After our first session..some questions

By Decaramas, in Horus Heresy

The game plays really well and we had a blast, however there are some nagging questions, Hoping you can help.

When does the blood angel hero add the damage from having blood angels with him ? It refers to inflict damage so is this before the other player has a chance to play cards to defend or after?

is the khan not effected by activation markers? it seemed to use he can keep fighting as long as another unit starts a combat in another area with an order card, it didnt seem to matter that his area was already activated from a previous combat his power just lets him up an join another fight.

In general when do hero abilities come in effect, do they happen before you draw cards? a lot of them effect your combat rank ( called rating on one of the hero cards) some of them cancel each other out ( adding or subtracting from rank)

Whose heros powers activate first?

When a combat card refers to a units rank but you have multiple ranks in a combat, whose rank is it referring to ? for example it might say lower than this units rank?

Thanks for the help


1. For each iteration, when you (as the Imperial player) sum up regular attack damage, you add the bonus amount that Sanguinius and his Blood Angels provide to it. The Traitor player can still defend against it as long as he plays a number of cards equal to or below the current iteration number.

2. As the rules are written for flying units joining battles, the Khan and his accompanying White Scars can move to join battles even if he starts from an activated area. If he started in an activated area that's already an origin area for the battle, he may still take part in the battle because he would've spent 0 movement points to join it. In fact, if the Khan is in an activated area that is then marked as an origin area for a Firefight order (which only permits one origin area), he still gets to fight!

A couple of limitations should still be kept in mind, though. For one, remember that the the number of origin areas cannot exceed the number permitted by the order card). For example, for a Firefight order, the Khan cannot move to an area adjacent to the target area that is not the originally designated origin area and take part in the battle because the Firefight order only permits one origin area. Also, even though the Khan is given three movement points to join battles like flying units, he does not actually have the movement benefits of flying (ie, moving over crevasse for one point and moving over enemy areas).

3. I already made a thread concerning this question, as I'm afraid that we can only get a definite answer for it from an FFG poster. I, for one, believe that effects are carried out before cards are drawn.

4. A good question that I have no definite answer for. I can see where this can be important, such as if Magnus was attacking a fortified Dorn.

5. The card refers to the rank of the unit that is required in order to carry out that special effect.

On second thought, if an order card is played to cause an attack, a lot of my answer to the question about the Khan is actually void depending on whether or not (flying) units joining battles count as those units fulfilling an order. I was assuming that it does not count as fulfilling an order, but if it does, then the Khan and his accompanying White Scars cannot join battles if they start from an activated area. I would like an official response to this particular dilemma.

Thanks the points you raised about Khan are the exact one that Confused us, as in the rules it says movement is prevented in activated areas but more order cards, however a unit may act if another special effect other than an order allows it too. Sky fortress was given as the example. is the special power of a hero included in this point ?

I think we could use an FAQ, the game is very clean but some small wording changes to clarify heros would be great.