So I ran 1E at a con...

By AK_Aramis, in Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game 30th Anniversary Edition

Was at JustAGameCon ( — 2x per year, Corvallis, OR, USA) and ran the 1E...

Had repeat players from last time. Wanted to share some highlights...

I sent them to deal with a mining crawler (equipped with 6-pack of TIE fighters - the lame early ones)...

So, during a dogfight, the Failed Jedi orders R5-2KL to get right up on it. The R5 succeeds... so the Jedi forceleaps across, and cuts his way in.

They later grab some locals, and tie themselves and locals to the tie to "sneak in"... they succeed. Then take the crawler by force. And they also convince Imperial Sector HQ not to continue surveying here.

I am impressed by the caliber of players. Jonah was an absolute hoot with the way he played the failed jedi.

I'll be running another at the next JAGC