First Play Session Done

By blkdymnd, in Discover: Lands Unknown

Three of us sat down and learned it together today, and it was fantastic. Easy rules, good decisions, it was super enjoyable.

One question we had - in scenario stages everything resets again, correct? Characters and all that? I know they don’t carry over from scenario to scenario, but weren’t sure about stages. Thanks!

Quoting BGG comment:

" You are supposed to start a completely new game. Randomize map tiles and lay out a new map. Randomize all tokens, night cards and threat cards. All characters start without wounds. Nothing in the rule says to take over any cards or tiles from one scenario to the other."

I am still before my first game and I'm glad that you like it :) I think that I may keep characters between the scenarios for the sake of theme, unless we do not like them.