Dark is the Fallen Sky - Campaign Complete (Final Report)

By Raith, in Anima: Tactics

Dark is the Fallen Sky

It was like the ringing of some great bell.

It was felt everywhere by everyone, those closest found them selves completely paralysed as the vibrations rippled through their bodies, man and beast stood still and looked for the source of the noise, even the tides changed as the sound spread outwards.

Five great pillars of black fell from the sky striking across the face of the world, their impact scarred the land as they drove into the soil, each pillar stood taller than the highest trees and glowed with an inner light revealing hundreds of dimly glimmering runes.

Dark whispers claim they are old magic, older than the oldest myths and legends, beyond perhaps the War of God and the ages since, from a time where the world was known by another name and mankind had had worked lost wonders.

Across the world powers both vast and subtle mobilise to control the pillars, to unlock their secrets or to prevent others from doing the same. In the absence of knowledge can the purpose of these objects still be divined?

And in the shadows others stir, curious for answers of their own.


Its that time again when I get my yearly campaign underway. This year things will work a little differently, the campaign is bigger a bit more complex and starts off with the highest levels of play. And there is not just one way to win the Campaign but each player will have a unique goal to obtain.

" Dark is the Fallen Sky " will run once a month on the 4th Saturday and following Sunday from April 24th until the end of November . To play in the Campaign you will require at least 150 levels worth of Anima characters but to completely participate each player can have up to 400 Levels.

These 400 levels are a “pool” each a player will be able to draw from and field teams in a range of different battle sizes. Unlike the previous campaign there will be no increase in the number of available characters, though changes to the available pool may occur.

As usual I will be hosting this Campaign through Mind Games (Melbourne City Store) and game days should start around midday, though as the 24th is Anzac Day it will begin later @ 1:30pm.

Mind Games
244 Swanston Street
Melbourne CBD, Victoria Australia

To participate in the campaign there is a $5 registration fee which will be put towards the prizes. Please send an email of your intent to participate in this campaign to FreeAgent005@gmail.com , there is no cut off date for entry into the Campaign and anyone is welcome to start playing at any of the events days. While there will be an official weekend each Month additional matches can be scheduled

Prizes for the campaign will include...

A Gift Voucher for Mind Games
A copy of the limited advantage card Dragon's Blood
and a copy of the Limited Edition Khaine figure.

Additional prizes may be offered.

As this will be a campaign their are a number of additional rules which will be in effect. These rules are summarized on a handy pdf which you can download by right-clicking the link and selecting "Save As...": Here

Once the campaign gets underway I will be posting reports on its progress in this thread so everyone can see how the campaign is developing.

If you have any questions about the event or the rules please post here or send me an email at FreeAgent005@gmail.com and people are welcome to utilize these rules or portion of them for their own campaigns if they wish, though please give me some credit if you do.

The rules presented are still undergoing some evaluation and may change slightly in the next week.

- Raith

After Action Report
April 24 and 25


Well this report is just a little late but with the ups and downs of the forum I hope you’ll forgive the tardiness.

Across the Saturday and Sunday or April 24 and 25 I started running my latest Anima Tactics campaign which (despite the enthusiasm) got off to a very quiet start.

After a late notification he night before to correct an error in my scheduling I rocked on up at Mind Games ready to supervise some heated competition but instead found only one of my core players was in the area and that my friend James had turned up to have another practise match after his re-eduction into the game at the previous demo-day I had run.

Before I could get James into a match others turned up and pretty soon we were all chatting and relaxing, a theme that extended across both days as the players spent more time catching up and slacking than fighting things out on the tabletop.

Both Saturday and Sunday saw a single campaign based conflict. Mostly due to the relaxed atmosphere and the players still trying to decide exactly which organisation/team they were going to field (Indecision was surprisingly global for the players)

The first match on Saturday was fought between Fallecs and Jordan the winner of the 2009 game. They decided to start the campaign off with a bang throwing 300 levels at each other Church v Azur Alliance. For once Jordan decided not to field the entirety of Les Jaeger taking The Colonel, Kirsten, Kyler, Arkeid and the Condemned Lovers while Fallecs sent forth the Saint Council, Romeo, Aliss, Damien and Azriel.

Sticking to tradition Fallecs placed a tower in the center of the field of battle and both teams used it as cover until they smashed into each other in a close and hard fought battle.

Traditional Tower


Despite the significant number of characters barely any true casualties where inflicted and the game was called to an end due to closing time with the score settling at a meagre 50 to 55 Victory points in favour or Fallecs.

While that match was fought others took the time to play in a couple of smaller battles.

The Gathering

Sunday was also a very quiet day especially with the late start caused by the ANZAC day parade and mass. Eventually Mecha and Fallecs arrived and were able to play a full but small match of 150 levels Church v Wissenscraft.

Bloody Sunday

Fallecs fielded Nero, Azriel and Evangaline while Mecha took Khaine Alessa and Lorenzo. Even with a full 4’ x 4’ table to play in the game was a direct as a normal small battle with both teams closing quickly and dispatching their oppositions swiftly. The battle ended with a clear Victory for Mecha 100 versus 25.

Open terrain


Each player in the campaign selects a force of 400 levels, while they do not have to fully their roster at the beginning of the campaign once a purchase is made it is fixed unless a reward from a match allows a change. These 400 levels allow for an additional 40points of Advantage Cards, 1 Leader class unit and 2 Organisational advantages. The following information is the various Teams so far participating in the Campaign.

The Teams:

Mecha – Wissenscraft
Character Pool:
XII, Lorenzo, Rayne, Alessa Raincross, Goethia (Pilot: Mauser), Hiro, Sophia Ilmora, Khaine D’Lacreu

Organisational Advantages: The Process, Lost Loggia

Advantage Cards: Nullem Lusec, Ord of Power, Fate Clock, Greater Life Potion, Aura, Raphael’s Gift, After Image, Dragons Blood, Supernatural Traps, Supernatural Weapon.

Team Cards: Assault Team

Accumulated Exploration Points: 50
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Jordan – Azur Alliance
Character Pool: High Arbiter Arkeid, Reinhold, The Colonel, Kyler, Kirsten, Claude Valmore, Drake, Cenette

Organisational Advantages: Shadow Lords, Organisation

Advantage Cards: Dragons Blood, Tactical Advantage, Covert Operations, Nue, Piercing Weapon, Clock of Cronos

Team Cards: Les Jaeger, Condemned Lovers

Accumulated Exploration Points: 50
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Fallecs – Church
Character Pool: Romeo, Evangeline, Saint Astreaga, Damien, Aliss Testarossa, Nero (50 points unspent)

Organisational Advantages: Unshakable Faith, Exterminators

Advantage Cards: Raphael’s Gift, Supernatural Weapon, Combined Combat, Tempus Fugit (10 points unspent)

Team Cards: Saint Council

Accumulated Exploration Points: 80
Spent Exploration Points: 0


While it was a slow start to the ongoing event it was certainly better than the year before and I’m sure with a more normal weekend to follow at the end of May things will pick up.

- Raith

CAMPAIGN ADDENDUM: After Action Report
May 8


Saturday May 8 saw an additional pair of 300 level Campaign battles fought out. This time the battles occurred between The Azur Alliance and Samael and The Church against Wissenscraft.

Azur (Jordan)
The Colonel, Kirsten, Kyler, Arkeid and the Condemned Lovers

Samael (Isaac)
Fallen Angel Dinah, Bael, Momiji, Nahimana, Shinigami Ayl and Konosuke

Azur v Samael played out in a closely fought match with both sides swaying back and forth between victory and defeat until Samael came out on top with a Clear Victory (320 v 255 VP).

Chuch (Fallecs)
Romeo, Azriel, Aliss Testarossa, Damien and the Saint Council

Wissenscraft (Mechafox)
Sophia Ilmora, Alessa Raincross, Hiro and the Assault Group

The High Ground

The second match between Church and Wissenscraft had a lot of debating and discussions over the rules and despite plenty of time to gain a complete outcome was cut short due to time with Wissenscraft achieving a Complete Victory 160 VP to 25


Each player in the campaign selects a force of 400 levels, while they do not have to fully their roster at the beginning of the campaign once a purchase is made it is fixed unless a reward from a match allows a change. These 400 levels allow for an additional 40points of Advantage Cards, 1 Leader class unit and 2 Organisational advantages. The following information is the various Teams so far participating in the Campaign.

The Teams:

Mecha – Wissenscraft
Character Pool: XII, Lorenzo, Rayne, Alessa Raincross, Goethia (Pilot: Mauser), Hiro, Sophia Ilmora, Khaine D’Lacreu

Organisational Advantages: The Process, Lost Loggia

Advantage Cards: Nullem Lusec, Ord of Power, Fate Clock, Greater Life Potion, Aura, Raphael’s Gift, After Image, Dragons Blood, Supernatural Traps, Supernatural Weapon.

Team Cards: Assault Team

Accumulated Exploration Points: 210
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Jordan – Azur Alliance
Character Pool: High Arbiter Arkeid, Reinhold, The Colonel, Kyler, Kirsten, Claude Valmore, Drake, Cenette

Organisational Advantages: Shadow Lords, Organisation

Advantage Cards: Dragons Blood, Tactical Advantage, Covert Operations, Nue, Piercing Weapon, Clock of Cronos

Team Cards: Les Jaeger, Condemned Lovers

Accumulated Exploration Points: 305
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Fallecs – Church
Character Pool: Romeo, Evangeline, Saint Astreaga, Damien, Aliss Testarossa, Nero (50 points unspent)

Organisational Advantages: Unshakable Faith, Exterminators

Advantage Cards: Raphael’s Gift, Supernatural Weapon, Combined Combat, Tempus Fugit (10 points unspent)

Team Cards: Saint Council

Accumulated Exploration Points: 105
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Isaac – Samael
Character Pool: Fallen Angel Dinah, Bael, Momiji, Nahimana, Shinigami Ayl, Konosuke (90 points unspent)

Organisational Advantages: Unassigned

Advantage Cards: Protective Shield, Supernatural Weapon, Control Bound, Combined Combat

Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 320
Spent Exploration Points: 0


- Raith


Saturday and Sunday May 22 and 23


This coming Saturday and Sunday, May 22nd and 23rd , Mind Games (City Store) will be hosting the next Campaign Weekend for Dark is the Fallen Sky .

