2 minutes ago, Micanthropyre said:*cough*
Zizi Tlo (40)
Heroic (1)
Advanced Optics (4)
Ship total: 45 Half Points: 23 Threshold: 2
Tallissan Lintra (36)
Heroic (1)
Ship total: 37 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 2
Ronith Blario (34)
Heroic (1)
Advanced Optics (4)
Ship total: 39 Half Points: 20 Threshold: 2
Poe Dameron (68)
Heroic (1)
R4 Astromech (2)
Integrated S-Foils (0)
Black One (2)
Mag-Pulse Warheads (6)
Ship total: 79 Half Points: 40 Threshold: 4
Total: 200
View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0: https://raithos.github.io/?f=Resistance&d=v8ZhZ200Z387X172WWW186Y240X172WWWY388X172WW186Y231X172W5WW175WW171W311&sn=Unnamed Squadron&obs=
Or instead of Ronith you can just put in Yeager and have 6 points for bid or other activities and run 6-5-5-5. Because like, the Fireball is just a more different RZ2.
I mean, I've tried Poe before? But, like, a looooong time ago - and I only two RZ2's at the time, I think? And I don't recall what I was flying as a fourth ship - probably a stripped-down bomber, as I think that was all that was available back then. And it was just bad. I'm not good at Poe. But I think maybe I should try again. Especially with the new pilots coming out soon. Maybe. The Fireball, though; so much jank - it simultaneously warms and sickens my Scummy heart.