Dice storage options in UK (or Europe)

By FrozenSquirrel, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hi everyone.

I have been looking for dice storage options, and I have come across these two options, that I think are very good:

Card board box by Faust:

IRIS photo storage:

The problem is that there is SO MUCH added shipping cost if you want to buy them in Europe. For example, the IRIS storage box should cost 25 USD, but in UK on Amazon the price is 48 GBP + 24 GBP in shipping.
Same with the Faust box. The price is 15.99 USD but shipping is 23.99 USD.

Do you know of any place in the UK (or in Europe) where these products are sold to a reasonable price? Or do you know of any similar products that are sold here?


Edited by FrozenSquirrel

Feldherr makes a lot of really good storage and carrying solutions.

I find their prices reasonable, when you consider the quality.

Almost every Destiny player I have met has one or more Feldherr bags.


We have one player in our group.

The postage is a killer, they really need to get local distributors for the other regions they want to sell to.

Free shipping for orders over 60€....

FrozenSquirrel asked for cheap shipping to UK/Europe, and the very first line on the page says :

FREE shipping in the European Union for all orders 60 Euros and up!

Thanks for the replies everyone. Sorry for the late reply. I expected to get notifications when there was a reply. That was a mistake :)

I am not really a fan of the Feldherr solutions, though. They are good for the dice you bring with you, but I am more looking into storage options. So options that takes up as little space as possible and is convenient enough that I can have it organized. They are also a bit on the expensive side. I also don’t understand why they need to much spacing between the die slots in the foam. For me it looks like they just reuse their already printed foam trays and put Destiny in the name.

I really like the one from FaustMfg, but I am not going to pay for the shipping. It feels ridiculous.