Win Condition for Attack on Dol Guldur (standard game mode)

By GrandSpleen, in Rules questions & answers

Help me understand the win condition for standard game mode (not epic multi-player) for Attack on Dol Guldur. At the end of the round, you will resolve 3 effects, in this order:

1) Forced effect on whichever stage 3 you are on.

Example: The-Tower-of-Sorcery-C-3D.jpg

2) Forced effect on Dol Guldur: Dol-Guldur.jpg

3) Forced effect on the standard game mode card (I can't find an image), it reads:

While Dol Guldur's city strength is 0, each Lieutenant enemy loses Indestructible.

While the players are at stage 3, this card gains: " Forced: After resolving the Forced effect on Dol Guldur, randomly select a stage 3 that was not in play this round and resolve its Forced effect. Then, discard all progress from the current stage 3 and advance to a new stage 3 of your choice."

At the end of the round, if Dol Guldur's city strength is 0 and there are no Lieutenant enemies in play, Dol Guldur is captured and the players win the game.


I did not add any bolding to the text there, that is how it is formatted/written on the card. Win condition on that last card is a separate paragraph. I am not sure if the win condition must be resolved at point (3) above, or whether I can choose to resolve it at point (1) before doing the quest card. Both effects simply have an 'at the end of the round' trigger.

So just to restate: I think my main question is: can I just resolve the win condition text at the end of the round, before resolving every other Forced effect in the chain above? There are a bunch of "at the end of the round" triggers. The Forced text makes it clear that some effects must be triggers before others, in the order listed above. But the quest card and the win condition text both are simply "at the end of the round." Can I choose which one to do first?

If yes, I can win on the same round that I destroy a lieutenant. If city strength is at 0, I can destroy the lieutenant, then choose to resolve the 'win condition' text first and win right away, before resolving any of the other 'end of the round' text.

If no, I have to play at least 1 more full round. The quest card's text would resolve, then Dol Guldur's effect would resolve, reducing city strength to 0 (and possibly destroying whatever Lieutenant is currently in play, if it has enough damage tokens already on it). Then, I would do the Forced text on the standard game mode card. This will put me at a new stage 3, with a lieutenant in play, so I can't win yet. I will have to get to the end of the round and keep city strength at 0. At that point, I can choose to return to the quest stage with the lieutenant that I previously destroyed, and immediately win..

Which seems correct?
Thanks for replies.

You can choose the order of the trigger. So you will always choose to win on the first turn where you kill the lieutenant and put Dol Guldur on 0.


Edited by Rouxxor