First Time Player

By 7r1ck573r, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

Hey folks! I am a first time player, long time 40k nerd. I am hoping to make a character that is stealthy in power armor, mainly uses melee, and doesn't use very much ranged weaponry, or if he does, uses long range/silencers etc.

Can I get some help? I rolled my stats already so I have a baseline.

WS 46

bs 41

st 40

To 47

Ag 47

Int 36

Per 40

will 45

Fellow 43

(I haven't used my reroll so I might try for a higher intelligence)

I have access to all of the books for Deathwatch, so I can use anything from anywhere and we are starting as base level characters. Thanks so much in advance!

21 hours ago, 7r1ck573r said:

I am hoping to make a character that is stealthy in power armor.

Raven Guard then. Guerilla Training talent and Master of Shadow Solo Mode (First Founding, p.17-18) are your best friends for armoured stealth.