Even though the first weekend has lapsed and some players have taken advantage of the Demonstration days to play matches don’t feel left out. Anyone can join the campaign at any time and there is a long way to go before its conclusion in November.


Mind Games, Melbourne,. 244 Swanston Street in the heart of the CBD, Victoria, Australia.


12:00noon till 5:30pm, Saturday 8th May

For specific information post questions here or email: freeagent005@gmail.com

- Raith

Oops, seems I made a slight timing mistake.

This Weekend will only see one day of Campaigning on Saturday May 22nd

On the 23rd I will be at Little Wars www.littlewars.net.au/LWM2010.htm showing off Anima from 1:00pm

- Raith

Saturday May 22
After Action Report

This latest weekend went by without any Campaign matches and was extremely quiet for the first couple of hours at the store. I had planned to record a full battle report of some of the random matches that occured but just when I was thinking things where going to be relaxing I was approached by a group of people from out of town who wanted to know all about the Game including a lot of background information on the various factions and characters... it was a lot of talking.

Anyway here are some pictures of the games, first Andrew and Isaac played a small 200 level match Samael v Light.


The fight ended pretty quickly with the heavy hitters of Samael leaving only Astreaga and Daniella alive and surrounded on top of some ruins after a brutal central table clash.


The following match was played between Isaac and James this time a 250 level match again Samael v Light... though perhaps Neutral would be a better description given the number of grey units used.


The central battle for the match took place around a ruin atop a hill.


Isaac surrounded the location and swept through most of James defenses which suffered from a bout of severe luck with the battle being called a loss with only Goethia left standing an almost untouched Samael side.


Following those matches I commandeered a portion of the table and ran through a very quick briefing on the basic rules for a couple of players and the day ended with a flurry of activity.

- Raith

Saturday and Sunday June 26 and 27


This coming Saturday and Sunday, June 26th and 27th, Mind Games (City Store) will be hosting the next Campaign Weekend for Dark is the Fallen Sky.

The campaign is still in the early stages so there is plenty of chance to come along and join in. If you don't feel like campaigning then this weekend is also available to play friendly games or participate in Demonstrations to get some experience or learn the system better..

Location: Mind Games, Melbourne,. 244 Swanston Street in the heart of the CBD, Victoria, Australia.

Time: 12:00noon till 5:30pm

For specific information on the campaign feel free to email FreeAgent005@gmail.com or post questions here.

- Raith

After Action Report
June 26 & 27


For all those who came in late...

Once more the battle for Gaia raged across a weekend, with not only a couple of campaign related confrontations but a number of other conflicts as well. Saturday was the busiest day with a pair of campaign matches and a couple of friendlies.

The first campaign match took place between Fallecs and Jordan, Church versus Azur Alliance respectively. The match took place amidst several cursed ruins which sucked the life from those nearby.

Fallecs set out with a plan in mind, for the first couple of rounds both teams carefully maneuvered about and into well protected positions. Romeo under the protection of some ruins and his team-mates sat and prayed for divine intervention filling his form with holy energy to Summon an Elhaim and Alius to aid him in striking at the enemies of God.


The plan was perfect the summons drew a lot of fire and managed to fly up to the ruins atop which Arkied has formed a firing line, unfortunately Fallecs luck betrayed him and he failed to land a single hit for the first half of the match as well as loosing the only Doom roll for the match removing Evangaline from his team right at the outset, it was such a complete route that it was quickly obvious Azur had won... with a single exception.


With the sudden losses Romeo was able to perform another miracle battering away at the Azur forces and turning much of the conflict around though even he was force to retreat from the field with little true credit.

A search through the ruins turned up little information about the Dark Pillars but the effort was enough to assure that the Azur Alliance would have a Command Presence (An Influence special reward) in the area for the future.

The following day saw its usual Sunday Start, very quiet and relaxing. A single match took place followed by a very strange challenge.

Still flush with the success against the Church a day earlier Arkied took to the field of battle leading a much smaller unit than she would normally command (Thanks to the Command Presence reward). Accompanied by Drake and Cennette the High Arbiter sort to explore a small wooded area. Unfortunately their path crossed that of a Samael seeker team forcing them to battle against Chesire, Janiel and Konnosuke with Momiji keeping out of sight to continue their examinations.


Jordan and Isaac deployed their teams after reviewing the Exploration rules then got to work. Konnosuke moved up the center with Janiel and Cheshire as backup. Arkied called upon her light powers to destory the ancient Nija but the creature avoided the damage though Janiel was not so lucky caught up in the blast.

When Cennette and Drake closed to hand to hand, Momiji struck from the trees but the defense was too much and the Kitsune was soon forced to break off and make her way across the board scoring some bonus points for Isaac and ending the match as the last Samael standing.


Each player in the campaign selects a force of 400 levels, while they do not have to fully their roster at the beginning of the campaign once a purchase is made it is fixed unless a reward from a match allows a change. These 400 levels allow for an additional 40points of Advantage Cards, 1 Leader class unit and 2 Organizational advantages. The following information is the various Teams so far participating in the Campaign.

The Teams:

Mecha – Wissenscraft
Character Pool: XII, Lorenzo, Rayne, Alessa Raincross, Goethia (Pilot: Mauser), Hiro, Sophia Ilmora, Khaine D’Lacreu

Organizational Advantages: The Process, Lost Loggia

Advantage Cards: Nullem Lusec, Ord of Power, Fate Clock, Greater Life Potion, Aura, Raphael’s Gift, After Image, Dragons Blood, Supernatural Traps, Supernatural Weapon.

Team Cards: Assault Team

Accumulated Exploration Points: 210
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Jordan – Azur Alliance
Character Pool: High Arbiter Arkeid, Reinhold, The Colonel, Kyler, Kirsten, Claude Valmore, Drake, Cenette

Organizational Advantages: Shadow Lords, Organization

Advantage Cards: Dragons Blood, Tactical Advantage, Covert Operations, Nue, Piercing Weapon, Clock of Cronos

Team Cards: Les Jaeger, Condemned Lovers

Accumulated Exploration Points: 675
Spent Exploration Points: 0
Influence Rewards: Command Presence (Used)

Fallecs – Church
Character Pool: Romeo, Evangeline, Saint Astreaga, Damien, Aliss Testarossa, Nero (50 points unspent)

Organizational Advantages: Unshakable Faith, Exterminators

Advantage Cards: Raphael’s Gift, Supernatural Weapon, Combined Combat, Tempus Fugit (10 points unspent)

Team Cards: Saint Council

Accumulated Exploration Points: 105
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Isaac - Samael
Character Pool: Fallen Angel Dinah, Bael, Momiji, Nahimana, Shinigami Ayl, Konosuke, Janiel, Cheshire (5 points unspent)

Organizational Advantages: Mystic

Advantage Cards: Protective Shield, Supernatural Weapon, Control Bound, Combined Combat, Nephiros (15points unspent)

Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points : 420
Spent Exploration Points: 0


In addition to the Campaign matches and friendlies a special match occurred in the closing hours of Sunday. Wanting to test a theory Isaac decided to build an all summons group to face against Jordan. we had spent a lot of the afternoon discussing the use of summons and how we all felt they were a bit underpowered (Fire Demon we're looking at you) especially seeing you could only summon them once rather than over and over once they died. And yes, we are aware they are mostly used in a Missile like way, we all just figured it would be interesting to test their effectiveness on a Macro scale.

Team 1: Colonel, Drake, Reinhold, Claude Valmore

Team 2: Genma with Elhaim (Advanced), Alius (Basic), (Ahriman (Basic), Bellith with Fire Demon (Basic), Fire Demon (Advanced)

The Setup was simple, really simple for Isaac and his 2 characters.


Reinhold and Drake took the High ground with the Colonel and Claude sept forward. Bellith and Genma wandered from behind cover and began to unleash thier summons. Starting with Genma sending out Alius and a Fire Demon from Bellith who headed up onto the top of the ruins to attack Reinhold.


Genma then summoned Elhaim to face the Colonel before he could charge Bellith and also Ahriman to intercept Claude.


With the fighters locked down Alius swept aside Reinhold as Bellith summoned her stronger Fire Demon to gang up on the Colonel. These two summons where also joined by the Alius who fled from Drake.


The Colonel fell pretty quickly especially when bellith got in on the action which freed up Elhaim to try and take Drake.

Unfortunately there was a mass fail of Bind checks on the following round leaving Genma badly injured, the Alius the only summon on the table and Bellith in combat with Claude after a failed charge.


The Summoners promptly surrendered to Drake and Claude who were still uninjured.

In conclusion: Summons are great in large numbers where they can play stacks on but the viciousness of Bind points and the damage their banishment grants just really makes them ineffective.

- Raith

For all those keeping track...

There will be no Anima event this coming weekend.

August should see some additional days scheduled to make up.

- Raith

After Action Report
August 14th


This past weekend saw a match played between Jordan and Mecha, the Azur Alliance v Wissenscraft after checking to see if there was a special event to take place they discovered that rather than a normal battle the match would be one on one...

... a challenge between champions


In this case the Colonel up against Hiro. In accordance with the campaign rules the players set up in a reduced space 2'x2' and with the terrain roles it was a dense scenario with lots of trees clustered in the center with ruins around the edge.

