New Campaign!!
Requires Lair of the Wyrm and Labyrinth of Ruin
Embers of Dread
Boosh! Finally. Just made my Christmas.
thumbs up FFG.
Happy Xmas !
Hype Hype!
Did not expected 😮
This is an unexpected present. Thank you, FFG.
Let's all chat about this on BGG and see if it gets Descent into the hotness list again because that's something FFG might notice and consider making more (yeah I know sales will shout louder).
Thank you FFG!
Thank you FFG. Nice holiday gift!
Thanks A lot!
Looks like there is some high quality work there.
So Happy about this!
getting crushed need to relearn some things
On 12/8/2018 at 5:30 AM, alexbobspoons said:Let's all chat about this on BGG and see if it gets Descent into the hotness list again because that's something FFG might notice and consider making more (yeah I know sales will shout louder).
Any link to a BGG thread?
On 12/18/2018 at 7:34 AM, Ceahorse said:Any link to a BGG thread?
I think there are a few in the descent forum, I'll check
We have finished 3 main quest of the new campain. So far i have to say its the best implementation in the app so far. We like the story and descicion making which comes with it. Also the first 3 quests were very creative and felt fresh. You can find hidden secrets and will fight against hard enemies. The balance is very good so far. We play at hard mode and do 1 side quest inbetween each main quest.
We are excieted how well the following main quest will play out.
I highly recommend playing the new campain.
For those people who have finished this campaign, is it worth it if you don’t already own both needed expansions? I’m interested, as I enjoyed kindred fire, but it’s quite a commitment to get both expansions for just 6 quests in a game that doesn’t seem to be getting any love from FFG. As much as I’d like to play more Descent, I'm pretty much stuck to solo
On 6/17/2019 at 3:33 PM, pxl said:For those people who have finished this campaign, is it worth it if you don’t already own both needed expansions? I’m interested, as I enjoyed kindred fire, but it’s quite a commitment to get both expansions for just 6 quests in a game that doesn’t seem to be getting any love from FFG. As much as I’d like to play more Descent, I'm pretty much stuck to solo
I mean, it always depends on your time/financial situation. I already had LotW because I wanted Champion and Reynhart and Quellin, but I think that's a super great small expansion. I use the classes and heroes all the time. I also did RAOV for the mini campaign. LoR was like 40 bucks, and still came with some cool stuff like Treasure Hunter, Apothecary and Logan Lashley. Also, these expansions beef up your shop list which is awesome as LoR has some pretty strong gear. Curse condition kinda sucks, but burning is a staple of my RtL experience haha. LotW is also needed for the physical co-op campaign "Dark Elements." Lastly, your "Delves" (if you purchased it) will get a lot of stages and variety too from those 2 expansions.
The EoD campaign is good, and a little tougher than the others at time. It's not as strong as Nerekhall in the story department, but much better than Kindred Fire (which does nothing to expand the world of Terrinoth). Also, if you paint..well it's more minis to paint :).