Will Sequel Trilogy Ever make it to this game.

By Marshallmanna, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

The discussion isn't really about the problems with the ST movies. (or PT for that matter)

The discussion isn't even about how we should or shouldn't express our like or dislike of said movies.

The point of this thread was (paraphrased); will we see ST content in IA?

Personally I think it's possible we get content (generic stuff maybe), but I don't think we will see a time jump with Resistance and First Order as the factions.

In fact, I'm hard pressed to think of content that isn't named characters. Maybe one of the new races from the ST gets a cameo as a generic unit or named hero in IA? But I think thats a very unlikely maybe?

Lets leave our fighting hats at the door, and discuss what (if any) content may eventually surface that is ST inspired.

(PT has already been discussed at length, and we have things like the Nexu from that)

What about a hero of this race;


Anyhoo, there are a bunch of major and minor characters in the ST that I would love to see make it into some form of IA. I don't know how it would work, since it is a different time, but certainly for skirmish it would be fun. Not only would we get characters that didn't do much on the screen (like maybe Grummgar and Captain Ithano, pretty much just because they look cool-- 'cause we have Dengar and Bossk-- who I love, but did absolutely nothing on the screen either) but also characters like Snoke, Ren, Rey, Maz etc.

Maybe it wouldn't work, but it's fun to think about. I personally like all four of the new movies better than any of the PT and am excited for IX and whatever else is coming out (especially "The Mandalorian"). Actually, I didn't mind RotS either.

I hope we get more fun stuff for IA. I also hope we keep getting new movies. Star Wars is ridiculous on a whole bunch of levels but I like it. IA is fun. Keep it coming.

4 hours ago, Majushi said:

What about a hero of this race;

Is that Ello Asty? Or Ntergalactic Lanetary? Either way, he's ugly.

It might be difficult, as you guys say, to pull off a full ST version of IA based on the current ST material. There are heroes and nu-Stormtroopers & nu-Rebel Troopers, but not a whole lot beyond that. There could be more to mine from the comics and novels but I don't really know those. Perhaps it is best for FFG to keep focusing on the still richer OT & PT eras where there are still loads of stuff to explore :)

6 hours ago, Majushi said:

What about a hero of this race;


Ello Asty is an Abednedo, the only new alien culture (I believe) to have gotten any serious kind of exposure and culture in the new trilogy. They are everywhere in TFA and show up in TLJ too, if I'm not mistaken, and I understand they are feature in several books and comics as well. I think they look rad and I'd love to have a deployment group of Abednedos in IA (there are several non-pilot Abednedos around, so they could probably make up all sorts for groups).

Edited by angelman2

Yeah, I know it's Ello Asty. Just making silly Beastie Boys jokes. My kids have the Star Wars Character Encyclopedia. Not that I ever "borrow" it for a few days, or take it into the throne room or anything. It's their book. I hardly ever look at it.

A couple other cool aliens from ST are Kyozo (like Constable Zuvio), Melitto (like Sarco Plank-- I really like how they look, with their eyeless, insectoid heads) and Crolute(s?) (like Unkar Plutt. There is another Crolute character in the Resistance cartoon... Aunt Z or something, I forget.

Mercs already got Loth cats for some reason. Obviously, porgs are next. :P

Seriously though, an Abednedo hero would be pretty neat. Especially since they seem to be the franchises new favorite alien species.

These dapper gents would be cool, too.


Actually, a Jakku scavenger deployment group + Teedo on his Luggabeast (or another brand new character on the beast) might might be pretty cool for the Merc faction. It would be cool for the Mercs to have a Dewback equivalent :) Moreover, if FFG wanted to put out a Battle of Jakku-era campaign, they could easily do that with the current edition, relying on old school stormtroopers and the like for a Palpatine contingency story. That, of course, would pretty much exclude Kylo & Rey, but still.

The Guavian Death Gang & Kanjiklub would both make good Merc faction deployments too, and they could even do a big Rathtar
mini if they wanted to (not my favorite TFA thing, but still). It's hard to see FO Stormtroopers and Resistance fighters as anything but re-skins of what we already have, but I'd sure buy them nonetheless (although, I dread the thought of painting a new batch of b/w stormtroopers... ? ).

We could also possible have a weapons dealer type of ally character, since that's a plot point of TLJ. It could even -- thinking out loud here -- be a multi-faction character in some way, offering... discounts somehow? I dunno. Conceptually speaking, Hondo might possibly work as inspiration for something like that.

Crystal Foxes for the Rebel side?

