The stage is set. Tomorrow, The Battle of the PAW Installation begins!

By weisguy119, in X-Wing Epic Play

31 pic Imgur album:


General Dodonna, operating on sensitive intel, has found the location of an asteroid base used by the Imperial Department of Military Research for testing TIE Fighter prototype models.

After luring the base's Star Destroyer and one of its Arquitens cruiser escorts to a nearby system in a feint operation, General Dodonna springs his attack.

His force, consisting of the Nebulon-B Frigate command ship Vanguard, a CR-90 corvette, a DP-20 Frigate, 2 GR-75 fire ships, 6 X-wings, 2 Y-wings, 2 A-wings and 2 B-wings is bolstered by the presence of such superior starfighter pilots as Wedge Antilles, Dutch Vander and Derek "Hobbie" Klivian.

Meanwhile, Grand Admiral Thrawn has seen through the diversionary ruse and ordered the Star Destroyer and Arquitens to take the bait while he lies in wait.

Believing in economy of force, the skill of his pilots and his own supreme strategic intellect, Thrawn takes command of the remaining Arquitens Command Cruiser and 2 Raider-class corvettes. He brings two TIE Defender Elites, led by Vult Skerris, from his pet project on Lothal and puts out a call across the Empire for elite pilots to deal a knockout blow to the upstart Rebellion.

Admiral Garrick Versio answers the call by sending 3 Special Forces TIEs (Inferno Squad TIE prototypes) led by Gideon Hask in his TIE Interceptor.

Already familiar with the ships, first-rate test pilots Maarek Stele and Soontir Fel are deployed by the wishes of the Emperor himself. They are tasked to lead the 4 prototype TIEs being tested at the facility, two of which are advanced scout ships designed to locate the ever-elusive Rebel forces. Protection of the scout ships is vital to the operation as they will provide precise targeting information for Thrawn's defense force.

Rounding out Thrawn's force are two brand new Assault Gunboats, the pride and joy of Cygnus Spaceworks.

Thrawn seeds the nearby asteroids with adolescent and juvenile Exogorths as well as proximity mines. The defenses are completed with 4 laser batteries surrounding the base, which has its own point defense turrets.

Can General Dodonna slip his GR-75 fire ships through Thrawn's defenses, dealing a blow to Imperial weapons development or will Thrawn deal a serious setback to the Rebel scum?

Edited by weisguy119


23 minutes ago, Bullox said:


Thank you! I’ll post a full write-up on the Friday Night X-wing blog when finished.

I am looking forward to reading the writeup. 😀

Sheer awesomeness.

OTOH, you card sideboard gives me the willies. Setting up the board and ships is bad enough for me. . .

I wish you could send those photos of all those cards you need and show FFG why the app needs to print lists for casual/epic. ;)

5 hours ago, Darth Meanie said:

Sheer awesomeness.

OTOH, you card sideboard gives me the willies. Setting up the board and ships is bad enough for me. . .

I wish you could send those photos of all those cards you need and show FFG why the app needs to print lists for casual/epic. ;)

I actually prefer to have cards on the table, not an App. I play Star Wars to get away from electronics for a while.

2 hours ago, RedKnightRob said:

I actually prefer to have cards on the table, not an App. I play Star Wars to get away from electronics for a while.

Egads, I would either just knock them off the table while reaching for the board or spill my wine on them.

And no app at play time. Just a hard copy from it.

Also, there is a certain satisfaction in rage-shredding a print out when your ace dies stupidly.

Edited by Darth Meanie
11 hours ago, Darth Meanie said:

Sheer awesomeness.

OTOH, you card sideboard gives me the willies. Setting up the board and ships is bad enough for me. . .

I wish you could send those photos of all those cards you need and show FFG why the app needs to print lists for casual/epic. ;)

It took me 7 hours just to set it all up.

3 hours ago, Darth Meanie said:

Egads, I would either just knock them off the table while reaching for the board or spill my wine on them.

And no app at play time. Just a hard copy from it.

Also, there is a certain satisfaction in rage-shredding a print out when your ace dies stupidly.

Tan Maarek Stele got run over by a GR-75. Talk about an ignominious end for an Imperial ace.

10 hours ago, weisguy119 said:

It took me 7 hours just to set it all up.

My stuff used to be organized fairly well. Now, I have so much that it's all over the place. It's like a giant game of hide and seek. Lol.

On ‎12‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 1:18 AM, weisguy119 said:

It took me 7 hours just to set it all up.

Do you realize how many games of Standard you could have played instead???? :P

3 minutes ago, Darth Meanie said:

Do you realize how many games of Standard you could have played instead???? :P

What is this "Standard" you speak of?