Arkham Horror 3rd? Why?

By gurpsgm, in Arkham Horror

Hey Fantasy Flight....

I have the 2nd Edition Core Game, and =all= of the expansions that go with it.

I've played this quite a few times with everything and the group and I usually enjoy it!

So, now, do we throw AH 2nd in the trash?

With all the expansions that's five large boxes ("Dunwitch Horror", "Kingsport Horror", "Innsmouth Horror", "Miskatonic Horror", and, of course, the Core Game)...

And four smaller boxes ("Curse of the Dark Pharaoh", "King in Yellow", "Black Goat of the Woods", and "Lurker at the Threshold")....

I don't even want to know how much this cost me all together....

What I =do= want to know is - is this worth my effort?

Seems like I put a lot of money, and, a lot of time into this....

Please tell me that I can at least update my current collection without spending another pile of money....


I'm not fantasy flight, but if you have a complete Arkham 2nd edition collection then congratulations, you have the definitive experience of a classic old school game that is still wonderfully playable, narrative and enjoyable in its own right. Since it's a good old fashioned cardboard game, without servers or other company specific resources required to run it, you can play that game until the components are no longer functional.

There isn't any "updating" from Arkham 2nd edition to Arkham 3rd. It's an entirely new game. If you don't own the LCG or Eldritch Horror I would argue it's definitely worth picking up and trying, since the experience has evolved a lot since 2nd edition. The game plays a lot faster, is narratively tighter, and less random. All those things are both good and bad, depending on what you're looking for.

I own a complete 2nd, and I'm not throwing anything in the trash. I also intend to buy this game after demoing it. When I have a whole day to set up a game, eat snacks around the table and make lame jokes about motorcycle riding, whiskey swigging nuns I'll set up 2nd edition. When I want to put a game together for an evening I'll set up 3rd.

Frankly it looks like a VERY different game except in flavor and theme. The rules of gameplay and the board have been entirely revamped, so your 2nd Ed is still perfectly viable as a board game. Up to you whether you want to replace it/get rid of it/whatever.

I see these arguments frequently, and I still don't get it. If a game is fully out and there are no more expansions coming, that doesn't mean it isn't worth playing or that it's 'dead.' It means that it is complete.

Why 3rd edition? The answer is pretty simple. People like the mythos and FFG had a new spin that they wanted to give a go. Now more than ever, with the card game being so successful, people are looking to other forms to experience the setting and characters that they've grown to love. Gaming has advanced, and FFG has learned a thing or two from its previous experiences, and people don't always want to sit down for 8 hours to play a game.

It sounds like you are pretty convinced that you don't need 3rd edition, so the simple solution is to not buy it, and continue to play 2nd edition. The differences in mechanics become pretty clear if you read the articles and do a bit of digging. If you're not interested enough to do that, then you probably are going to be disappointed anyway because in essence, yes, it is more of the same only experienced differently.

Edited by Soakman


I have AH 2nd, I have EH, I have AH lcg and I am gonna also get this AH3rd edition... But I still can play my old games if I want to! And both AH 2nd and EH have so much expansions, that it hurts to think all of them... Those game don't need anything more... Well compiled rules from all the expansions in one book... That I would like to buy. There are so many that it is very difficult to find the rule you are looking for. Hopefully 3rd edition will remain more clean... AH lcg is not too bad at this moment, so maybe this AH 3rd edition will also remain cleaner.

But all in all. All old games are playable as they are! I personally just want to get something a little bit faster to the gaming table from time to time. It is good to have options!

Back in the day, two wonderful games were invented (talking of more than "a few years ago"): Chess, and Go. People played those, and to this day they keep playing those, even if it's clear that they won't receive any expansion of sort. And there's new people starting in the hobby thanks to these games even today. I don't see hordes of players in a ludditic rage crashing Go servers, I don't see hordes of players in a cult-of-the-new crisis swarming the internet because they won't be seeing a few extra pieces for chess.

I get people pissed because they won't be able to pick 2nd edition (for a reasonable price at leas). I get people pissed because they are just missing that expansion for 2nd edition and they were promised a reprint by the Upcoming page. I don't get people pissed because they have a *complete* game and now they are making a new edition. Especially when new edition = a completely different game.

I'm a proud owner of 2nd edition, it's constantly played at my place, and I don't honestly care a dam_n a bout my stuff becoming outdated by 3rd edition.

On 10/5/2018 at 11:50 PM, gurpsgm said:

Hey Fantasy Flight....

I have the 2nd Edition Core Game, and =all= of the expansions that go with it.


So, now, do we throw AH 2nd in the trash?

3ed edition is different enough to have either or both, whichever you like. It doesn't obsolete 2ed in any way, other than FFG ceasing to reprint it. But that's only dictated by capricious gods of marketing, not for gameplay reasons.

Watching the online game plays, AH3 is significantly different from AH2 (and AH1 - I didn't throw that away when AH2 was issued). I'm not convinced that I like the mechanism of AH3, maybe I will buy AH3, maybe not. Since FF Games doesn't require a yearly subscription to play AH2 it didn't disappear from my game table and is still fun to play. I don't see a problem.