When the battle joined it was the Colonel facing Hiro atop those ruins the deciding blows where quickly struck and despite the damage of Hephaestus Crest the Colonel was thrown from the ruins only to pick himself up a moment later with the eldritch power of Dragon's Blood.

The wannabe Power Ranger wasted no time, as the leader of Les Jaeger pushed himself up he through the sky and struck, crashing bodily into the Colonel and delivering a final crippling blow.

- Raith

Saturday and Sunday August 28th and 29th


This coming Saturday and Sunday, August 28th and 29th , Mind Games (City Store) will be hosting the next Campaign Weekend for Dark is the Fallen Sky.

The campaign is still in the early stages so there is plenty of chance to come along and join in. If you don't feel like campaigning then this weekend is also available to play friendly games or participate in Demonstrations to get some experience or learn the system better..

Location: Mind Games, Melbourne,. 244 Swanston Street in the heart of the CBD, Victoria, Australia.

Time: 12:00noon till 5:30pm

For specific information on the campaign feel free to email FreeAgent005@gmail.com or post questions here.

- Raith

After Action Report
August 25 and 26


Another massive weekend of Anima has come and gone… I say massive despite the first 4 hours on Sunday being absolutely dead.
Saturday was busy most of my regulars rocked up and took to the table playing through friendlies as well as Campaign related matches. While adjudicating these I spoke to a lot of onlookers who stopped by to check out the games, explained a bit about painting and the hobby in general as well as giving a run down on how Anima is played.

Sunday was quiet up until the last two hours when there was a sudden influx of people into the store and to the demo table. I ended up having to apologize to people about being unable to run demonstrations as the clock ticket towards closing and I was having to pack everything up. This still meant the final demo basically lasted right up to the last possible second. I even saw some of the regulars who turned up again… only a bit to late to do more than have a 150 level match with Isaac using Black Sun for some fun.

But enough about demonstrations the weekend was primarily for Campaigning and Saturday saw two games hashed out.


The first match was fought between Jordan and Andrew (who decided to join the Campaign). The battle used 190 levels with Jordan Fielding Les Jaeger who for the first time in a few rounds had no men out due to injury while Andrew deployed Claire, Daniella, Lilian and Erika. It was a pretty good match that pretty much progressed across most of the table as Reinhold used his terrain mastery over and over driving some ruins into a hill


But Andrew suffered a string of bad dice rolls seeing his force quickly annihilated.

Later Isaac and Mecha played a round, again level 2 using 200 levels apiece. Isaac sent out Konnosuke, Nahimana (Odins model substituting due to figure unavailability), Cheshire and Bael against Hiro, Cordelia, Khaine and Lorenzo. Both organisations encountered each other on their way to the Great Library and rather than let the other gain access to its secret knowledge they did battle.


Isaac went in with a plan. At all costs destroy Hiro. Which is precisely what he did, engaging the wannabe-power ranger with Konnosuke, then Cheshire before moving on through the rest of Lucanor’s minions. Every time he rolled Isaac managed to get exactly what was needed to beat his opponent.


Each player in the campaign selects a force of 400 levels, while they do not have to fully their roster at the beginning of the campaign once a purchase is made it is fixed unless a reward from a match allows a change. These 400 levels allow for an additional 40points of Advantage Cards, 1 Leader class unit and 2 Organizational advantages. The following information is the various Teams so far participating in the Campaign.

The Teams:

Mecha – Wissenscraft
Character Pool: XII, Lorenzo, Rayne, Alessa Raincross, Goethia (Pilot: Mauser), Hiro, Sophia Ilmora, Khaine D’Lacreu

Organizational Advantages: The Process, Lost Loggia

Advantage Cards: Nullem Lusec, Ord of Power, Fate Clock, Greater Life Potion, Aura, Raphael’s Gift, After Image, Dragons Blood, Supernatural Traps, Supernatural Weapon.

Team Cards: Assault Team

Accumulated Exploration Points: 255
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Jordan – Azur Alliance
Character Pool: High Arbiter Arkeid, Reinhold, The Colonel, Kyler, Kirsten, Claude Valmore, Drake, Cenette

Organizational Advantages: Shadow Lords, Organization

Advantage Cards: Dragons Blood, Tactical Advantage, Covert Operations, Nue, Piercing Weapon, Clock of Cronos

Team Cards: Les Jaeger, Condemned Lovers

Accumulated Exploration Points: 885
Spent Exploration Points: 0
Influence Rewards: Command Presence (Used)

Fallecs – Church
Character Pool: Romeo, Evangeline, Saint Astreaga, Damien, Aliss Testarossa, Nero (50 points unspent)

Organizational Advantages: Unshakable Faith, Exterminators

Advantage Cards: Raphael’s Gift, Supernatural Weapon, Combined Combat, Tempus Fugit (10 points unspent)

Team Cards: Saint Council

Accumulated Exploration Points: 105
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Isaac - Samael
Character Pool: Fallen Angel Dinah, Bael, Momiji, Nahimana, Shinigami Ayl, Konosuke, Janiel, Cheshire (5 points unspent)

Organizational Advantages: Mystic

Advantage Cards: Protective Shield, Supernatural Weapon, Control Bound, Combined Combat, Nephiros (15points unspent)

Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 670
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Andrew - Empire
Character Pool: Khaine, Erika, Claire, Lilian (225 points unspent)

Organizational Advantages: Combat Mastery, Imperial Armour

Advantage Cards: 2x Supernatural Weapon, Gabriel’s Gift, Pool of Life (10 points unspent)

Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 70
Spent Exploration Points: 0


- Raith

Saturday and Sunday the 11th, 12th, 18th, 19th, 25th and 26th


For the rest of September I will be hosting Demonstration Days at Mind Games ( City Store ). Players will have the opportunity to use these weekends to participate in Campaign Matches or general games as they wish.

Mind Games, Melbourne, 244 Swanston Street in the heart of the CBD, Victoria, Australia.

12:00noon till 5:00pm, Saturday and Sunday the 11th, 12th, 18th, 19th, 25th and 26th

For specific information post questions here or email: freeagent005@gmail.com

- Raith

Part 1
Campaign Update


This past weekend saw three matches for the Campaign fought out and a pair of new players join the roster.

Dawn peaked over the horizon in its usual casual fashion as the people of Cornes began yet another day. Farmers went to toil in fields, wives chased children to their chores and life proceeded apacae. Unseen by the villagers lurking in the ruins dotting the forests and woods nearby a fierce battle raged between superhuman adversaries.


Match 1: 150 Levels (Jordan v Kyris)
The Azur Alliance verses The Sacred Holy Empire of Abel
Special Battle: Village of Cornes (150lvls)

Azur Forces: Drake, Cenette, Claude
Empire Forces: Iosara, Kronen, Samiel


Azur troops took to the field confident that the cluttered terrain would be of an advantage to them while the Empire forces tried to keep as much terrain between them as they could, alas the tactics was flawed as the battle quickly joined with Cenette leaping from crumbling wall to shattered arch closing to melee in short order.


Despite the superior movement of the Alliance forces the protection afforded by the Empires Armour forced what could have been a quick victory into a drawn out conflict and then a route for the rebellion with Drake being seriously injured in the conflict

Azur Score: 70
Empire Score: 140

Match 2: 150 levels (Kyris v Sen)
The Sacred Holy Empire of Abel Verses Samael

Empire Forces: Iosara, Kronen, Samiel
Samael Forces: Konosuke, Cheshire, Momiji

Fresh from their battle near Cornes the Iosara, Kronen and Samiel moved on in their search only to run into a small group of Samael forces. Where the previous battle with the Azur Alliance had ended up being rather one sided the skirmish with Samael was much more closely fought.

The fight concluded with the death throws of Konosuke destroying his opponents in a final vindictive act.

Empire Score: 100
Samael Score: 140

Match 3: 150 Levels (Jordan v Mecha)
The Azur Alliance Verses Wissenscraft
Special Battle: Village of Cornes (150lvls)

Azur Forces: Cenette, The Colonel, reinhold
Wissenscraft Forces: Feng Yi, Hiro, Lorenzo[/center]


Reinforces arrived to aid the decimated Azur force and they continued their investigation around the sleep village of Cornes only to be confronted by yet more travelers.


A vicious battle ensued with Hiro attracting a lot of attention with his antics. Azur managed to just scrape through the day but not by much.

Azur Score: 90
Wissenscraft Score: 70


Each player in the campaign selects a force of 400 levels, while they do not have to fully their roster at the beginning of the campaign once a purchase is made it is fixed unless a reward from a match allows a change. These 400 levels allow for an additional 40points of Advantage Cards, 1 Leader class unit and 2 Organizational advantages. The following information is the various Teams so far participating in the Campaign.

The Teams:

Mecha – Wissenscraft

Character Pool: XII, Lorenzo, Rayne, Alessa Raincross, Goethia (Pilot: Mauser), Hiro, Sophia Ilmora, Khaine D’Lacreu

Organizational Advantages: The Process, Lost Loggia

Advantage Cards: Nullem Lusec, Ord of Power, Fate Clock, Greater Life Potion, Aura, Raphael’s Gift, After Image, Dragons Blood, Supernatural Traps, Supernatural Weapon.

