Voice in the Box scenario issue

By radioboyeric, in Discover: Lands Unknown

Wondering if anyone has found the issue where the Voice in the box scenario- stage 2, where it says to spawn special monster token #86 and that enemy will lead to the next stage. However my game didn’t come with a #86 card.
What do I do!!!???

hello, did you look in the exploration deck for card 86? or is there not one of those? I had a thing where a monster card was in there instead.

If it really is just missing then it could be a mistake in the carefully curated games (i seem to have odd pointless duplicates of cards that i can't quite understand) ANyway i'd contact FFG and let them know this it could be an error in their process.

Also I have a monster 86 for a different scenario, I dunno if it would be the same card but here's a snap of it:


My copy of the game came with the same scenario(#86 included), and it’s the exact same thing as the one Talonbane posted, but you “advance to stage 3” when you defeat it, instead of winning automatically. Hopefully this helps.

Edited by Kingofkings74