Because, admit it, those ****s are gonna be everywhere
Rey is prob easily the strongest ship of the bunch with multiple, self-sufficient mods, but the faction has some way to modify its less insane pilots with just a bit of jank
All we need are the Droid Bros, c3po and m8g8
Both essentially give you "free" mods. m9g8 turns that TL you'd never acquire on an enemy into a free-roll and c3po "refunds" the action you spent to coordinate with a calculate token. In essence, they both give free mods but they need another friendly to work to their fullest
So m9g8 mandates a t70 and I like c3po better on a bomber (since bombs offset the lack of self-sufficient mods with guaranteed damage, and the ship also has more arc coverage to offset dependence on blue moves)
M9g8 should go on the scrubbiest X available because that X ain't ever getting full mods. C3po calculate has particular synergy with Vennie (though there's arguably also Edon's ability to drop by post manuever, requiring only that he doesn't overlap another ship)
And so,
Vennie + Trajectory Simulator + C-3PO + Proton Bombs / Blue Squadron Rookie + M9-G8 / Ello Asty + Heroic / (191)
Vennie has extra synergy worth c3po as anyone attacking in their mobile arc adds 1 FOCUS to their result. C3po allows you to stack two calculate even if you got no one to support!
Now, we could either load Vennie for bear with seismics, skilled bomber and ablative, or go Edon, or go for a heroic Seastriker for a hopefully more durable m9g8 caddie
Edited by ficklegreendice