Team Cards: Assault Team

Accumulated Exploration Points: 325
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Jordan – Azur Alliance

Character Pool: High Arbiter Arkeid, Reinhold, The Colonel, Kyler, Kirsten, Claude Valmore, Drake, Cenette

Organizational Advantages: Shadow Lords, Organization

Advantage Cards: Dragons Blood, Tactical Advantage, Covert Operations, Nue, Piercing Weapon, Clock of Cronos

Team Cards: Les Jaeger, Condemned Lovers

Accumulated Exploration Points: 1045
Spent Exploration Points: 0
Influence Rewards: Command Presence (Used)

Fallecs – Church

Character Pool: Romeo, Evangeline, Saint Astreaga, Damien, Aliss Testarossa, Nero (50 points unspent)

Organizational Advantages: Unshakable Faith, Exterminators

Advantage Cards: Raphael’s Gift, Supernatural Weapon, Combined Combat, Tempus Fugit (10 points unspent)

Team Cards: Saint Council

Accumulated Exploration Points: 105
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Isaac - Samael

Character Pool: Fallen Angel Dinah, Bael, Momiji, Nahimana, Shinigami Ayl, Konosuke, Janiel, Cheshire (5 points unspent)

Organizational Advantages: Mystic

Advantage Cards: Protective Shield, Supernatural Weapon, Control Bound, Combined Combat, Nephiros (15 points unspent)

Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 670
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Andrew - Empire

Character Pool: Khaine, Erika, Claire, Lilian (225 points unspent)

Organizational Advantages: Combat Mastery, Imperial Armour

Advantage Cards: 2x Supernatural Weapon, Gabriel’s Gift, Pool of Life (10 points unspent)

Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 70
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Sen - Samael

Character Pool: Cheshire, Momiji, Bael, Konosuke (205 points unspent)

Organizational Advantages: Supernatural Mastery (1 Unchosen)

Advantage Cards: Dawn of the Dark, Life Potion, Aberration (20 points unspent)

Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 140
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Kyris - Empire

Character Pool: Samiel, Kronen, Daniella, Iosara (215 points unspent)

Organizational Advantages: Empresses Chosen, Critical Mastery (1 Unchosen)

Advantage Cards: Life Potion, Logistics, Tactics (20 points unspent)

Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 240
Spent Exploration Points: 0

- Raith

Part 2
Campaign Update


Another round of Campaign related matches where fought across the past weekend, all where closely run with the battles swinging back and forth between the combatants with few desicive victories.

Moonlight filtered through the trees illuminating the dim shapes of broken walls of crumbling stone. Few people ventured this far into the dark wilderness and fewer still brought back even tales of what wealth and power was to be found within but if the arrival of the Black Pillars was any indication such secrets where needed now more than ever.


Match 1: 200 Levels (Andrew v Sen)
The Sacred Holy Empire of Abel verses Samael
Special Battle: Clash in Albidion

Empire Forces: ILilian, Claire, Daniella, Erika
Samael Forces: Bael, Momiji, Cheshire, Konosuke

The first battle was probably the hardest fought and coolest scenario of the weekend. The conflict took place between the two sides, both had a character that was capable of using Magic ability and such actions would attract the attention of the Inquisition from nearby Albidion summoning an agent of the Church onto the Field. With this in mind both sides set out to avoid using their magic until Bael broke the balance using the Mark of Noah to Berserk Daniella and sent the archer charging into combat.

Unfortunately the closest target ended up being Bael as Claire lunged out from beneath some ruins using her spear to throw Konosuke away from her. The demon creature smashed into Cheshire as he flew backwards and the pair crashed into a thicket of trees before coming to a stop. With a cry of forced Rage, Daniella lept from her perch and raced across the ground to stab at the enchantress with her arrows.


With magic activated an Agent of the INquisiton turned up to investigate the fight entering the field close to the swirling conflict. In short order he raced into combat whirling his lawgiver about his head and bringing down Bael with a single strike finishing the job Daniella had started.


While the Church Agent continued his destructive rampage against Samael, moving on to face Konosuke, Cheshire swept towards the exposed Daniella. Despite his best efforts Cheshire was unable to land a clean hit and the enraged archer survived the blow.


The battle was over soon after as Cheshire was charged by Lilian and then Claire in turn.


Empire Reward: Exodus (Influence Reward)

Match 2: 200 levels (Sen v Jordan)
Samael Verses The Azur Alliance
Special Battle: The Fairy Woods

Samael Forces: Bael, Momiji, Cheshire, Konosuke
Azur Forces: Les Jaeger (Colonel, Kirsten, Reinhold, Kyler)

With a node of power in the center of the table both teams had a pretty straight forward battle. Les Jaeger rushed forward to claim some ruins overlooking the objective while Samel powered across the board avoiding some woods. In the early turns of the game it looked like Azur would easily achieve victory gobbling up a couple of rounds worth of bonus points from the power well before Samael rushed up and with a couple of turns and some exceptionally lucky roles obliterated the opposing team.


After the battle the Samael Forces made use of the magics hidden inside the fey woods to reveal how advanced their enemies plans where, thankfully their chosen target had yet to discover any clues about the Black Pillars (This was a special bonus reward of the scenario)

Samael Score: 150
Azur Score: 105

Match 3: 200 Levels (Sen v Isaac)
Samael Verses Samael
Special Battle: Lost Ruins

Samael Forces (Sen): Bael, Momiji, Cheshire, Konosuke
Samael Forces (Isaac): Bael, Nahiman, Cheshire, Konosuke

The Battle of the Mirror Armies unfortunately had to be fought with proxies due to some figures being unavailable so Ligori stood in for Konosuke on Sens team while Alastor stood in for NAhimana on Isaacs.

Initially both sides decided to simply annihilate one and other. While the scenario was an Exploration mission only Momiji really had the legs to make it across the board, so both groups advanced under as much cover as possible and attempted to enter Melee


The majority of the match took place with Konoske (Sen) trying to draw his opposite as well as Nahimana and Chshire (Isaac) into battle. Instead Isaac sent his version of Bael forward who sealed Konosuke (Sen) before hammering away with Nahimana’s ranged abilities as well as those from Cheshire. Only charging in once everyone was in position and able to move far enough to not leave anyone out in the open and in the sights of a lurking Cheshire (Sen).


In the end Sen saved some of the day by fleeing Momiji into Isaacs deployement and securing a smattering of VP for himself.

Samael Score (Sen): 70
Samael Score (Isaac): 360

Match 4: 300 Levels (Isaac v Jordan)
Samael Verses Neo-Abomination (Azur)
Special Battle: Neo-Abomination

Samael Forces: Fallen Angel Dinah, Konosuke, Cheshire, Momiji, Janiel, Nahimana
Azur Forces: Neo-Arkeid


Isaac started this match by using the Seek New Horizons ability to force a confrontation against a hideous monster. In this case after some careful consideration the Abomination was made using high Arbiter Arkeid as a base. The Arbiter ended up with 4 Free Attacks and Free Dodges a round plus an addition 8 Life Points. Both sides expected an easy fight but the battle was a nail biter.


Jordan ran his enhanced Arkeid forward hoping her Area attacks would keep Isaacs Samael from getting to close but also chose to use the terrain to limit the possible numbers of opponents. Both sides expected that the winner would be the one to simply batter down the others defences first.

The fight was brutal with the Abomination triggering Gnosis enhanced area attack after area attack. In many occasions forcing Isaac to simply weather the storm of blows or take massive damage. When Cheshire fell to a barrage of free attacks the situation began looking grim, poor dice rolls and not enough attack meant for several turns it seemed like the Abomination would claim the day. Only a round of low results and then another full of medicre numbers gave the Samael forces time to turn the table.


In the end it was mutual destruction that defeated the abomination as a fully charged Konosuke detonated slaughtering the Neo-Arkied creature as well as Nahimana and Momiji who had been stuck in combat alongside him.

Samael Reward: Purchase Reward – Final Mission


Campaign Rules Update:
Reward: Final Mission

After some consideration I have decided to reduce the cost of the Final Mission reward and update its description to make things a bit clearer.

Cost: 300 (Was 600)
Reward Name: Final Mission
This reward can only purchased following a mission that coincides with a players “Ultimate Goal”. This reward effective secures that victory to count for the conditions of the “Ultimate Goal” This reward can not have its cost reduced in any way unless Using the Stronghold and attempting the Ultimate Goal Mission, “That which should not exist”

Example: A player has rolled the special scenario “Neo-Abomination” a Confrontation special mission which coincides with their Ultimate Goal: That which should not exist. After winning the matchthis player then spends 300 Exploration acquired from earlier battles to count that match towards his tally.


Each player in the campaign selects a force of 400 levels, while they do not have to fully their roster at the beginning of the campaign once a purchase is made it is fixed unless a reward from a match allows a change. These 400 levels allow for an additional 40points of Advantage Cards, 1 Leader class unit and 2 Organizational advantages. The following information is the various Teams so far participating in the Campaign.
The Teams:

Mecha – Wissenscraft

Character Pool: XII, Lorenzo, Rayne, Alessa Raincross, Goethia (Pilot: Mauser), Hiro, Sophia Ilmora, Khaine D’Lacreu
Organizational Advantages: The Process, Lost Loggia
Advantage Cards: Nullem Lusec, Ord of Power, Fate Clock, Greater Life Potion, Aura, Raphael’s Gift, After Image, Dragons Blood, Supernatural Traps, Supernatural Weapon.
Team Cards: Assault Team

Accumulated Exploration Points: 325
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Jordan – Azur Alliance

Character Pool: High Arbiter Arkeid, Reinhold, The Colonel, Kyler, Kirsten, Claude Valmore, Drake, Cenette
Organizational Advantages: Shadow Lords, Organization
Advantage Cards: Dragons Blood, Tactical Advantage, Covert Operations, Nue, Piercing Weapon, Clock of Cronos
Team Cards: Les Jaeger, Condemned Lovers

Accumulated Exploration Points: 1345
Spent Exploration Points: 0
Influence Rewards: Command Presence (Used)

Fallecs – Church

Character Pool: Romeo, Evangeline, Saint Astreaga, Damien, Aliss Testarossa, Nero (50 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Unshakable Faith, Exterminators
Advantage Cards: Raphael’s Gift, Supernatural Weapon, Combined Combat, Tempus Fugit (10 points unspent)
Team Cards: Saint Council

