L5R Core Rulebook Typos and Corrections

By GM81 Protocol Droid, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game

School chapter: In the gear kits, it shows up "yari (spear)", but "spear" isn't a thing. Yari is a polearm. Unless they mean it as an indication so people don't have to immediately go to the glossary to see what a yari is, in which case it's still weird because the gear kits list "naginata (polearm)".

The Yari of Air Invocation suffers from a similar problem: it constantly refers to 'spear' but there is no spear in the weapons list only the yari. I mean, the actual weapon is obvious from the name of the Invocation, but still...

Dollars to donuts at one point in development "spear" and "polearm" were different weapon groups.

after further investigation, I decide in my game to totally remove the "wait" action from skirmishes. written as is it is totally broken and only small fixes don't make it less abusable.

The most I could allow is basically a "delay" action, that allows you to act whenever you want after somebody else turn but then you adjust your initiative slot to that order for the next round. And if you don't act before the end of the turn, then you basically skipped your turn.

a "delay" action already allows for some wombo-combo with your buddies and I feel it is more than enough of a boon. the "wait" action is just broken on all levels.

Typo - inconsistent spacing of <opp><opp> throughout the Techniques chapter. Sometimes a space between them, sometimes not. (If they used a mac, it's an artifact of copy and paste)

5 hours ago, JBento said:

School chapter: In the gear kits, it shows up "yari (spear)", but "spear" isn't a thing. Yari is a polearm. Unless they mean it as an indication so people don't have to immediately go to the glossary to see what a yari is, in which case it's still weird because the gear kits list "naginata (polearm)".

5 hours ago, AtoMaki said:

The Yari of Air Invocation suffers from a similar problem: it constantly refers to 'spear' but there is no spear in the weapons list only the yari. I mean, the actual weapon is obvious from the name of the Invocation, but still...

It's just an explanation of what a yari is. We, on account of being in the L5R RPG forum, already know this, and probably many other weapons too. The average gamer will know a katana, possibly know a wakizashi and go "What's a Yari?". Note that wakizashi is generally shown as "wakizashi (short sword)". What's weird about saying "naginata (polearm)"?

It's not, except yari is ALSO a polearm which says "(spear)" instead. Sure, a spear is a specific type of polearm, but then why is naginata "(polearm)" instead of something more specific (I like katana-on-a-stick, myself)? It's not wrong, per se, it's just weird.

8 minutes ago, JBento said:

It's not, except yari is ALSO a polearm which says "(spear)" instead. Sure, a spear is a specific type of polearm, but then why is naginata "(polearm)" instead of something more specific (I like katana-on-a-stick, myself)? It's not wrong, per se, it's just weird.

I also raised a eyebrow to that, but once i read wakisashi(short sword) then i kinda let it go. what is on the weapon table is the category i take.

and I will Rushing Avalanche Kata everything with my Kiseru(wood pipe).

Can we please leave the discussion out of the errata thread?

In the Advantages section, Benten's Blessing describes two uses of its advantage as being social skills to charm someone, but it describes them as using the Air ring. The social approach for Charm is the Water ring, while Air is the Trick approach.

Typo: Chapter 2, p. 97, under Costs reads: "Each advancement types has an XP cost..."

Should read: "Each advancement type has an XP cost..."

Also Chapter 2, p. 97, under Restrictions and Prerequisites reads: "Additionally, techniques have prerequisites , special requirements to that a character has to meet..." (emphasis in original).

Should read: "Additionally, techniques have prerequisites , special requirements that a character has to meet..."

Not sure if it's a typo, but the order of technique listings :

Air --> Earth --> Fire --> Water --> Void (if applicable)

Kiho is the only one that starts with Earth.

talking about Kiho, in the kiho technique chapter, it says you cannot reactivate a kiho which you already have the enhancement effect going on.

but then it says you can cancel a Kiho at any time. So you could basically just cancel the kiho, and recast the same kiho right away, during your turn.

then.. whats the point of exactly of saying that you cannot reactivate a kiho which you already have the enhancement effect going on ? i don't see an instance where having a kiho active would benefit itself if you recast it.

Edited by Avatar111

Apparently, THAT was the section when they decided to make sure there was no technical reading-derived abuses. Take a look at Earth Needs No Eyes, and realise that, without that caveat, you could (very, very, very, very, VERY technically) just keep casting it for infinite Vigilance.

5 minutes ago, JBento said:

Apparently, THAT was the section when they decided to make sure there was no technical reading-derived abuses. Take a look at Earth Needs No Eyes, and realise that, without that caveat, you could (very, very, very, very, VERY technically) just keep casting it for infinite Vigilance.

dont have the book now, but if you keep casting it then the moment you cast (activate it) it cancel the previous effect you had. doesnt matter at all if it is the same kiho. or i dont understand why it would.

Just now, Avatar111 said:

dont have the book now, but if you keep casting it then the moment you cast (activate it) it cancel the previous effect you had. doesnt matter at all if it is the same kiho. or i dont understand why it would.

Except in this case, it would be the SAME effect (the enhancement of Earth Needs No Eyes). It would just... stack with itself. Except it won't, because they don't let you cast it while the enhancement is up.

