initial engage. I want to play against him.

Excuse me, Proud Omega Aces would like a word with you...

...don't mind me...over here...playing First Order...definitely not a traitor...just a...double agent?...yeah lets go with that!