Mount Doom - Strategy Advice

By Alonewolf87, in Strategy and deck-building

45 minutes ago, ColinEdwards said:

Looks like the action window is after the icons are revealed

Are you talking about Mount Doom now? Because yeah, that's what I was saying before.
From what I could understand Fortitute tests (like Escape tests and Hide tests) work so that if they came up during the staging step (usually through a treachery) there is no action window before starting the test and having to committing the characters, but only after you commit the characters and reveal the relevant cards, so before resolving the test with the purpose that you can use actions and events that can raise Willpower at that timing. Of course if they came up during a moment of the round when you are free to use player's actions (like those time where you have to make a Fortitude test after quest resolution, so you can use the player's action window you have after the stagin step and before quest resolution, or Gollum's end of the quest phase Escape test in the Dead Marshes) you can prepare yourself for those, but usually the main drawback is that you have to keep back characters without being sure the tests will came up and without being able to respond to them through actions.

Edited by Alonewolf87

Yeah I take your point; you would need to have readied someone in the window where you commit characters to the quest, before drawing the treachery.

Maybe throw in some Hobbit Ponies? (Galadriel and/or Rosie would avoid the whole issue as well.)

Finally got it at the eight try, we were able to build quite the good board state, the encounter deck was hard but not terribile and we didn't even have to change too much the heroes and the decks (basically just add more reading and global buff). Epic, hard-won and emotional.

And she said yes to the proposal so a real emotion roller-coaster :D

Congrats !!

8 hours ago, GrandSpleen said:

Congrats !!

As you suggested Rally the West was indeed awesome, it really helped a lot. Also all the readying effects (Heir of Mardil + Theodred or LeDenethor, Steed of the Mark, Wingfoot, Miruvor, Elwing's Flight, Snowmane, also Light of Valinor in its way) were crucial, we ended up with Frodo (in the Land of Shadow version) with three Fast Hitch :D


Has anyone made it in a solo game?

I tried several decks from gandalf over only blue with lots, loss or no allies and i never came a least to mount doom. It was never able to handle questing, enemies and fortitude tests simultaniously. So my threat weng up and up and-depending on the kind of deck- ether the enemies killed me or the threat in the staging area overwhealmed me.

And i was able to collect nine counters in solo the game before...

I really see no way in single player to make it without the perfect draw. This means not only to draw the perfect player cards but also to draw the perfect encounter cards.

I would be glad for any idea...

Thank you...

I've only ever beat it solo with a mono-sphere deck. Being able to get a few expensive but high willpower allies in play is very helpful. Surprisingly, my best run at it was with a solo mono tactics deck.

A bit of a late response. I am sure many before me have done it, but I recently did Mt Doom solo. As with preceding posts, hero reuse, disposable allies and will-power boosts are key. Sam, Glorfindel-Sp and Pippin-Lo as heroes, Fast Hitch, Light Valinor, Sneak / Gandalf, Escort from Edoras, Strider, Frodo's Determination and Courage Awakened all featured. Weak on combat, unless Gandalf was on hand, but had 7 rounds til doomsday, and made my 5th run on round 6.

Hope the belated response is of some use!

Ran double three hunters with sGlorfindel, slegolas, and Limli across from Galadriel, Teowyn, and Leomer. Absolutely crushed it.