L5R Core Rulebook Typos and Corrections

By GM81 Protocol Droid, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game

8 hours ago, iJiminy said:

I believe that’s not a typo... All the invocations that appear in their curriculum are there due to privileged access. The Shrine Keepers are not true Shugenja so it’s in keeping with their fluff.

Welp--pretty sure you're 100% correct. Retracted!


skirmish initiative; "remember, characters can spend opportunities from this check to get additional information about their surroundings, or undertake small tasks such as readying weapons or diving for cover. see example on page 328"

-thing is, no where on page 328 they say you can spend opportunity(ies) to ready a weapon.

Page 265 & 326: Silhouette for dogs. They don't match. Small dogs on the table are Sil 0, in the sidebar for dogs, as Sil 1. Large dogs on the table are Sil 1, and in the sidebar, sil 2. The entry, on 326, while not labeled with Silhouette itself, is neither small nor large, as each has modifiers to the dog entry... and some real dogs get up over 100 lbs — Rottweilers, Temple Dogs (Fū), and Tibetans) into adult human mass, and thus should be size 2... This is not just a simple errata issue, but also a WTF moment, and one I remember mentioning in beta reports.

unconscious condition; you can spend a void point to "awaken" and defend against the attack.

but if you were already incapacitated before getting unconscious ? do you "awaken" to an incapacitated state ? i'm guessing so, because you still have more fatigue than endurance. then if so, I would say that if you spend 1 void point to awaken, if you still are eligible for the incapacitated condition, you suffer it. Thus, you would still be unable to defend against the damage (but wouldn't take the +10 crit severity) but then would go back to unconscious right away, basically saving you for 1 round.

if you were just sleeping, but full health, then spending a void point would fully awake you in top shape. I just think the rule is a bit weird if you were incapacitated and then unconscious and then spend a void point. It isn't clear what status you then end up at. I feel my interpretation is fair and logical.

Edited by Avatar111
2 hours ago, Avatar111 said:

unconscious condition; you can spend a void point to "  awaken" and defend against the attack.

but if you were already incapacitated before getting unconscious ? do you "awaken" to an incapacitated state ? i'm guessing so, because you still have more fatigue than endurance. then if so, I would say that if you spend 1 void point to awaken, if you still are eligible for the incapacitated condition, you suffer it. Thus, you would still be unable to defend against the damage (but wouldn't take the +10 crit severity) but then would go back to unconscious right away, basically saving you for 1 round.

if you were just sleeping, but full health, then spending a void point w  ould fully awake you in top shape. I just think the rule i  s a bit weird if you were incapacitated and then unconscious and then spend a void point. It isn't clear what status you then end up at. I feel my interpretation is fair and logical.

You are right. Its weird. I agree with your interpretation. Doesnt make much sense. Furthermore Incapacitated (which is a milder state) doesnt even let you do this.

One thing that irks me: in the Custom Advantages/Disadvantages section, the example is about a player asking for an Advantage that applies to Martial Arts (Unarmed) Skill Checks and the example says that this is too powerful. However , one of the given Disadvantages - Battle Trauma - does essentially the same thing but even worse because it applies to all Skill Checks made to strike a foe. So either the example is off or Battle Trauma should have a lesser effect because these two do not line up as of now.

2 minutes ago, AtoMaki said:

One thing that irks me: in the Custom Advantages/Disadvantages section, the example is about a player asking for an Advantage that applies to Martial Arts (Unarmed) Skill Checks and the example says that this is too powerful. However , one of the given Disadvantages - Battle Trauma - does essentially the same thing but even worse because it applies to all Skill Checks made to strike a foe. So either the example is off or Battle Trauma should have a lesser effect because these two do not line up as of now.

One is a disadvantage, one is an advantage?

Can't compare apples to oranges.

A disadvantage can be as bad as it can be if the player agree to take it.

But the opposite isnt true, because then abusers would take the most powerful advantages and less bad disadvantages.

1 minute ago, Avatar111 said:

But the opposite isnt true, because then abusers would take the most powerful advantages and less bad disadvantages.

Disads can be abused too now. Battle Trauma with a character who doesn't want to hit enemies can result in a powerful Void Battery setup where you strike and miss to regain Void Points then spend these Void Points to shuji your opponents into oblivion.

10 minutes ago, AtoMaki said:

Disads can be abused too now. Battle Trauma with a character who doesn't want to hit enemies can result in a powerful Void Battery setup where you strike and miss to regain Void Points then spend these Void Points to shuji your opponents into oblivion.

Maybe! But this is beyond my comprehension of the game yet. Obviously, hopefully, if it starts to get abused i would strife the player intensely everytime. And if its not enough. Would nerf it.

Another unclear issue;

Skirmish, the action "wait" is a support action.

Meaning that in water stance you could attack and then call a wait action to attack again. Which is obviously broken. So, the "wait" action should probably be attack/support/scheme action to make sure it isnt abusable with water stance.

Also, if you use wait action, do you perform your action AFTER the trigger? Or INTERRUPTING the trigger? I think it should be After, but then, wording isnt totally clear.

Also, does your initiative order gets readjusted to the moment you take the action? Or you keep your fast initiative basically potentially acting twice in a row?

I feel your initiative should get adjusted to where you took the action. I played other rpg with a "wait" action and I found it to be very abusable, especially if it interrupts actions and especially if it doesnt change your initiative order.

