Jukey and I decided to make a change to our usual games and battle reports. We are now taking requests if players want to see us try to make a specific list, upgrade, or unit work.
The goals:
1) Hopefully this provides players ideas for how to play certain units/cards
2) This builds community engagement with the batreps. They take (Jumey’s) effort and seeing people invested gives motivation.
3) It gives us lost building ideas we wouldn’t have tried.
4) It may provide a challenge to ourselves to try and make something we’d normally dismiss work.
Current Requests:
- 6 Tray Scion
- 2 tray scion with Bolos and Roots.
- Ardus
- Ankaur
- Embedded LordV
- Mistlands Saboteur
- Captivating Hexer
- Kethra nukes rippers and Ravos embedded in Obscenes
-Mono lists (all of one unit)
Completed Requests:
-In progres
Edited by Church14