As I said, THIS was apparently the part that someone decided they really needed to curb extreme technical readings of it, and not, say, Wait in Water stance, which you don't even need to be that technical at. Maybe different people proofread different parts of the book? I dunno.

Or maybe there's something I'm missing that makes that rule extremely important in some other case.

1 minute ago, JBento said:

Except in this case, it would be the SAME effect (the enhancement of Earth Needs No Eyes). It would just... stack with itself. Except it won't, because they don't let you cast it while the enhancement is up.

As I said, THIS was apparently the part that someone decided they really needed to curb extreme technical readings of it, and not, say, Wait in Water stance, which you don't even need to be that technical at. Maybe different people proofread different parts of the book? I dunno.

Or maybe there's something I'm missing that makes that rule extremely important in some other case.

yeah, i suppose. still, if casting/activating a kiho always cancel all previous effects of enhancements you had. but ok, its probably there for one or two edge cases I have not figured out yet.

btw, togashi monk looks extremely strong. read the kihos yesterday and it is pretty badass. some are even a bit scary strong like the "body is an anvil", and the one that dmg weapons/armor. you cast that every round you basically destroy any weapons you want just by having decent rolls.

On 10/21/2018 at 11:38 AM, AtoMaki said:

Again, it is not a condition. There is no rule against wielding a weapon in a non-existing grip because normally, you can choose only between the available grips.

And it is not as stupid as you think. Rising Blade is a stupid, but Crossing Blade has some good synergy with the naginata and can be very useful for a fluffy naginata duelist character.

If the kata were called Rising Blade and Crossing Blade, I would agree a naginata would be viable. However, their actual names are Iaijutsu: Rising Blade and Iaijutsu: Crossing Blade. Iaijutsu is specifically the art of drawing a sword and attacking in the same motion. It can not be done with anything other than a sword. Realistically, 98% of all iaijutsu techniques are performed solely with a katana. The wakizashi is really the only potential substitute. Honestly, even the no-dachi is incompatible with iaijutsu/iaido, and there is definitely no way you can perform iaijutsu with any type of polearm.

14 minutes ago, TalosX said:

If the kata were called Rising Blade and Crossing Blade, I would agree a naginata would be viable. However, their actual names are Iaijutsu: Rising Blade and Iaijutsu: Crossing Blade. Iaijutsu is specifically the art of drawing a sword and attacking in the same motion. It can not be done with anything other than a sword. Realistically, 98% of all iaijutsu techniques are performed solely with a katana. The wakizashi is really the only potential substitute. Honestly, even the no-dachi is incompatible with iaijutsu/iaido, and there is definitely no way you can perform iaijutsu with any type of polearm.

Sure there is. Get yourself a Razor-Edged bisento, either with luck at character creation or forging one.

5 minutes ago, JBento said:

Sure there is. Get yourself a Razor-Edged bisento, either with luck at character creation or forging one.

you're pushing it Bento! sure it "would work" but make it so all "iaijutsu" techniques can only be done with katana or wakisashi (and maybe knife) instead of "razor-edged". houserule it for logical reason! because why, why did somebody thought putting "razor-edged" as the requirement made sense.

Edited by Avatar111
2 minutes ago, JBento said:

Sure there is. Get yourself a Razor-Edged bisento, either with luck at character creation or forging one.

I can assure you, their is no such thing as an iaijutsu technique for a bisento. If you walked into an iaido dojo and said you wanted to learn using a bisento, they'll tell you to look into naginatajutsu (polearm martial arts).

1 minute ago, TalosX said:

I can assure you, their is no such thing as an iaijutsu technique for a bisento. If you walked into an iaido dojo and said you wanted to learn using a bisento, they'll tell you to look into naginatajutsu (polearm martial arts).

sure. I forgot to read the chapter about Iaido Dojos.

then why not just put iaijutsu technique requirement as katana or wakisashi instead of razor-edged ?

because right now, it sure does work with a scimitar too. and don't tell my unibro player that it doesnt!

4 minutes ago, TalosX said:

I can assure you, their is no such thing as an iaijutsu technique for a bisento. If you walked into an iaido dojo and said you wanted to learn using a bisento, they'll tell you to look into naginatajutsu (polearm martial arts).

I can assure you there IS such a thing for Iaijutsu technicques with Razor-Edged weapons, MAYBE provided they can be gripped in one hand because this book hasn't been proofread worth a ****. In fact, there's TWO such things, and they're right there in page 179.

Just now, Avatar111 said:

sure. I forgot to read the chapter about Iaido Dojos.

then why not just put iaijutsu technique requirement as katana or wakisashi instead of razor-edged ?

because right now, it sure does work with a scimitar too. and don't tell my unibro player that it doesnt!

Scimitars are a bit of a gray area. Iaijutsu/iaido were solely forms of Japanese swordsmanship. I suppose a scimitar could be wielded with iaijutsu techniques. The prime factor being drawing a sword from a sheath and striking in one motion.

8 minutes ago, JBento said:

I can assure you there IS such a thing for Iaijutsu technicques with Razor-Edged weapons, MAYBE provided they can be gripped in one hand because this book hasn't been proofread worth a ****. In fact, there's TWO such things, and they're right there in page 179.

In what way is "in a one-handed grip" unclear?