But im open to discussiom about it.

Edited by Avatar111

I honestly looked at Wait for the same reasons. Here's how it's PROBABLY intended to work:

Since you need to declare what action you'll take when you declare wait, your Wait ALSO has the types of that action. If the action involves a check, you can't use Wait as the Water bonus action at all.

As written, it occurs AFTER. "When action X occurs, I do Y" means X has to occur.

Your initiative stays the same. You MIGHT get acting twice in a row out of this (especially if the trigger doesn't come about), but you're already taking a big hit by not acting first this round already, so, eh.

1 hour ago, AtoMaki said:

One thing that irks me: in the Custom Advantages/Disadvantages section, the example is about a player asking for an Advantage that applies to Martial Arts (Unarmed) Skill Checks and the example says that this is too powerful. However , one of the given Disadvantages - Battle Trauma - does essentially the same thing but even worse because it applies to all Skill Checks made to strike a foe. So either the example is off or Battle Trauma should have a lesser effect because these two do not line up as of now.

Disadvantages have to be worse than advantages are good. I can take Disadvantages that I never or rarely ever am going to take to the face depending on my build, but I'm probably going to try to capitalise on any advantage.

1 minute ago, JBento said:

Disadvantages have to be worse than advantages are good. I can take Disadvantages that I never or rarely ever am going to take to the face depending on my build, but I'm probably going to try to capitalise on any advantage.

I would capitalize on my Diads too, especially since i can flip them with a Void Point I can easily regain with a good Anxiety.

Pg. 179, Coiling Serpent Style, the first use has Opp+, but there's no indication of what the + effects are. It's probably meant to pick more weapons, or, considering how ridiculously good the effect is, the effect might be missing a check there.

6 minutes ago, AtoMaki said:

I would capitalize on my Diads too, especially since i can flip them with a Void Point I can easily regain with a good Anxiety.

Flipping them requires explicit GM permission and you only flip them for one check, whereas your anxiety only gives you a VP once per scene. And if the Anxiety triggers before you flip and you happen to capped on VPs, not even that.

What happens if I Iaijutsu Cut with a naginata? It's Razor-Edged, so it can technically be used, but then you can't ready it in a 1-handed grip, so... bupkiss? It's probably missing "that you can grip with one hand" in the requirements.

15 minutes ago, JBento said:

Flipping them requires explicit GM permission and you only flip them for one check, whereas your anxiety only gives you a VP once per scene. And if the Anxiety triggers before you flip and you happen to capped on VPs, not even that.

That's why you capitalize on it!

i thought the point of that custom passion example was to showcase that dialog and communication trumped initial knee-jerk reaction of ''this is too good'' and the GM agrees its ok in the end?

This is starting to get off topic - if this particular discussion is to continue, I suggest making it a separate topic.

4 minutes ago, WHW said:

i thought the point of that custom passion example was to showcase that dialog and communication trumped initial knee-jerk reaction of ''this is too good'' and the GM agrees its ok in the end?

The "say no to Martial Advantages" thing is specifically mentioned again in the 'Keep In Mind...' section at the bottom of the page. So something is amiss either way.

24 minutes ago, JBento said:

What happens if I Iaijutsu Cut with a naginata? It's Razor-Edged, so it can technically be used, but then you can't ready it in a 1-handed grip, so... bupkiss? It's probably missing "that you can grip with one hand" in the requirements.

Not this again. (people trying to do this in the beta was a common) You cannot perform any of the current Iaijutsu Cut with weapons that can only be used with a two-handed grip.

Page 174 explains how things work. "...in a one-handed grip." is an Other Requirement preventing the first effect from occurring which prevents the second effect that starts with "If you succeed..."

3 minutes ago, Ultimatecalibur said:

Not this again. (people trying to do this in the beta was a common) You cannot perform any of the current Iaijutsu Cut with weapons that can only be used with a two-handed grip.

Page 174 explains how things work. "...in a one-handed grip." is an Other Requirement preventing the first effect from occurring which prevents the second effect that starts with "If you succeed..."

Except it's not. "Other Requirements" are things under the Activation part of the technique description, while "ready in a one-handed grip" shows up under Effects.

I mean, I agree that you can't Iaijutsu with a weapon that only has a 2-handed grip, but that's not what the technique SAYS.

2 minutes ago, JBento said:

Except it's not. "Other Requirements" are things under the Activation part of the technique description, while "ready in a one-handed grip" shows up under Effects.

I mean, I agree that you can't Iaijutsu with a weapon that only has a 2-handed grip, but that's not what the technique SAYS.

It still is. It is a requirement of that specific effect.

1 minute ago, Ultimatecalibur said:

It still is. It is a requirement of that specific effect.

"If you succeed" refers to the test (as an aside, note that you still ready, say, your katana even if you fail the test), not "if you succeed in readying the weapon". Readying the weapon is a thing the technique says happens, regardless of whatever.

3 minutes ago, JBento said:

"If you succeed" refers to the test (as an aside, note that you still ready, say, your katana even if you fail the test), not "if you succeed in readying the weapon". Readying the weapon is a thing the technique says happens, regardless of whatever.

but if you cannot ready a one-handed razoredged weapon, then it doesnt work. sure, it isn't written perfectly but at least its written logically. which is better than we can say for a lot of the rest of the book.

for iaijutsu cuts, i think it is clear you cannot do it with 2 handed weapons.