And there are probably loads of stuff from books and comics and computer games too that could be used for a ST era IA release? But yeah, it would be a big undertaking and it is possible the IA market is saturated as it is? I dunno.

You know who could be included in IA from ST without actually time jumping? Maz Kanata. I assume she'd be Rebel ally. I guess if they were going to do a one-off ST wave, say timed to release with Episode IX, they'd need Merc and Imperial figures, too? Maybe Unkar Plutt for Mercs. He was probably around then, too. Give him a special ability that lets him deal Strain to others to get Power Tokens (Your Sweat, My Profit)? Just spit-balling here. Imperial figure would be difficult to come up with given that the Empire is long gone by the ST era. What's Snoke's backstory? Could he have been around then? How did he come by his Dark Side powers? I doubt Palpatine was his master. I have a speculation on that, but I can't figure out how to "spoilerize" so I'll refrain from posting it.

Would still prefer to see more from Rebels, Rogue One and Solo first, though.

36 minutes ago, bill_andel said:

What's Snoke's backstory? Could he have been around then? How did he come by his Dark Side powers? I doubt Palpatine was his master.

It's messy and not totally clear in the current media, but apparently he was busy around the end of the war consolidating power in the First Order. So he's around, but not really "around" if that makes sense.

2 hours ago, angelman2 said:

Actually, a Jakku scavenger deployment group + Teedo on his Luggabeast (or another brand new character on the beast) might might be pretty cool for the Merc faction. It would be cool for the Mercs to have a Dewback equivalent :)

For sure, though I feel like there are a lot more OT-style mounted mercs that could also work for that.

I do really like the Luggabeast design, though.

I think it will. Disney wants this content in, make no mistake. I'll reserve my comments about this trilogy to preserve the nature of the thread.

I doubt we see much of any new content from any trilogy, honestly, and I’m partially to blame. I want to like IA, and it’s a good game, but it is a pain to get people together for a good campaign. One on one doesn’t seem ideal for campaign.

As for skirmish, I have to admit that Legion scratches the Star Wars skirmish itch far more for me than IA does. At this point, the only preference I have for IA in skirmish mode is character selection. I don’t have rules to throw the Spectres in play for Legion.

IA has long felt like the neglected child among FFG’s Star Wars games, and with people moving to Legion for skirmish gaming, that’s just going to further diminish IA’s value to the company.

In some ways, Legion is IA skirmish 2.0- the command card mechanic has been streamlined and simplified. The relics of campaign are gone (like strain). And the requirement to have specific map tiles just to play certain scenarios has been done away with. Scenarios and terrain are separate from each other, so you set up whatever environments you want to play in, then select deployment, objective and conditions to shape HOW you’ll play in your chosen environment.

Frequently the scale is similar- 7 to 9 activations, possibly significantly larger figure count, but individual figures disappear more quickly.

To return to the OP, given that the Clone Wars are already confirmed for Legion, the addition of the Resistance and First Order wouldn’t be out of the question later. Maybe 2020?

Tangentially related ...

I don't think I've ever really been all that excited about X-Wing, but this is pretty cool.

I mean, I'm not even really a prequel fan, but imagine getting a shiny new wave like this for IA. I'd be pretty happy, I think.

I'm not a PT fan either but I'd love some PT IA stuff. Don't know how it would work or if they would do it but there such a rich vein of stuff to mine, what with all three movies and the Clone Wars (which I don't really know very well).

Same as the ST (although, admittedly, I did enjoy both movies). Even if you don't like the movies it would be more IA stuff in interesting locations with interesting characters (not even necessarily the movie characters, but new made up characters like Mak and Diala are to the OT).

Also, I'm predicting (hoping?) that IX will bring some people back around and that other movies or shows or whatever will expand on the ST era a bit and flesh it out more. I mean, how much has the PT hate cooled over the years! I loathed I and II for a long time... Now it's more of a mild disgust... Maybe, with time, and counseling, one day, I will just be bothered by them. :)

So, episode IX will be really good and then well get some more cool IA stuff... I hope.

It's funny how often we get the question "What's even left for IA", when Legion is apparently now asking the same thing .

I mean, as much as we complain, it's obvious that in most cases Legion is still definitely playing a long game of catch up to IA in terms of sheer content.

Just goes to show that the only difference between "We're pretty much done with the OT era" and "There's SO MUCH LEFT" is ambition and imagination.

4 hours ago, subtrendy2 said:

It's  fu  nny how often we get the question "What's even left for IA", when Legion is apparently now asking the same thing .     

I shouldn’t have clicked that link... that thread kind of hurt. “Hey guys, this game has been out for a few months. There’s no more OT content!”