The game plays really well and we had a blast, however there are some nagging questions, Hoping you can help.
When does the blood angel hero add the damage from having blood angels with him ? It refers to inflict damage so is this before the other player has a chance to play cards to defend or after?
is the khan not effected by activation markers? it seemed to use he can keep fighting as long as another unit starts a combat in another area with an order card, it didnt seem to matter that his area was already activated from a previous combat his power just lets him up an join another fight.
In general when do hero abilities come in effect, do they happen before you draw cards? a lot of them effect your combat rank ( called rating on one of the hero cards) some of them cancel each other out ( adding or subtracting from rank)
Whose heros powers activate first?
When a combat card refers to a units rank but you have multiple ranks in a combat, whose rank is it referring to ? for example it might say lower than this units rank?
Thanks for the help