Initiative One Episode 26: The Year of the Uthuk

By FranquesEnbiens, in Runewars Miniatures Game

We've made it to the end...of 2018. In our last episode for the year, we start with a look back at our recent tournament. Shane got to use some crazy Latari shenanigans, Josh played the list that Discord gave him, and JJ beat both of them. Find out how our new scoring system and tournament setup ideas worked and what we liked from our lists (hint: Entrancing Gaze).

We also take a further look back to the big four tournaments from this year that we have results for: U.S. Nationals, U.K. Nationals, North American Championships and Worlds. What overall trend did we see in these tournaments, where do we think that puts us competitively, and what can we look forward to next year?

Happy Holidays to those who celebrate, and for those who don't, we hope you enjoy the season. Catch you all in 2019!