6 hours ago, Avatar111 said:you are obviously an experienced player with a lot of fair and logical insights.
You watch what you accuse me of.
Thoughts: for the most part, they all look very sensible. I tend not to like having house rules as.....a house-rule, I guess. But if you're going to have an agreed corpus of changes, none of them look game-breaking and many are good ideas and important loopholes that could do with closing.
On 10/27/2018 at 2:38 AM, Avatar111 said:CONDITIONS:
Severely Wounded condition: Change it to: Effects: A Severely Wounded character increases the TN of their checks with the affected ring by 3.
If the character suffers the Lightly Wounded or Severely Wounded condition for the same ring, they instead suffer the effects of a severity 7 critical strike for that ring as if they had failed the check to resist it. This severity cannot be lowered by any mean.Incapacitated condition: Change it to: Effects: An Incapacitated character increases the TN of all action checks by 2. An Incapacitated character cannot defend against damage. After an Incapacitated character suffers a critical strike, they suffer the Unconscious condition in addition to any other effects.
Unconscious condition: Clarification: A character can spend one Void Point to remove this condition from themselves.
Dying condition: Add: If you suffer from the Dying Condition, you perish if you take any critical strike of severity above 0 after the resist check.Suffocation: change the wording to: At the beginning of each of their turns, a character who is suffocating receives 2 fatigue and 2 strife. At the beginning of each of the character's turns while they are suffocating, if they are suffering the Incapacitated or Unconscious condition they must resist with a TN3 Fitness check; if the character fails, they gain the Unconscious condition if they were Incapacitated, or perish if they were already Unconscious.
Fine for the most part. Being able to act whilst incapacitated will only apply to PCs and Adversaries, of course, because minions get Defeated rather than Incapacitated. Since you've left in the one-hit-unconscious, the biggest change is probably the ability to use Guard - as a base TN1 it remains an achievable TN3 - meaning TN+1 or even TN+2 for an air-heavy character to land the killshot. How big a deal this is a table-by-table decision.
90% of the time it won't make much difference, if incapacitated in a skirmish and not taking the sensible option of 'run away', your best bet still probably remains the assist action to lob a skill die to someone who's not incapacitated, but it means that PCs with unique abilities (critically things like kiho and invocation techniques) still have a fighting chance of using them. It might also help the always-a-problem balance between single adversaries and multiple PCs.
My main comment is the suffocation change - whilst adding incapacitated is a good change (because as written suffocation otherwise can't kill you), you've lost the prohibition on critical strikes. This actually means that your change becomes unnecessary, as fatigue whilst incapacitated will cause a critical strike, which will cause unconsciousness and so on. I think that prohibition was a sensible one to stop weird interactions like suffering scars or bleeding from drowning, and would add it back in: "The character does not suffer critical strikes for fatigue
suffered this way."
On 10/27/2018 at 2:38 AM, Avatar111 said:7-8 Permanent Injury : add: If the character was not Severely Wounded for the ring used for their resist check, the character suffers the Severely Wounded condition for that ring.
9-11 Maiming Blow : add: If the character was not Severely Wounded for the ring used for their resist check, the character suffers the Severely Wounded condition for that ring.
12-13 Agonising Death: change it to: The same as 9-11 Maiming Blow, plus the Dying (3 rounds) condition
14-15 Swift Death : c hange it to: The same as 9-11 Maiming Blow, plus the Dying (1 rounds) condition
Short version; you can't be scarred without also being wounded, and can't be dying without also being scarred. Makes sense; a no-consequence, easy-to-remove Dying can actually make failing your fitness check tempting, which seems logically wrong.
On 10/27/2018 at 2:38 AM, Avatar111 said:Discredit: add: A character can inflict 1 strife on their target with a successful Persuade Action check, plus 1 more strife for every 2 bonus successes.
This objective requires the character to put strife on someone. I felt it needed a way aside Fire opportunity to do so. It is a tiny amount of strife, in line with how many Momentum points you would have gained while performing a Persuade action.
