
By Trudem, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

I have been reading/hearing about this list holding its own against Spectre but strong overall. However I am yet to see the full list. Can someone share the full list?

@Trudem Here's the list that I've been using:


I've won all four games against Spectre so far, but it's hard to know how much of that is luck. In my last game, for example, my C-3P0 dodged 3 attacks and I still didn't win by much. Although with that said it was my first time playing the Blitz mission on the new Lothal map and I made a pretty major mistake with my deployment at the beginning and moved all my guys up too far - he had initiative and in the first action of the game he moved Ezra up and used pummel to get rid of Gideon and C-3P0 both (except the latter dodged). For my next match I'll know to keep everyone a bit further back out of the way.

Also, I'd love to find a way to fit in Hera, but I don't want to remove any of R2, C-3P0 or Gideon so I'm not sure how to make that work

Thank you

You can downgrade Han to Drokkotta and then replace C11op with Hera.

11 minutes ago, Tvboy said:

You can downgrade Han to Drokkotta and then replace C11op with Hera.

That's not a bad point, although I love Han and I've never actually played skirmish with Drakotta. I'll have to try it out sometime - also being able to get rid of On the Lam should leave some more room for some more interesting command card choices.

On the Han/Rangers/Sabine front, I won another game in the Zion Finest tourney vs Spectre on Lothal, this time on Fluctuations. I will say that this mission felt waaaaay better for my side of the matchup than Blitz did, where (as I said earlier in the thread) I most likely only won because of a bunch of dodges. It's still not a slam dunk matchup by any means, though; when we went to time after 3 rounds I was up by 4 points after having only killed Zeb and Hera (I had lost Sabine, a ranger and my two astromech droids).

I negated his Rebel Graffiti when he played it round 1, while I drew mine at the end of round 1 and got 6 points from it (4 from Sabine before she died, two more from Han) and then added 4 from Celebration. Those command card points were the difference, but I don't feel too bad about it. One of my key thoughts when I first put the list together was that Rebel Graffiti plays really well to Han/Rangers' strengths. If you can draw it early it really forces them to want to come to you, letting the rangers sit behind cover a little more, taking pot shots as the other force approaches. Originally I was even running Price on Their Heads and considered the list a kind of damage/VP hybrid, but in testing that aspect has never really worked out so I eventually dropped that card for Tough Luck.

I guess what I'm getting at is that despite some success I still don't really see this list as a "Spectre Killer". All of my games have been very close, and could very easily have gone the other way with some luck. Also next round is probably on Tarkin, so if I get matched with Spectre again we'll see how it holds up there. With that said, I do think that it's good enough to give you an even chance to win vs Spectre on the balance of the missions, which is about all you can hope for. Plus it's fun to play, which is really what I'm going for to begin with :)

I don't think any list is curb-stomping Spectre Cell, unless that list is being run by Kenny Brown apparently. All the lists that have supposedly good matchups seem to be winning just by fairly close margins against Spectre Cell from the few matches that I've seen. There are a lot of lists that just have no hope of beating SC at all, so any list that can pull off a win rate better than 50% against SC is as eligible as any to be called a Spectre Killer.