Accumulated Exploration Points: 105
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Isaac - Samael

Character Pool: Fallen Angel Dinah, Bael, Momiji, Nahimana, Shinigami Ayl, Konosuke, Janiel, Cheshire (5 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Mystic
Advantage Cards: Protective Shield, Supernatural Weapon, Control Bound, Combined Combat, Nephiros (15 points unspent)
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 1110
Spent Exploration Points: 600
Rewards Bought: Seek New Horizons (Used)

Andrew - Empire

Character Pool: Khaine, Erika, Claire, Lilian (225 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Combat Mastery, Imperial Armour
Advantage Cards: 2x Supernatural Weapon, Gabriel’s Gift, Pool of Life, Mikael’s Tears
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 70
Spent Exploration Points: 0
Influence Rewards: Exodus

Sen - Samael

Character Pool: Cheshire, Momiji, Bael, Konosuke, Shinigami Ayl (155 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Supernatural Mastery (1 Unchosen)
Advantage Cards: Dawn of the Dark, Life Potion, Aberration (20 points unspent)
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 460
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Kyris - Empire

Character Pool: Samiel, Kronen, Daniella, Iosara (215 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Empresses Chosen, Critical Mastery (1 Unchosen)
Advantage Cards: Life Potion, Logistics, Tactics (20 points unspent)
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 240
Spent Exploration Points:

- Raith

Part 3
Campaign Update


This last weekend to the September Super Demonstrations was much different from the previous ones with the majority of gaming being Demonstrations and only a pair of Campaign related matches.

Monsters had been crawling out of the dark places, armies where on the march and secret societies had clashed in the most exotic of locales but now the conflicts had died away fading into the background, those few confrontations took place in the shadowed distance unseen by those not involved.


Match 1: 200 Levels (Mecha v Sen)
Wissenscraft verses Samael

Wissenscraft Forces: Rayne, Lorenzo, Cordellia, Hiro
Samael Forces: Momiji, Shinigami Ayl, Konosuke, Dark Cheshire

The first of the campaign matches was a little backwards compared to many Wissenscraft matches.. After deployment Samael quickly secured the high ground with Cheshire and Shinimagim while Momiji lurched about and Konosuke tried to keep some cover between him and Cordellia who sniped away as Wissenscraft charged across the open ground.


While Samael managed to inflict some initial damage the match fell apart for Sen as Lorenzo and Hiro quickly double teamed on Konosuke but avoided his explosive retribution and Ayls Mimic Damage. The blast ended up doing more harm to Sen’s own forces and the match was over soon after.

Wissenscraft Score: 155
Samael Score: 25

Match 2: 150 levels (Sen v Isaac)
Samael Verses Samael

Samael Forces (Sen): Konosuke, Bael, Shinigami Ayl
Samael Forces (Isaac): Nahimana, Janiel, Bael

Another copy cat game between the Samael teams but this time not so bad with only Bael participating on both sides of the battle. The weekend before I and my players took some time to sort through the massive box of terrain available to use and discovered a lot of cool pieces that had fallen so far to the bottom that they became forgotten. This match ended up using some of that often unseen terrain including a full river and some low hedges as well as a bigger forest than usual.


The river proved to ba a small hinderance, running across the table it slowed down Sens forces for an additional turn preventing him from being able to quickly gain access to some elevated ruins where his opponent Isaac had set up. This would become the theme for this match.


Knowing that Isaac had a lot of ranged attacks and access to a bonus to hit through Janiel’s magic, Sen attempted to use the forest as cover threading his characters through its depths. Unfortunately this slowed down some of his characters far to much allowing Nahimana and Janiel to plink away at Sens forces while Bael (Isaac) sealed away much of Konosuke’s might or readied Paralyse for when he reached hand to hand.


Samael Score (Sen): 70
Samael Score (Isaac): 150


Each player in the campaign selects a force of 400 levels, while they do not have to fully their roster at the beginning of the campaign once a purchase is made it is fixed unless a reward from a match allows a change. These 400 levels allow for an additional 40points of Advantage Cards, 1 Leader class unit and 2 Organizational advantages. The following information is the various Teams so far participating in the Campaign.

The Teams:

Mecha – Wissenscraft

Character Pool: XII, Lorenzo, Rayne, Alessa Raincross, Goethia (Pilot: Mauser), Hiro, Sophia Ilmora, Khaine D’Lacreu
Organizational Advantages: The Process, Lost Loggia
Advantage Cards: Nullem Lusec, Ord of Power, Fate Clock, Greater Life Potion, Aura, Raphael’s Gift, After Image, Dragons Blood, Supernatural Traps, Supernatural Weapon.
Team Cards: Assault Team

Accumulated Exploration Points: 580
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Jordan – Azur Alliance

Character Pool: High Arbiter Arkeid, Reinhold, The Colonel, Kyler, Kirsten, Claude Valmore, Drake, Cenette
Organizational Advantages: Shadow Lords, Organization
Advantage Cards: Dragons Blood, Tactical Advantage, Covert Operations, Nue, Piercing Weapon, Clock of Cronos
Team Cards: Les Jaeger, Condemned Lovers

Accumulated Exploration Points: 1345
Spent Exploration Points: 0
Influence Rewards: Command Presence (Used)

Fallecs – Church

Character Pool: Romeo, Evangeline, Saint Astreaga, Damien, Aliss Testarossa, Nero (50 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Unshakable Faith, Exterminators
Advantage Cards: Raphael’s Gift, Supernatural Weapon, Combined Combat, Tempus Fugit (10 points unspent)
Team Cards: Saint Council

Accumulated Exploration Points: 105
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Isaac - Samael

Character Pool: Fallen Angel Dinah, Bael, Momiji, Nahimana, Shinigami Ayl, Konosuke, Janiel, Cheshire (5 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Mystic
Advantage Cards: Protective Shield, Supernatural Weapon, Control Bound, Combined Combat, Nephiros (15 points unspent)
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 1310
Spent Exploration Points: 600
Rewards Bought: Seek New Horizons (Used)

Andrew - Empire

Character Pool: Khaine, Erika, Claire, Lilian (225 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Combat Mastery, Imperial Armour
Advantage Cards: 2x Supernatural Weapon, Gabriel’s Gift, Pool of Life, Mikael’s Tears
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 70
Spent Exploration Points: 0
Influence Rewards: Exodus

Sen - Samael

Character Pool: Cheshire, Momiji, Bael, Konosuke, Shinigami Ayl (155 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Supernatural Mastery (1 Unchosen)
Advantage Cards: Dawn of the Dark, Life Potion, Aberration (20 points unspent)
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 555
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Kyris - Empire

Character Pool: Samiel, Kronen, Daniella, Iosara (215 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Empresses Chosen, Critical Mastery (1 Unchosen)
Advantage Cards: Life Potion, Logistics, Tactics (20 points unspent)
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 240
Spent Exploration Points: 0

- Raith



Joseph walked out of his house. The moon was full providing more than enough illumination for the aging farmer to survey his lands even so late at night. The wind had carried faint cries of rage and the clash of metal on metal. Slowly Joseph swept his eyes North to the boarder of his farmland where a massive expanse of dark and foreboding forest creaked within a stiffening breeze.

This past weekend I held a demonstration day and three of my Campaigners took advantage of the day to play a pair of matches for Dark is the Fallen Sky.


Match 1: 200 Levels (Jordan v Kyris)
The Azur Alliance verses The Sacred Holy Empire of Abel

Azur Forces: Les Jaeger
Empire Forces: Kronnen, Iosara, Daniella, Samiel

The match began in a pretty standard manner, Jordan sent Les Jaeger forward to claim a block of terrain and proceeded to sail it closer to the enemy hoping the abrupt design would hamper the Empires ability to charge. In response Kyris held his troops back forcing the Alliance forces to eventually quit thier position and move to a much more acceptable hill.


Iosara soon appeared on the table and swept forward drawing the attention of Harod who in turn brought about a charge from the Black Lion. With the Colonel holding back to protect Kirsten and Reinhold Kronnen charged on in.


Unfortunately for the Azur Alliance Kirsten had crept to close to her Leader and Kronnen was soon able to shift about and clobber her in hand to hand while still engaged with the Colonel

Azur Score: 115
Empire Score: 130

Match 2: 200 levels (Sen v Jordan)
Samael Verses The Azur Alliance
Special Battle: Dark Forest

Samael Forces: Konosuke, Bael, Cheshire, Momiji
Azur Forces: The Condemned Lovers, Reinhold, Claude

With a plethora of terrain acting as a massive forest on the edge of a more civilized area Samael squared off against the Azur Alliance. Unfortunately for Samael they where constantly hampered by the terrain which Reinhold was able to use against their slower characters with the final confrontation being settled hi[p deep in a river.


Samael Score: 140
Azur Score: 195


Each player in the campaign selects a force of 400 levels, while they do not have to fully their roster at the beginning of the campaign once a purchase is made it is fixed unless a reward from a match allows a change. These 400 levels allow for an additional 40points of Advantage Cards, 1 Leader class unit and 2 Organizational advantages. The following information is the various Teams so far participating in the Campaign.

