Questions about Kyuzo

By ColonelCrow, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

I'm a big fan of the Kyuzo species from Forged in Battle . I like their crazy jumping around ability and I like their hats. I like the clovocs. Actually, I like pretty much everything about them.

Anyway, I've been noodling around with creating what I think of as a "classic" Kyuzo, one who starts play with both an Energy Bow and a War Shield, and as I work up the mechanics side of the character I've found I have some questions.

For context, I decided on the Soldier: Heavy Career/Specialization combo (that Burly talent is almost a requirement for the character I have in mind). I used the character's 90 experience points to take Agility to 4 and Brawn to 3, to purchase the Burly, Grit, and Toughened talents, and to purchase one rank in Perception. I took the -15 Duty hit (or +15 Obligation if playing the character in an Edge of the Empire context) to get a big old pile of credits, because the Bow and Shield together cost a big old pile of credits. In addition to those two weapons, I've so far purchased padded armor, a utility belt, and load-bearing gear. So that's where I am so far.

My questions are these:

(1) About that bow. The narrative description of it says that it is "[d]esigned to be fired from a mount or a mobile platform." Normally, I would sort of expect that to mean it can't be used by a character as a "normal" Ranged (Heavy) weapon, but there's nothing in the mechanical description of the item to indicate that it can't be. It doesn't even have the Prepare or Slow-Firing qualities. So, can it be used as a normal Ranged (Heavy) weapon? Presumably requiring two free hands?

(2) About that shield. In the narrative description (and on screen, as in the Clone Wars episode "Bounty Hunters"), the shield is clearly capable of being worn as a helmet. But there's nothing in the mechanics (or the rules in general, as far as I know) that describes the utility of helmets. It's described, instead, as a melee weapon with the Defensive and Deflection qualities. Do you think a character should be allowed to wear the shield as a helmet and benefit from those two qualities? Does it make a difference that he is wielding his bow in both hands (I'm assuming that the "massive" bows preclude wearing the shield strapped to one arm)?

1) Sounds like it's just meant to be used on the go, like how samurai were renown horseback archers.

2) I would only allow the defensive qualities when being held on you arm, not while worn on your head. Also, they're large shields, not buckles. You'd be hard pressed to use the arm for much of anything else, when using it as a shield.

Thanks, Enjeryuu! I think most people would probably rule with you on point two, but I think I'd allow the two defensive qualities to be active when it's being worn as a helmet, personally. I'm basing that on the way the Kyuzo bounty hunter Embo is shown using his to deflect incoming blaster fire while wearing it in that Clone Wars episode I mentioned. I also wonder if they're really "large shields" (though yes, they're certainly bigger than bucklers). They're light enough to be worn as helmets and to be thrown into the Short range band, after all (and they can even bounce back!). Allowing the defensive qualities doesn't seem any wilder or weirder to me than the Kyuzo's ability to jump to anyplace within Medium range for a couple of Strain. Cinematic! Big action!

All that said, yep, see your point(s).

5 minutes ago, ColonelCrow said:

Thanks, Enjeryuu! I think most people would probably rule with you on point two, but I think I'd allow the two defensive qualities to be active when it's being worn as a helmet, personally. I'm basing that on the way the Kyuzo bounty hunter Embo is shown using his to deflect incoming blaster fire while wearing it in that Clone Wars episode I mentioned. I also wonder if they're really "large shields" (though yes, they're certainly bigger than bucklers). They're light enough to be worn as helmets and to be thrown into the Short range band, after all (and they can even bounce back!). Allowing the defensive qualities doesn't seem any wilder or weirder to me than the Kyuzo's ability to jump to anyplace within Medium range for a couple of Strain. Cinematic! Big action!

All that said, yep, see your point(s).

I would suggest you ask the developers here :

7 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I would suggest you ask the developers here :

Thanks! I just did exactly that.