I have been wanting to experiment with the game in a solitaire mode, under a 24"x18" glass on one side of my office desk. I've taken photos with the light to one side, but stitching them together would be a pain - particularly as it is difficult to completely eliminate glare. I may try again once we finally have sunlight here. But I've asked through customer support if there is an electronic version of the game board. Fingers crossed. If they answer, I will post the info here. If there isn't a file they're willing to make public, does anyone else have a high resolution file of the map? I'm figuring the minimum size for a decent printout would be about 9900 x 6600 pixels. For a half size printout, the absolute lower limit for anything worth printing would be 7200 x 4800 (300 dpi). Preferably twice that.