companion questions

By Mandalore of the Rings, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

1) How many junk droids can an ugnaught make? It says "the" junk droid but I always assumed they could make as many as they wanted when I read about the whole Ugnaught swarm thing.

2) does Sal B. Crumb give a damage for every space he goes through of a hostile figure? So yesterday, I had him going through a Bantha... if he was going through three spaces of the Bantha would it get three damage?

3) So junk droids can control objectives but Sal Crumb and JAX cannot?

Also, Sal Crumb wasn't too bad against SC with the unmitigated damage. Also, just annoying and wastes their fewer attacks if they want to get rid of him.

4) If JAX or Sal Crumb die can you reaccctivate them like a junk droid?


1) only one (swarm refers to ughnaughts not junk droids)

2) limit once per figure per round means it doesn’t matter how many times you go through the bantha. One damage.

3) indentured jester specifically mentions Salacious does not count. As does Jarrod for Jax. Ughnaught doesn’t mention it for the Junk Droid.

4) not unless you have an ability that specifically places then back on the map. Jarrod can’t replace J4X. indentured Jester can’t replace Salacious. Ughnaught can specifically place a new Junk Droid.

Edited by Majushi

1) As many as you want, but old one is removed from the map before a new one is put into play. Also, special action can be only performed once per activation. (Each player in skirmish can have up to one of each Companion.)

1) So only one altogether? Or one each? Sorry. I'm a bit slow. So if you have four ugnaughts you can still only have 1 junk droid at a time??

2) duh, sorry... should have read it more carefully. it says right there on the card!

Thanks guys!

1) only one in play at any time, no matter how many Ughnaughts

If you have 4 Ugnaught Tinkerers, the single Junk Droid gets to activate up to 8 times per round.

18 hours ago, Mandelore of the Rings said:

1) So only one altogether? Or one each? Sorry. I'm a bit slow. So if you have four ugnaughts you can still only have 1 junk droid at a time??

To add to the answers above, if you have multiple Ugnaughts, they can each make a new Junk Droid on their activation, but doing so removes the previously existing Junk Droid from the map and replaces it with the new one adjacent to the activating Ugnaught.

And because the junk droids activate as part of the ugnaughts activation, they can activate before and/or after the ugnaught activates so long as they're not exhausted. And because the ugnaughts put the junk droid into play in the ready position (not exhausted), the ugnaught player can 1. Activate an ugnaught "group", readying the junk droid companion, 2. Then activate the now readied junk droid 3. then activate the ugnaught figure and place a new junk droid into play in the ready position, 4. and then activate the newly created junk droid as part of this same ugnaught's activation.