The Teams:

Mecha – Wissenscraft

Character Pool: XII, Lorenzo, Rayne, Alessa Raincross, Goethia (Pilot: Mauser), Hiro, Sophia Ilmora, Khaine D’Lacreu
Organizational Advantages: The Process, Lost Loggia
Advantage Cards: Nullem Lusec, Ord of Power, Fate Clock, Greater Life Potion, Aura, Raphael’s Gift, After Image, Dragons Blood, Supernatural Traps, Supernatural Weapon.
Team Cards: Assault Team

Accumulated Exploration Points: 580
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Jordan – Azur Alliance

Character Pool: High Arbiter Arkeid, Reinhold, The Colonel, Kyler, Kirsten, Claude Valmore, Drake, Cenette
Organizational Advantages: Shadow Lords, Organization
Advantage Cards: Dragons Blood, Tactical Advantage, Covert Operations, Nue, Piercing Weapon, Clock of Cronos
Team Cards: Les Jaeger, Condemned Lovers

Accumulated Exploration Points: 1795
Spent Exploration Points: 0
Influence Rewards: Command Presence (Used)

Fallecs – Church

Character Pool: Romeo, Evangeline, Saint Astreaga, Damien, Aliss Testarossa, Nero (50 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Unshakable Faith, Exterminators
Advantage Cards: Raphael’s Gift, Supernatural Weapon, Combined Combat, Tempus Fugit (10 points unspent)
Team Cards: Saint Council

Accumulated Exploration Points: 105
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Isaac - Samael

Character Pool: Fallen Angel Dinah, Bael, Momiji, Nahimana, Shinigami Ayl, Konosuke, Janiel, Cheshire (5 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Mystic
Advantage Cards: Protective Shield, Supernatural Weapon, Control Bound, Combined Combat, Nephiros (15 points unspent)
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 1310
Spent Exploration Points: 600
Rewards Bought: Seek New Horizons (Used)

Andrew - Empire

Character Pool: Khaine, Erika, Claire, Lilian (225 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Combat Mastery, Imperial Armour
Advantage Cards: 2x Supernatural Weapon, Gabriel’s Gift, Pool of Life, Mikael’s Tears
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 70
Spent Exploration Points: 0
Influence Rewards: Exodus

Sen - Samael

Character Pool: Cheshire, Momiji, Bael, Konosuke, Shinigami Ayl (155 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Supernatural Mastery (1 Unchosen)
Advantage Cards: Dawn of the Dark, Life Potion, Aberration (20 points unspent)
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 720
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Kyris - Empire

Character Pool: Samiel, Kronen, Daniella, Iosara (215 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Empresses Chosen, Critical Mastery (1 Unchosen)
Advantage Cards: Life Potion, Logistics, Tactics (20 points unspent)
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 470
Spent Exploration Points: 0

- Raith


Saturday and Sunday October 23 and 24


This coming Saturday and Sunday , October 23rd and 24th, Mind Games (City Store) will be hosting the next Campaign Weekend for Dark is the Fallen Sky .

The campaign is still in the early stages with anyone able to win, even new attendees still have a significant chance.

In addition to these days being used by the Campaigners they are also a good time to come and learn about Anima Tactics in general, play a game, have a demonstration, talk about the mini's and how you go about painting/assembling them.

Mind Games, Melbourne,. 244 Swanston Street in the heart of the CBD, Victoria, Australia.

12:00noon till 5:30pm, Saturday and Sunday, the 23rd and 24th of October

For specific information post questions here or email: freeagent005@gmail.com

- Raith



Captain Grissom gazed out from behind his hide, his small squad of Imperial Lancers had heard of a number of bandit attacks along one of the primary roads to Archangel. People in one of the smaller towns had spotted armed strangers asking questions and reported their presence, now Grissom’s men lay in wait as four shadowed figures moved into the center of his trap. If these people where the cause of the disturbance he would soon find out.

It’s been a busy week so this report is very late, anyways. The weekend before Halloween I ran my regular Campaigning weekend which was a pretty hectic Saturday for the campaigners followed by a busy Sunday showing off the game to a number of Demo groups.

The games where a lot larger this weekend with most of the participants now being able to put 300 levels on the table, though there were a few lower level quick matches to round out the day.

For those keeping track I normally stop running Anima events at the end of November as I go on break but after some thought, and the fact that my regulars seem to be enjoying the campaign I have decided to keep going with this campaign into next year rather than trying to force a finish over the next month as I had originally planned so there will be plenty of action on this event for a while yet…


Match 1: 300 Levels (Isaac v Sen)
Samael verses Samael

Samael Forces (Isaac): Fallen Angel Dinah, Bael, Konosuke, Dark Cheshire, Nahimana, Momiji
Samael Forces: (Sen) Dark Cheshire, Bael, Konosuke, Fallen Angel Ophiel, Shinigami Ayl, Momiji

Once again the two Samael teams of the campaign faced off in battle, they both seem to enjoy fighting almost identical sides. The big change this time was the inclusion of the opposing Fallen Angels Ophiel and Dinah


The setup made for a natural bottleneck in the centre of the table, this would be the focus of the combat during the match and what lead to one for of Samael completely dominating another. Both teams made forward in haste hoping to gain control of the area with Isaac getting there first.


Isaac used Konosuke and Dinah’s Wings to force Sen into thinking carefully about entering the bottleneck.


But Sen was forced into moving forward with his own Konosuke supported by Ophiel who unfortunately tangled with a hidden Momiji (Isaac).


Both sides began to feed more and more characters into the melee but a string of disappointing rolls from Sen some shifted the balance against him.


In the end Isaac managed to escape without a single character below 50% health.


Samael Score (Isaac): 300
Samael Score (Sen): 0

Match 2: 200 levels (Kyris v Jordan)
The Sacred Holy Empire of Abel verses The Azur Alliance

Empire Forces: Samiel, Kronen, Daniella, Iosara
Azur Forces: Les Jaeger

The second match got underway with Empire spreading out their forces hoping to lure the Azur team into close quarters where they planned to strike as one.


Unfortunately Les Jaeger wasn’t rising to the bait of an open Kronen and in turn Iosara was almost too far away to provide any assistance once Kirsten opened up with her ranged attacks.


After some hasty move actions Kronen met Kyler in combat and avoided any serious damage.


With Les Jaeger now at close distances and the Death-masked Assassin crushed by Kronen’s weighty blade the Empire forces pressed forward to Engage the Colonel and Reinhold though they suffered casualties of their own and the game drew to a close as an effective draw.

Azur Score: 115
Empire Score: 105

Match 3: 1 50 levels (Isaac v Jordan)
Imperial Lancers verses The Sacred Holy Empire of Abel

Samael Forces: 5 x Empire Agents (40lvls each), Captain Grissom (+1 Att/Dam, +3 Damage, +5 Life, +3 Armour), 4x Lancers (+1 Recovery, +1 Att/Dam, +3 Armour)
Azur Forces: Les Jaeger

This particular special match has been on hold for some time, it was he very first match rolled for the campaign but the Empire figures weren’t ready at that time. Since then the participants have been occupied with other matches but finally they got down to a fun little event.

The Imperial Lancers deployed as in accordance with the Ambush Scenario and quickly leapt from the trees to assault Les Jaeger. One brave soldier ran ahead of his companions but was overwhelmed almost immediately.


With a man down the Captain of the Lancers rushed in an promptly fought the Azur forces to a standstill avoiding the mightiest of blows to stand firm turn after turn.


The captains men arrived and took up the fight against the Colonel, despite his tactical acumen this began looking really grim for the Azur Alliance.


When the Colonel fell to the Lancers things shifted pretty quickly from bad to worse.


One of the lancers moved to stop Reinhold using his powers while the Captain dispatched Kyler and another of his men chased after Kirsten.


With the last of Les Jaeger on the ground the Imperial Lancers looked over their orders and quickly realized that they had attacked the wrong group of people. They tended to the wounds they had inflicted on their opponents before apologizing profusely about the mistaken identities before moving on.

Azur Score: 80

Match 4: 150 levels (Sen v Kyris)
Samael verses The Azur Alliance

Samael Forces: Shinigami Ayl, Konosuke, Dark Cheshire
Empire Forces: Kronnen, Samiel, Daniella

Follow some advice after the last match Kyris tried to keep his Empire force more closely unified hoping that would would get the chance to play stacks-on with his enemy.


The plan worked in part as Kronen engaged Konosuke with the help of Samiel, unfortunately the armoured tank was swept up in the death throws of the Demon ninja which left Samiel facing Cheshire and taking a significant beating from him and the magic of Ayl who lurked nearby, ultimately resulting in Empires defeat.


Samael Score: 90
Empire Score: 50


Each player in the campaign selects a force of 400 levels, while they do not have to fully their roster at the beginning of the campaign once a purchase is made it is fixed unless a reward from a match allows a change. These 400 levels allow for an additional 40points of Advantage Cards, 1 Leader class unit and 2 Organizational advantages. The following information is the various Teams so far participating in the Campaign.

