Genesys Fantasy Talent Trees

By JimJamJahar, in Your Settings

I really missed the talent trees/specialisations as they were in Star Wars. Freeform talents are totally cool, but I think (especially for new players) they can lead to analysis paralysis and a lack of solid character identity. So, I have put together a series of specialisations that each have five talents of tiers 1 to 4 and three tier 5 talents. I like the talent pyramid, so there are no "talent X is required to unlock talent Y" links like there were in Star Wars.

Most of the talents are taken from Genesys Talents Expanded , with a few of my own creation in there. I have not playtested these to see if they are balanced, so anyone with a better understanding of game balance, feel free to suggest changes that might them tighter.

Obviously, these are merely guidelines. You can treat them entirely as 'suggested groupings' for characters going for a certain build.

If you have any feedback, please let me know. This is the first time I've done anything like this. Enjoy!


This is awesome!