It was like the ringing of some great bell.
It was felt everywhere by everyone, those closest found them selves completely paralysed as the vibrations rippled through their bodies, man and beast stood still and looked for the source of the noise, even the tides changed as the sound spread outwards.
Five great pillars of black fell from the sky striking across the face of the world, their impact scarred the land as they drove into the soil, each pillar stood taller than the highest trees and glowed with an inner light revealing hundreds of dimly glimmering runes.
Dark whispers claim they are old magic, older than the oldest myths and legends, beyond perhaps the War of God and the ages since, from a time where the world was known by another name and mankind had had worked lost wonders.
Across the world powers both vast and subtle mobilise to control the pillars, to unlock their secrets or to prevent others from doing the same. In the absence of knowledge can the purpose of these objects still be divined?
And in the shadows others stir, curious for answers of their own.
Its that time again when I get my yearly campaign underway. This year things will work a little differently, the campaign is bigger a bit more complex and starts off with the highest levels of play. And there is not just one way to win the Campaign but each player will have a unique goal to obtain.
" Dark is the Fallen Sky " will run once a month on the 4th Saturday and following Sunday from April 24th until the end of November . To play in the Campaign you will require at least 150 levels worth of Anima characters but to completely participate each player can have up to 400 Levels.
These 400 levels are a “pool” each a player will be able to draw from and field teams in a range of different battle sizes. Unlike the previous campaign there will be no increase in the number of available characters, though changes to the available pool may occur.
As usual I will be hosting this Campaign through Mind Games (Melbourne City Store) and game days should start around midday, though as the 24th is Anzac Day it will begin later @ 1:30pm.
Mind Games
244 Swanston Street
Melbourne CBD, Victoria Australia
To participate in the campaign there is a $5 registration fee which will be put towards the prizes. Please send an email of your intent to participate in this campaign to , there is no cut off date for entry into the Campaign and anyone is welcome to start playing at any of the events days. While there will be an official weekend each Month additional matches can be scheduled
Prizes for the campaign will include...
A Gift Voucher for Mind Games
A copy of the limited advantage card Dragon's Blood
and a copy of the Limited Edition Khaine figure.
Additional prizes may be offered.
As this will be a campaign their are a number of additional rules which will be in effect. These rules are summarized on a handy pdf which you can download by right-clicking the link and selecting "Save As...": Here
Once the campaign gets underway I will be posting reports on its progress in this thread so everyone can see how the campaign is developing.
If you have any questions about the event or the rules please post here or send me an email at and people are welcome to utilize these rules or portion of them for their own campaigns if they wish, though please give me some credit if you do.
The rules presented are still undergoing some evaluation and may change slightly in the next week.
- Raith