Play mat for this game.

By MMOfan, in Heroes of Terrinoth

I would like to know if the play mat for this game matches the world/maps of other recently published Terrinoth games like Runebound3 or Dragonholt.

If it shows the acual world I am more than interested.

Ty for an advice. :)

It shows the actual map as canonized by the Realms of Terrinoth sourcebook for the Genesys roleplaying game. This map trumps all previous maps and represents the definitive map of Terrinoth.

Edited by Budgernaut

The map is totally cool. This simply makes the game much better. I'm really looking forward to it.

I'm getting the game and the map- when I've replenished my wallet (just picked up some other Terrinoth items in the holiday sale), the map on pre-order in one UK retailer has already sold out even though it's on pre-order! Which bodes well for the games as a whole.