The Teams:

Mecha – Wissenscraft

Character Pool: XII, Lorenzo, Rayne, Alessa Raincross, Goethia (Pilot: Mauser), Hiro, Sophia Ilmora, Khaine D’Lacreu
Organizational Advantages: The Process, Lost Loggia
Advantage Cards: Nullem Lusec, Ord of Power, Fate Clock, Greater Life Potion, Aura, Raphael’s Gift, After Image, Dragons Blood, Supernatural Traps, Supernatural Weapon.
Team Cards: Assault Team

Accumulated Exploration Points: 580
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Jordan – Azur Alliance

Character Pool: High Arbiter Arkeid, Reinhold, The Colonel, Kyler, Kirsten, Claude Valmore, Drake, Cenette
Organizational Advantages: Shadow Lords, Organization
Advantage Cards: Dragons Blood, Tactical Advantage, Covert Operations, Nue, Piercing Weapon, Clock of Kronos
Team Cards: Les Jaeger, Condemned Lovers

Accumulated Exploration Points: 2090
Spent Exploration Points: 0
Influence Rewards: Command Presence (Used)

Fallecs – Church

Character Pool: Romeo, Evangeline, Saint Astreaga, Damien, Aliss Testarossa, Nero (50 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Unshakable Faith, Exterminators
Advantage Cards: Raphael’s Gift, Supernatural Weapon, Combined Combat, Tempus Fugit (10 points unspent)
Team Cards: Saint Council

Accumulated Exploration Points: 105
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Isaac - Samael

Character Pool: Fallen Angel Dinah, Bael, Momiji, Nahimana, Shinigami Ayl, Konosuke, Janiel, Cheshire (5 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Mystic
Advantage Cards: Protective Shield, Supernatural Weapon, Control Bound, Combined Combat, Nephiros (15 points unspent)
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 1710
Spent Exploration Points: 600
Rewards Bought: Seek New Horizons (Used)

Andrew - Empire

Character Pool: Khaine, Erika, Claire, Lilian (225 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Combat Mastery, Imperial Armour
Advantage Cards: 2x Supernatural Weapon, Gabriel’s Gift, Pool of Life, Mikael’s Tears
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 70
Spent Exploration Points: 0
Influence Rewards: Exodus

Sen - Samael

Character Pool: Cheshire, Momiji, Bael, Konosuke, Shinigami Ayl, Fallen Angel Ophiel (155 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Supernatural Mastery, Mystic
Advantage Cards: Dawn of the Dark, Life Potion, Aberration (20 points unspent)
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 810
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Kyris - Empire

Character Pool: Samiel, Kronen, Daniella, Iosara (215 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Empresses Chosen, Critical Mastery (1 Unchosen)
Advantage Cards: Life Potion, Logistics, Tactics (20 points unspent)
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 625
Spent Exploration Points: 0

- Raith


Saturday and Sunday November 27 and 28
Last weekend for 2010


Saturday and Sunday , November 27th and 28th , will be the last chance for this year to come along to Mind Games (City Store) and check out the going on with my campaign: Dark is the Fallen Sky .

The initial intention for this campaign was to simply run it for the year but after consultation with the participants it will continue until there is a clear winner. Despite having run since May the campaign is still open to new participants.

In addition to these days being used by the Campaigners they are also a good time to come and learn about Anima Tactics in general, play a game, have a demonstration, talk about the mini's and how you go about painting/assembling them. IF you can’t make it to this last Weekend, I will be picking up once more in February 2011 following several days at Arcanacon XXIX

Mind Games, Melbourne,. 244 Swanston Street in the heart of the CBD, Victoria, Australia.

12:00noon till 5:30pm, Saturday and Sunday, the 27th and 28th of November

For specific information post questions here or email: freeagent005@gmail.com

- Raith



Ophiel strode forward at the head of his escort, it was not often he was forced into such mundane duties as a courier but when all the other Fallen Angels decreed such knowledge was to not be trusted to any other hands he had no choice but to reluctantly acquiesce.

Suddenly a subtle sound reached the Dark Lords ears, something about the path before him was amiss his eyes caught signs of movement atop a ruined wall ahead. With a call to arms the Fallen Angel’s guard leapt into action trying to spoil the ambushers assault...

This past weekend was a pretty busy time with five campaign matches being played as well as two full demonstrations and I even had some time to try out a Black Sun team as things got started on Saturday. Unfortunately while I managed to win that game (Promethia, Styx, Raziel and a Type 005 verses Erika, Claire, Lillian) I had camera issues for portions of the weekend so I didn’t get many photo’s. (For those interested the short summary of the Black Sun v Empire battle is in my demo thread).

Most of the matches for the campaign where well fought and several where very close outcomes, in particular the third match was a technical draw though for the campaign the awards for the slim victory of the Empire over Azur still counted.

On top of all the action I spoke to some people about painting figures and talked Mini’s with a young kid whose mother was unfortunately deaf (**** I really need to work on relearning my sign-language skills).

All up it was a fun weekend.

As a small bonus I have worked out that this is not quite the last lot of Anima from me for the year but I have just enough time left to get in one last Demo day on December 11th so their might be a few more battles for the Dark Pillars yet…


Match 1: 300 Levels (Jordan v Sen)
The Azur Alliance verses Samael

Azur Forces: Les Jaeger, Claude Valmore, High Arbitor Arkied
Samael Forces: Dark Cheshire, Janiel, Konosuke, Fallen Angel Ophiel, Nahimana, Momiji

Lessons learned in previous matches seemed to be heeded during the first Campaign battle for the day. Sen carefully set up his terrain choices to stymie Reinholds abilities which had on a number of previous occasions forced the slow moving Samael forces to move even less.

The battle was joined fairly quickly with the teams sweeping around the majority of the terrain and the forward teams ran into each other quickly.


While support units for both sides stood back and gave what ad they could Sen pressed his Samael forces as far into Jordans territory as he could hoping that if the Azur alliance could be overwhelmed he would succeed.


Unfortunately despite the swamping number the dice gods seemed to have turned their face from Sen for the game as roll after roll was low on the attack. It was only a matter of time before Jordan took the upper hand and crushed his opponent.


Azur Score: 295
Samael Score: 90

Match 2: 200 Levels (Sen v Andrew)
Samael verses The Sacred Holy Empire of Abel

Samael Forces: Dark Cheshire, Janiel, Nahimana, Shinigami Ayl
Empire Forces: Daniella, Claire, Lillian, Erika

The second match centered on a flat hill. The Empire forces took the high ground and where able to hold off the Samael attackers for several rounds with both sides taking casualties in turn and all those involved suffering a lot of damage.


The battle ended with Samael limping to victory as time ran out.

Samael Score: 130
Empire Score: 95

Match 3: 150 Levels (Andrew v Sen)
The Sacred Holy Empire of Abel verses Samael
Special Battle: Blessings and Guidance

Empire Forces: Daniella, Lillian, Erika
Samael Forces: Dark Cheshire, Janiel, Nahimana

For this match the Empire forces had a special goal. Five markers (placed like nodes) where set up, each represented a sacred site which could be prayed at by the Empire characters, collecting all five was an automatic victory.


Andrew deployed his forces to his left using cover for some ruins to reach and remove the first Sacred marker in short order. Then rather than moving on he decided to intercept the approaching Samael figuring that he had a good chance to eliminate the competition outright.


Both Janiel and Daniella went on overwatch firing into close combat with their allies with remarkable skill but as the battle wore on and Daniella made a break for the central marker, Andrew was able to take out Cheshire and Nahimana giving him a new flawless victory.

Empire Score: 135
Samael Score: 25

Match 4: 200 Levels (Andrew v Jordan)
The Sacred Holy Empire of Abel verses The Azur Alliance
Special Battle: Dark Forest

Empire Forces: Daniella, Lillian, Erika, Claire
Azur Forces: Les Jaeger

The strange powers of the dark forest took effect on both sides of this battle serious limiting a number of abilities as the fell spirits drained the knowledge and innate skills of those they brushed past.

Forced to offer up each others side at close range the battle centered around a ruined arc, each of the players sent in troops who where forced back and forth, seesawing the battle across the table.


Erika moved ahead of her companions trying to deny Kirsten the use of her knives while Kyler made a move on Claire and Lillian.

Casualties mounted quickly on both side as the death dealer fell along with Lillian. The battle ended at a short distance with Daniella inflicting enough harm on the Colonel to secure a very slim victory


Empire Score: 155
Azur Score: 150

Match 5: 300 Levels (Mecha v Sen)
Wissenscraft verses Samael
Special Battle: The Wake

Wissenscraft Forces: Assault Team, Sophia Ilmora, Goethia (Pilot: Mauser)
Samael Forces: Dark Cheshire, Janiel, Nahimana, Shinigami Ayl, Fallen Angel Ophiel

Wissenscraft Score: 250
Samael Score: 90

Unfortunately my camera had completely failed by the time the fifth match started. The Ambush scenario was a pretty open fight, both sides hoping to place terrain in such a way as to prevent much inhibited movement. This resulted in a wall stretching across the middle of the table, something that Mecha took much advantage off.

Goethia and Sophia sat atop the ruins, Mauser taking advice from the little tactician and using his Giant Robot to great effect bombarding Ophiel’s guards who tried to stick close to their leader.

Though he put up a valiant effort managing to injure both Lorenzo and XII severely Sen was unable to fight his way past the attacks of the Assault Team and Goethia on overwatch barely making it more than a foot across the board before his defeat.


Each player in the campaign selects a force of 400 levels, while they do not have to fully their roster at the beginning of the campaign once a purchase is made it is fixed unless a reward from a match allows a change. These 400 levels allow for an additional 40points of Advantage Cards, 1 Leader class unit and 2 Organizational advantages. The following information is the various Teams so far participating in the Campaign.

