RAC and Jonus

By Scaritus, in X-Wing Squad Builder

Flew this tonight and absolutely love it

(88) Rear Admiral Chiraneau
(7) Minister Tua
(14) Darth Vader
(2) BT-1
(2) Hull Upgrade
(4) Lone Wolf
(9) Proton Torpedoes
Points 126

(36) Captain Jonus
(6) Barrage Rockets
(12) Fifth Brother
(6) Shield Upgrade
(6) Saturation Salvo
Points 66

Total points: 192

Fifth brother on Jonus worked really well. Only change would be dropping Saturation Salvo, but it did do a job

Edited by Scaritus

You're posting this in the wrong section - this area is for reporting bugs and griping about the X-wing squad builder. You want to post your list in the list-building thread.

Yeah I realised too late, CBA to repost. Ta tho

Not Hyperspace legal. But then again that format is not in the app yet <_<