Fine - I would suggest that doing so would be something you may choose to do instead of generating momentum points. I know Discredit doesn't track momentum, but that prevents any argument that you can somehow do this and score towards another objective
On 10/27/2018 at 2:38 AM, Avatar111 said:DUELS
The Finishing Blow: change: instead of doubling the deadliness of the weapon used, make it that you increase the severity of the critical strike by 5.
This soften the curve between different types of weapons and reduce, slightly, the finishing blow potential of weapons with 6+ deadliness.
I'm not sure I'm so much of a fan of this - the double-handed katana finishing blow being deadliness 12 instead of 14 doesn't look a big change but it means any successes on the fitness check render the blow non-fatal unless the severity is further increased somehow (yes, bonus successes on the attack check are a possibility, but the fitness check is easier so I'm assuming them to be equivalent for simplicity). For a situation that's most likely going to come up in duels to the death with swords, that feels wrong.
Equally, adding a +5 deadliness to a 'weaker' weapon makes it almost impossible to win a duel via a finishing blow and not leave the loser with a permanent injury. For a warrior's duel or even a sparring match with bokken (or heck, bare hands) to end with a scar rather than lightly/severely wounded adds a big narrative impact.
On 10/27/2018 at 2:38 AM, Avatar111 said:Iaijutsu Cut: Rising Blade: add:
: if you succeed, the target cannot defend against the damage dealt by this technique.
Striking as Air : replace by : Air
+: Reserve one of your dropped dice, plus one additional dropped die per
spent this way. When making a check with the same skill before the end of your next turn, you may add your reserved dice to your rolled dice, set to the value they had when reserved.
kiho: The Body is an Anvil: Add: The burst effect last until it triggers for the first time before the end of the scene.
kiho: Cleansing Spirit: Add: In the burst effect, remove the possibility to remove the following condition: Afflicted
It's been mentioned a lot, and ultimately the only way to get a 'one cut' win is either to use water stance, to add this ability to the Iai techniques, or to win via finishing blow. My issue is that I don't want Rising Blade to be 'strike plus', and the lack of the ability to inflict a critical strike on an opponent inclined to defend is its big downside at the moment.
Striking as air - it's a reasonable change. I don't think it's too bad a kata, but adding it as a rolled dice (i.e. no free 'kept' dice) is a nice balance in power. I'm more a fan of consistency in rules, though, so would you apply this change to channelling and the centre action?
The burst effect of The Body Is An Anvil is a weird one. I don't mind it being really good because you saw me prepare an awesome defensive ability targeting you specifically and you attacked me anyway rather than letting your mate hit me. I would agree that the Burst effect should be (is probably intended to be) one-hit.
Cleansing Spirit not being able to remove Afflicted..... I'm not sure I mind. Yes, it's TN1, but as it's a burst effect, it's effectively TN3 (and it's locked to earth, so no cheeky Fire bonus successes). Yes, a Togashi Monk can use a tattoo for it, but that means they're using their tattoo for that and not for anything else, and - since afflicted is normally dealt with as a downtime problem (post conflict scenes in tainted terrain, for example), Cleansing spirit is only really doing the same as cleansing ritual, but only affecting 1 target instead of 5.
On 10/27/2018 at 2:38 AM, Avatar111 said:Shikigami:
For their ability Living Invocation : change the text to: Once per scene, when a shikigami succeed on an check to perform an invocation, you can add 2 bonus successes and
For their ability Restricted action : clarify that the ritualist cannot use this action as their water stance additional action if the action the shikigami performs includes a check.
Living invocation is a problem like that because it's not going to succeed in using the invocation in a lot of cases. Take, for the sake of argument, a 'maintenance' shikigami whose job is to lurk around their creator's workshop fixing stuff. Caress of Earth is rank 1, so its earth ring is 1. Caress of Earth is TN3 to activate, so even if you have an amazing composition skill, it's going to fail repeatedly and in a downtime scene it only gets one 'try'.
