I Have A Bad Feeling About This...As Usual (FFGs Lack of Support for Destiny)

By Batterskull, in Star Wars: Destiny

in regards to Keyforge, FFG does this with literally every game they release.

The two months its about to be released its EVERYWHERE. They did this even worse with RWM, and a month or so after it got released it basically died from silence and MASSIVE gap between announced new figures and them actually being released.

Locally i havnt heard a single person show interest in Keyforge, course then again SWDestiny is kinda sparse too so could just be cardgames in general, as even Magic is somewhat shallow showing by comparison to some places.

On 11/14/2018 at 2:06 PM, JohnGarrison1870 said:

Also it's odd that t hey're reprinting old starters (c onfirmed to me by an FFG sales rep; it's not a listing error) , despite them supposedly rotating out in a few months. A reprint is not a casual endeavor and I struggle to see how it makes sense unless they're doing it to help sell overstocked first cycle stuff. But perhaps it's an innocent restocking order and a relatively small reprint. Or maybe not.

The sales rep maybe mistaken as there is no way FFG is reprinting and possibly being stuck with so much excessive stock of starters that won't be tournament legal in a few months. Those are suppose to be out of print after all. If that reprint is correct, either that 3rd cycle won't be seen for a long time or won't be seen ever. Those 2 player starter sets were way over printed and you know they got stuck with too much stock on those and legacy booster boxes. Where I am at, Destiny isn't really selling either, so it wouldn't be surprising to me of they just did a small reprint of the original starter sets and let the game set for a long time and see if they clear stock. As of right now, new product is just going to complete with old product.

With that said, I still think the original starters getting a reprint is a confused sku. The next cycle should have gone through full development and been printing since they already said this game has a 6-9 month lead time. That means they would have made the decision to cut this game just when Legacies was coming out and the gaming was doing okay then. If they are moving this game forward as plan, that restock is a pretty big mistake that I just don't see them making.

It is certainly an indication of something, and speculation is all we can do since FFG won't tell us anything. What we do know is this game isn't anything near the success it seemed like it would have when it first came out and all the warning signs of a failed game are there. I do consider the 3rd cycle the card game equivalent of vaporware until seen even though it is hard to think that way. Denial on this point is easy since this game started off so hot and now looks dead in the water. It's just not believable, but there it is.

As I said earlier, I'm having a hard time with all these doom and gloom predictions, because Destiny is going really strong where I am. Two store tournaments per week, and I personally witnessed at least 15 booster boxes of Across the Galaxy being sold by a single store on the day it was released, including the one that I bought. I don't know why it's dead everywhere else, but it has a thriving community here, so I hope all of your predictions are wrong.

Games need a critical mass for them to have successful events. It isn't surprising for there to be a few pockets here and there where a core group of people and keeping the game going. Wish that was the case where I am at. Sadly that core group went back to magic. There are still pockets of people who play the old Decipher Star Wars CCG from 20 years ago. As long as people are still playing the game, it isn't truly dead.

Well miniature market is selling off the first cycle for 32 bucks a box...... Maybe that just means it is rotating?

Yes that means it is rotating. And I am looking forward to rotation as once it happens the OP cards we got in the first cycle that have distorted the game will be gone. And the errata released yesterday nerfs most of the potential NPE decks I think except for the "draw your whole deck" bit.

Now I do think especially with the ATG cards Mill has gone from unviable to overly powerful as you can make decks with the new Jyn and Cassian (for example) that border on non-interactive. Shades of the old Noise mill issue that ANR had for a bit. And until rotation we do have too much mitigation in the meta. But solutions for the first have yet to be revealed and for the second the solution is rotation.

7 hours ago, Mep said:

Well miniature market is selling off the first cycle for 32 bucks a box...... Maybe that just means it is rotating?

Thanks for pointing that out. Now I need to decide if I want to buy them. Because I mostly just play at store tournies, and I got into the game late, I've been avoiding spending too much on the earlier sets. But for only $32 per box this weekend, it's tempting to grab an Empire at War box in the hopes of getting Shoto and Ancient sabers.

If you want the older cards, not a bad way to get them. You could also just wait for rotation and pick up the singles you want. With magic no one sales off their remaining stock below half of wholesale, so I suspect this will be more like the normal pricing for these boxes going forward which will mean singles will take a huge hit too.

6 hours ago, Mep said:

If you want the older cards, not a bad way to get them. You could also just wait for rotation and pick up the singles you want. With magic no one sales off their remaining stock below half of wholesale, so I suspect this will be more like the normal pricing for these boxes going forward which will mean singles will take a huge hit too.

The whole point of buying them now would be so that I can use them in tournies for the next 2-3 months before they're rotated out. As I said, I mostly just play in store tournies, so once they're rotated out, I won't want them.

On 11/22/2018 at 10:03 PM, Fromper said:

The whole point of buying them now would be so that I can use them in tournies for the next 2-3 months before they're rotated out. As I said, I mostly just play in store tournies, so once they're rotated out, I won't want them.

There will likely still be Infinite events, at least at GQs. And hey, you could always try them at a local level too.