I'm prepping for a medium-to-long campaign centering on four characters, two of which are Dragon and the others Phoenix. I want to really zoom into these two clans and explore their mystical, theological and overall weird stories that they tend to encounter. While I want the players to be friends and cooperate, I am not above a little clan vs. clan to bring out the differences between these two clans.
I have had some ideas as plot hooks but I would love to hear from everyone else if they have any fun idea to do with this kind of set up.
Here are what I have so far:
- Perfect Land Sect : Dragon tolerates, Phoenix persecutes. A campaign focusing around the perfect land sect will show the struggle of the common people in Rokugan, tied into the current lore, and introduce some fun clan vs. clan during the game
Dispute over shared border/resource:
This idea comes in some variations but essentially there is some disputed piece of land or resource that the two clans need to negotiate. Usually this works well as an intro adventure for the group to get together I think. Some of the conflict ideas are
- A crystal cave found on the border of the two clans. This is taken directly from this module The Price of Tear by Tantaclaus of the Shadow of the Cabal podcast (link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10br-mpLPhwqDy-zMugaXDm1oljyZ8H_q/view )
- An unclaimed village currently run by a band of Ronin. It must pay tax, in koku or in grains. But to which clan?
- An ancient temple holding a powerful/terrible artifact. Contrasting rumors from pilgrims and monks who venture here tempt both clans to send a representative to see if they can rightfully claim the shrine and its treasure
Any idea is really appreciated!