I agree shikigami are not balanced and need work, but I think the 'auto-pass' - even if it was changed to 'consume' the shikigami (or at least that particular sealed invocation) - is important.
As to the restricted action..... I dunno. if this rule is in effect the shikigami doesn't get its own turn, but allowing the shujenga to craft a shikigami and then be throwing multiple invocations per turn (one via the shikigami) is clearly wrong, too. I'd actually reverse matters; simplicity is good - treat it much like the attendant assisting a Crane Samurai.
"During a conflict, if a shikigami and the ritualist who created it are both present, the shikigami does not take its own turn. During the shugenja’s turn, it can move up to 1 range band. The Ritualist may perform invocations invested in the shikigami, and counts as having skilled assistance from the Shikigami. Where relevant, the range of these invocations is determined from the Shikigami rather than the ritualist, and any conditions or persistent effects affecting the Shikigami which would modify the TN of the invocation affect the ritualist for the duration of the action."
On 10/27/2018 at 2:38 AM, Avatar111 said:-Schools
Akodo Commander:
-In starting equipment, add to any weapon of rarity 6 or lower OR a tessen
Ikoma Bard:
-Heart of the Lion (school ability): make it unusable in duels.
-For their Shuji starting techniques, add "choose one".
mantis PDF Schools:
Storm Sailor School:
-Change their rank 4 choice technique "Crashing Wave Style" to "A Samurai's Fate"
Storm Fleet Tide Seer:
-Change their rank 2 choice technique "Call Upon the Wind" to "Stride the Wave"
-Change their rank 4 choice technique "Rise, Water" to "Rise, Air"
-Change their rank 5 choice technique "Rise, Air" to "The Soul's Blade"
The tessen for a commander makes sense.
The Ikoma having to pick one starting shuji puts them in line with others. Their ability is very powerful in duels but at the same time in a formal duel they start with no martial arts (melee) and no fitness - admittedly the latter is on their rank 1 curriculum - and it is a once-per-scene effect. It's nasty, but most of the courtier abilities are surprisingly good in duels (speaking in silence on a fire social check for a Doji courtier, for example) and unlike the phoenix or crane, ikoma don't have a tradition of palming off duels to their yojimbo.
I'm not sure why you want to swap over the air/water invocations, but I agree with making the rank 5 choice Soul's Blade instead of a rank 4 invocation. Plus Osano-Wo approves of lightning-related stuff, obviously.
On 10/27/2018 at 2:38 AM, Avatar111 said:-Various:
Competitive Checks: Order for making Competitive Checks: usually, everyone rolls at once. If the order in which characters make these checks is relevant, the character who is the active character makes theirs first. If all characters are considered active, such as in a narrative scene, the character with the highest honor attribute makes theirs first, followed by the other characters in descending order of honor.
Mounted Combat rule (p.326): the first point, it should read "When the rider succeed on a Maneuvre (and not Movement) action check, add bonus
equal to the mount's water ring.
This is simply to define Unaware in mechanical terms, as some techniques or abilities can interact with this Keyword, I felt it needed a stricter interpretation.
Unaware: You are considered unaware if you don't know where the opponent is after an initiative in which you would use Vigilance instead of Focus (before any modifiers) and only before you take your first turn (When you start your first turn you are not considered unaware anymore)
Unaware of your environment : You are considered unaware of your environment (counts as the Unconscious condition) if you are either very heavily distracted or otherwise absolutely not paying attention to potential danger and that you don't know where the opponent is after an initiative in which you would use Vigilance instead of Focus (before any modifiers) and only before you take your first turn (When you start your first turn you are not considered unaware of your environment anymore). You can use a Void point to remove the unaware of your environment status and only become unaware before rolling the initiative.
Typo on manoeuvre. Otherwise mostly fine....I do think being mounted should add bonuses to some movement-and-attack checks, but I'm aware it can easily be overpowered; I don't really mind either way.