The Teams:

Mecha – Wissenscraft

Character Pool: XII, Lorenzo, Rayne, Alessa Raincross, Goethia (Pilot: Mauser), Hiro, Sophia Ilmora, Khaine D’Lacreu
Organizational Advantages: The Process, Lost Loggia
Advantage Cards: Nullem Lusec, Ord of Power, Fate Clock, Greater Life Potion, Aura, Raphael’s Gift, After Image, Dragons Blood, Supernatural Traps, Supernatural Weapon.
Team Cards: Assault Team

Accumulated Exploration Points: 890
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Jordan – Azur Alliance

Character Pool: High Arbiter Arkeid, Reinhold, The Colonel, Kyler, Kirsten, Claude Valmore, Drake, Cenette
Organizational Advantages : Shadow Lords, Organization
Advantage Cards: Dragons Blood, Tactical Advantage, Covert Operations, Nue, Piercing Weapon, Clock of Kronos
Team Cards: Les Jaeger, Condemned Lovers

Accumulated Exploration Points: 2370
Spent Exploration Points: 1200
Reserved Exploration Reward: Mark of Gabriel
Influence Rewards: Command Presence (Used)

Fallecs – Church

Character Pool: Romeo, Evangeline, Saint Astreaga, Damien, Aliss Testarossa, Nero (50 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Unshakable Faith, Exterminators
Advantage Cards: Raphael’s Gift, Supernatural Weapon, Combined Combat, Tempus Fugit (10 points unspent)
Team Cards: Saint Council

Accumulated Exploration Points: 105
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Isaac - Samael

Character Pool: Fallen Angel Dinah, Bael, Momiji, Nahimana, Shinigami Ayl, Konosuke, Janiel, Cheshire (5 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Mystic
Advantage Cards: Protective Shield, Supernatural Weapon, Control Bound, Combined Combat, Nephiros (15 points unspent)
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 1710
Spent Exploration Points: 600
Rewards Bought: Seek New Horizons (Used)

Andrew - Empire

Character Pool: Daniella, Erika, Claire, Lilian (225 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Combat Mastery, Imperial Armour
Advantage Cards: 2x Supernatural Weapon, Gabriel’s Gift, Pool of Life, Mikael’s Tears
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 315
Spent Exploration Points: 0
Influence Rewards: Exodus, Illusion of the Mirror

Sen - Samael

Character Pool: Cheshire, Momiji, Bael, Konosuke, Shinigami Ayl, Fallen Angel Ophiel, Nahimana, Janiel (70 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Supernatural Mastery, Mystic
Advantage Cards: Dawn of the Dark, Life Potion, Aberration, Nephiros, Raphael’s Gift (10 points unspent)
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 1245
Spent Exploration Points: 300

Kyris - Empire

Character Pool: Samiel, Kronen, Daniella, Iosara (215 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Empresses Chosen, Critical Mastery (1 Unchosen)
Advantage Cards: Life Potion, Logistics, Tactics (20 points unspent)
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 625
Spent Exploration Points: 0

- Raith



The creature clawed its way free of its shallow grave its body wracked by spasms of eldritch power, the ancient armour it wore twisted and disfigured as the bulk of its body reformed sealing horrific wounds and building new muscle. The creature could feel the power of the Dark Pillars in the distance calling it forward time and again from beyond death to bring destruction, pain and misery...

This past Saturday was a pretty busy day, with demonstrations visitors and a few campaign matches thrown in. So lets get straight into the Campaign Update…


Match 1: 200 Levels (Andrew v Sen)
The Sacred Holy Empire verses Samael

Empire Forces: Lilian Virgil, Claire, Erika, Daniella
Samael Forces: Dark Cheshire, Janiel, Shinigami Ayl, Nahimana

The forces of Samael and the Empire took a direct approach to their meeting, the wide open field left little cover for the teams ranged specialists but they made use of what they could with Janiel stalking through a small corpse of trees while Daniella set up overwatching from a ruined wall.


Almost beneath Daniella’s feet a horrific battle raged with both sides suffering several casualties quickly until the forces of Samael were able to bring about a small victory.

Samael Score: 110
Empire Score: 75

Match 2: 300 Levels (Sen v Andrew)
Samael verses The Azur Alliance
Special Battle: Neo-Abomination

Samael Forces: Fallen Angel Ophield, Janiel, Nahimana, Shinigami Ayl, Konosuke, Bael
Azur Forces: Neo-Abomination (Arkeid)

Having tracked down a creature infused with the might of one of the Dark Pillars the forces of Samael set to capturing their target. The Fallen Angel lead the way hoping to eliminate his opponent quickly but the abomination was swift to retaliate. As the desisive blow against their leader was struck Ayl stepped forth calling upon her Shinigami powers to return the favour mirroring the injuries inflicted on their source.


In the end it was the destruction of Konosuke who won the battle as the demon exploded in a blast of agony. Though the samael forces found themselves in a wretched state.

Samael Score: Special
Azur Score: 210

Match 3: 300 Levels (Mecha v Jordan)
Wissenschaft verses The Azur Alliance
Special Battle: Neo-Abomination

Wissenschaft Forces: XII, Lorenzo, Rayne, Cordellia, Khaine, Hiro
Azur Forces: Neo-Abomination (Arkeid)

The creature previously defeated by Samael seemed to be indestructible rising from the grave to confron the forces of Wissenscraft. The enhanced men and women of Lucanor’s secret army took a different approach to Samael holding back from battle and using their superior speed and ranged firepower.


The Wissenschaft forces fully commited to the conflict once they where appropriately deployed and though Hiro fell, Lorenzo in turn was able to strike several blows agains the abomination helping to assure victory for his team.


Wissenschaft Score: Special
Azur Score: 75


Each player in the campaign selects a force of 400 levels, while they do not have to fully their roster at the beginning of the campaign once a purchase is made it is fixed unless a reward from a match allows a change. These 400 levels allow for an additional 40points of Advantage Cards, 1 Leader class unit and 2 Organizational advantages. The following information is the various Teams so far participating in the Campaign.

The Teams:

Mecha – Wissenscraft

Character Pool: XII, Lorenzo, Rayne, Alessa Raincross, Goethia (Pilot: Mauser), Hiro, Sophia Ilmora, Khaine D’Lacreu
Organizational Advantages: The Process, Lost Loggia
Advantage Cards: Nullem Lusec, Ord of Power, Fate Clock, Greater Life Potion, Aura, Raphael’s Gift, After Image, Dragons Blood, Supernatural Traps, Supernatural Weapon.
Team Cards: Assault Team

Accumulated Exploration Points : 890
Spent Exploration Points: 600
Influence Rewards: Seek New Horizons (Used)

Jordan – Azur Alliance

Character Pool: High Arbiter Arkeid, Reinhold, The Colonel, Kyler, Kirsten, Claude Valmore, Drake, Cenette
Organizational Advantages: Shadow Lords, Organization
Advantage Cards: Dragons Blood, Tactical Advantage, Covert Operations, Nue, Piercing Weapon, Clock of Kronos
Team Cards: Les Jaeger, Condemned Lovers

Accumulated Exploration Points: 2655
Spent Exploration Points: 1200
Reserved Exploration Reward: Mark of Gabriel
Influence Rewards: Command Presence (Used)

Fallecs – Church

Character Pool: Romeo, Evangeline, Saint Astreaga, Damien, Aliss Testarossa, Nero (50 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Unshakable Faith, Exterminators
Advantage Cards: Raphael’s Gift, Supernatural Weapon, Combined Combat, Tempus Fugit (10 points unspent)
Team Cards: Saint Council

Accumulated Exploration Points: 105
Spent Exploration Points: 0

Isaac - Samael

Character Pool: Fallen Angel Dinah, Bael, Momiji, Nahimana, Shinigami Ayl, Konosuke, Janiel, Cheshire (5 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Mystic
Advantage Cards: Protective Shield, Supernatural Weapon, Control Bound, Combined Combat, Nephiros (15 points unspent)
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 1710
Spent Exploration Points: 600
Rewards Bought: Seek New Horizons (Used)

Andrew - Empire

Character Pool: Daniella, Erika, Claire, Lilian (225 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Combat Mastery, Imperial Armour
Advantage Cards: 2x Supernatural Weapon, Gabriel’s Gift, Pool of Life, Mikael’s Tears
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 390
Spent Exploration Points: 0
Influence Rewards: Exodus, Illusion of the Mirror

Sen - Samael

Character Pool: Cheshire, Momiji, Bael, Konosuke, Shinigami Ayl, Fallen Angel Ophiel, Nahimana, Janiel (70 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Supernatural Mastery, Mystic
Advantage Cards: Dawn of the Dark, Life Potion, Aberration, Nephiros, Raphael’s Gift (10 points unspent)
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 1455
Spent Exploration Points: 1500
Influence Rewards: Seek New Horizons (Used)

Kyris - Empire

Character Pool: Samiel, Kronen, Daniella, Iosara (215 points unspent)
Organizational Advantages: Empresses Chosen, Critical Mastery (1 Unchosen)
Advantage Cards: Life Potion, Logistics, Tactics (20 points unspent)
Team Cards: None

Accumulated Exploration Points: 625
Spent Exploration Points: 0

- Raith


Saturday and Sunday February 26 and 27


Well its been a little time since my last entry here, due to the end of the year and family issues the campaign has been on hold but will now return to its regularly scheduled events.

This coming Saturday and Sunday, February 26th and 27th , Mind Games (City Store) will be hosting the next Campaign Weekend for Dark is the Fallen Sky .

Newcomers to the campaign are very welcome, while it has seen some action in the past the event is still open for anyone to win.

In addition to these days being used by the Campaigners they are also a good time to come and learn about Anima Tactics in general, play a game, have a demonstration, talk about the mini's and how you go about painting/assembling them.

Mind Games, Melbourne,. 244 Swanston Street in the heart of the CBD, Victoria, Australia.

12:00noon till 5:30pm, Saturday and Sunday, the 23rd and 24th of October

For specific information post questions here or email: freeagent005@gmail.com

- Raith


Is there any update to offer. I have really enjoyed reading the post and makes me really wish I lived there to participate.

White Phoenix

"For all those who came in late..." - Lee Falk

Hi all, on March 3 my family was struck with a tragedy, my Mum passed away in an accident.

Since then I have moved home to help take care of things, unfortunately my home is quite a hike from my regular haunt and as a result it will be some time before I will be back to running games of Anima be it for demonstrations or as a part of my ongoing campaign.

Hopefully I will return at some point and kick things off again but for now I can only make this brief report.

After Action Report

Over the weekend of February 26 and 27 We kicked off the years Anima gaming with a full weekend of Campaign fun. IT was a good turn out and we saw most of the regular crew put in an appearance across the two days. Several Campaign matches were fought, including a special event where a group of Imperial Lancers mistook a band of allied Empire troops as bandits, while Iosara managed to avoid the surprise attack the rest of the force was swiftly taken captive and then released with much apologising.

The weekend also saw a couple of demonstration games and a number of onlookers who promised to return at a later date to join in on the fun.

- Raith