No talent slot for Darth Vader ?

By PoorGreedo, in X-Wing Squad Builder

I don’t know why or how but when I select Vader in his tie advanced, there is no talent slot; anyone has the same problem ?

Edited by PoorGreedo

Force Pilots don't have EPT instead they have a unique "Force" slot that is just for them. Non-force have a talent slot.

Thanks for the explanation, guess it was the first time I wanted to use a force user! ☺️

He's just not very talented.

On 12/11/2018 at 3:46 AM, Polda said:

He's just not very talented.

and can't Evade

On 12/18/2018 at 5:27 AM, Darth evil said:

and can't Evade

Truly the best target for a comedy roast.