Found a place with AtMoM in stock

By evilidler, in CoC Trade Forum

So I got At the Mountains of Madness. Here's the link: javascript:void(0);/*1270910017772*/

They delivered quickly, and there are still some left in stock. The list of packs will say "3 days", but it did that when I ordered too. If you're desperate to get that pack, there's at least that place :)

Warning: European prices. Don't buy before converting to YOUR currency. Your wallet may vary.

So, did you receive an order from them? Is there any "UK" difference between the cards?

Yep, received and in good shape. Same cards as sold everywhere, American English as far as I can tell.

Really helped put me over the "oh crap, I can't build enough decks!" limit into "oh crap, I have too many cards!" territory :P

I also found Ancient Horrors through eBay, and there was nothing wrong with it. Look for sellers from New Jersey. (What's with that area, anyway? It's stuffed to the gills with online game stores!)

Ah, good!

It's the only Pack I'm missing, and I may as well be a completist. I had no idea the **** things would go out of print so fast. I almost wish I had kept my duplicates of the Packs for an "investment" given the way things are going if they aren't going to reprint things (which is unfortunate).

Buatha said:

Ah, good!

It's the only Pack I'm missing, and I may as well be a completist. I had no idea the **** things would go out of print so fast. I almost wish I had kept my duplicates of the Packs for an "investment" given the way things are going if they aren't going to reprint things (which is unfortunate).

Good thing they are being reprinted then. So nothing unfortunate to cry over.

Yeah, some reprints for W:I are even being listed as "in stores" on the Upcoming page now. Soon all you people blessed with patience can also top up your collections :)

What a day... Happily, I ordered one Mountains of Madness from the shop you mentioned. Then I went into a local comic shop and discovered that they had two lonely, old, forgotten APs in their store-room... and one of those was Mountains of Madness. Well, I guess two copies won't hurt...

Haha, I know the feeling :)

Just when I caved and ordered some Warhammer reprints from the US, my FLGS got the new supply in. Looks like LCGs are getting back into the stores these days. This will make the creation of new addicts so much easier.