Black - Rings to Print

By Maffster, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

I made black versions of the rings that I made before
Haven't got them printed yet but i kinda like how they look
I was mentioned that the other versions that the yellow didn't stand out enough

Original post here Colour / White Rings

Multicoloured Ring Sets for Multiplayer HERE,!


Edited by Maffster

I know you mentioned it somewhere that the colour choices were pulled from a source book somewhere, but i can't help but think it may look better with the Air Ring as yellow and the Earth Ring as green.

3 hours ago, Schmoozies said:

Although that Fire ring is also Brown which seems a bit odd.

Yeah, though its a little reddish.

9 minutes ago, Mirith said:

Yeah, though its a little reddish.

i guess could be sort of dried blood reddish. Does that mean all Fire spells are Maho spells now?

10 hours ago, Schmoozies said:

I know you mentioned it somewhere that the colour choices were pulled from a source book somewhere, but i can't help but think it may look better with the Air Ring as yellow and the Earth Ring as green.

The post I mentioned said air comes from nature thus is green

And yellow represents the earth of China


Yeah these definitely pop just right. Very easy to distinguish the elements against that black background.

And just in time. Got my extra copies of coresets today.